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How did this happen to the rock?

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1 How did this happen to the rock?
Weathering How did this happen to the rock?

2 Weathering is the breakdown of rocks by water, frost and temperature change. Rocks can also be broken down by the effects of plants and animals. There are three kinds of weathering; physical, chemical and biological. They can all go on together. Erosion is the wearing away of rock and its removal by streams, ice, waves and wind. Erosion, transportation and deposition help shape the land.

3 Physical Weathering – freeze-thaw
You may have heard of the saying, “hard as rocks”. Most rocks are hard, but despite this they can be broken by just a small amount of water getting into cracks in the rock. As this freeze–thaw process is repeated and cracks spread through the rock. Eventually small pieces of rock (called scree) break off altogether. This is because as water freezes it expands. This creates powerful forces that can enlarge the cracks.


5 Physical Weathering – exfoliation
Freeze thaw is not the only cause of weathering. In places with large daily changes in temperature (e.g. deserts) expansion and contraction of the rock itself occurs. The surface gets the hottest and so expands the most. This may cause it to “peel off.” Additionally, some rocks contain crystals that expand by very different amounts. This too can cause cracks.


7 Biological Weathering – plants and lichens
Plant roots can get into tiny cracks and can physically open them up further. In addition, decaying plant roots also produce acid which can chemically eat away at the rock. Plant roots can cause cracks in rocks Similarly lichens produce acids which weather the rocks upon which the lichens are growing. pH 8 7 6 5 4 3


9 Chemical Weathering – Carbonation
There are also acids in the rain that can chemically eat away at rocks – especially rocks consisting of metal carbonates (such as chalk, limestone and marble). Firstly, there is carbon dioxide gas which dissolves in rain to form weak carbonic acid. This very slowly eats away at certain rocks. Secondly, there are nitrogen and sulphur oxides which produce much more acidic rain that can rapidly chemically dissolve the rocks.



12 What type of weathering
What type of weathering? Look at the following photos and see if you can identify Which type of Weathering?







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