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Unit 1 GCSE ICT January 2015 Paper help.

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1 Unit 1 GCSE ICT January 2015 Paper help

2 Question 1 DTP (Desk Top publishing)
Features skills include bullet points, etc. If referring to bold or italics then you must state bold font or italic font.

3 Question 2 Tablets – photography, gis
Use the table to help answer a number of the questions. More megapixels = greater quality image = larger file size. Gis = geographical information system = similar to gps. Picks up your current location, used in satellite navigation and a variety of apps on mobile phones including find my phone, social networking, etc.

4 Question 3 biometrics for registration
Uses parts of the body to identify individuals (e.g. thumb print, eye(retina scan)) Adv - Immediate, cannot forget (e.g. swipe cards), other pupils cannot use for you Disadv – expense, privacy issue, time to collect data to start system

5 Question 4 Booking online (Cinema)
Part a – common sense – think of additional information that is required. Verification – checks by humans to ensure data is accurate (e.g. double entry(passwords, ) and proof reading work. Validation – rules checked by your program to ensure data entered is sensible (eg correct format, >5, input mask, etc. Adv – 24/7 access, read reviews, specify seat, save travel time (must explain how), save travel cost (must expand how)

6 Question 5 database question
Primary key = key field = unique identifier Sort ascending = A-Z, Descending = Z-A Data types, number, YES/NO, Date/Time, Currency, Text, Security = passwords, firewalls, encryption, anti-virus Validation checks = presence check, type check (correct data type), range check, format check, date

7 Question 6 ICT in education
We will cover this topic on your return after Easter. You may complete using the mark scheme.

8 Question 7 Spreadsheet Cell address – e.g. a5
Ab$olute cell referencing Standard formulae including IF functions have been covered in your controlled assignment recently.

9 Question 8 Home Entertainment
Additional uses of mobile phone!! Text, etc. Download 24/7, reviews online, preview track, price comparison sites. Virus, illegal download, security issues (hacking, etc.)

10 Question 9 Weather Temperature sensor (not Heat) Light sensor
Sunshine hours Humidity Rainfall sensor Wind speed Wind direction Using icons / graphics / weather symbols Video / animations / simulations / games Text / messages about the weather Numbers Maps / satellite Graphs / charts Collected at exactly correct time / collected accurately Data can be collected from remote and dangerous places Data can be recorded accurately Data can be transmitted by radio/satellite communication Monitor 24/7 / Humans don’t need to be there / Data collected / updated automatically Can process large amounts of data

11 Question 10 Email – Essay question
Advantages/Features (e.g. group , attachments, speed of delivery, cost, etc. Misuse (Phishing, cyberbullying, virus, SPAM, hacking) Prevention (Anti-virus, firewall, passwords, SPAM filter, report abusive s, do not open)

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