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Presentation on theme: "THE THIRD REFERENCE PERIOD (RP3) & EMERGING CHALENGES"— Presentation transcript:


2 PERFORMANCE AREAS (RP2) (2015-2019 Inclusive)
SAFETY: KPIs in EoSM, RAT, Just Culture and P.I.s on SMIs, R.I., Oc.Rep. etc.) ENVIRONMENT: KPI, actual trajectory compared to Great circle & P.I.s at TMAs) CAPACITY: KPIs, based on ATFM delays at ATC & TMA.// P.I.s at TMA ). COST EFFICIENCY: KPIs DUC for en route & Terminal air navig. services

3 RP3 and new Challenges New ATM/ANS environment will be a reality before or during RP3 (2020 – 2025 inclusive). Data – Link communications. Operation: 2020 (Reg. 29/2009 as amended by 2015/310) PCP & ATM functionalities (Reg. 716/2014) : Extended AMAN & PBN in High Density TMAs; Airport Integration and Throughput; Flexible ASM & Free Route; Network Collaborative Management; Initial SWIM; Initial Trajectory Information Sharing.

4 ATM functionalities’ time table

5 The Emerging CNS Systems
Innovative solutions expected from Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) and Avionics (CNS+A) to fulfil the identified requirements. CNS+A = CNS systems (Ground + Airborne +satellite ones) with various levels of automation. The underlying CNS+A concepts are: Performance-Based Communication, Navigation, Surveillance (PBC/ PBN/ PBS), enabling CNS Performance-Based operations (PBO). Four Dimensional (4D) Trajectory Based Operations PBO enabled by System Wide Information Management (SWIM) Etc. 16th Australian Aerospace Congress, February 2015, Melbourne

6 ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan and ATM Concept
PBN cannot be safely and successfully implemented without due consideration of the COM & ATS/SURV infrastructure available” (para ICAO PBN doc 9613). Airspace Concept Communication Navigation Surveillance Air Traffic Management PBN PBS PBC RCP RSP PBN is only the navigation component of CNS/ATM and should not be viewed as the only component. It cannot be safely and successfully implemented without due consideration of the communication and ATS surveillance infrastructure available” (para ICAO PBN doc 9613). RNP

7 Required Communications Performance (RCP)
The RCP: performance requirements for operational communication, independent of technologies used. RCP: number of seconds for an instruction to travel from the ground to A/F and the acknowledgement back to the ground. Does it matter? Yes, the lower the number the tighter the airspace an A/F allowed to fly.

8 The RCP types (Doc 9869)

9 RCP parameters (Definitions)
Communication transaction time - The maximum time for completion of an operational communication transaction.  Continuity - The probability that a communication transaction can be completed within the communication transaction time.  Availability - The probability that an operational commun. transaction can be initiated when needed.  Integrity - The probability that communication transactions are completed within the communication transaction time with undetected error.

10 Examples for RCP types RCP 10: supporting 5nm separation.
RCP 60: routine Data-Link Comms RCP 120: 15 nm radius separation environment.  RCP /30 separation environment.  RCP where separations are greater than 30/30 and alternative technologies are in place e.g., Iridium voice or HF data link in lieu of HF voice.

11 Example of RSP Types

12 Required Communication Performance (RCP)

. Level 2 . The actual air navigation system performance refers to the performance as measured by the collection of indicators. Level 3 The air navigation system offers improved services in the areas of i.e safety, capacity and environment. The concept of required total system performance (RTSP) can be applied at this level. Level 4 . Requirements at system level (e.g. airborne systems) to achieve a level of service would be considered (e.g. RNP). Level 5: Improvements in technology can impact the performance of multiple systems based upon common technology.

14 New KPAs in RP3 The above diagram will be applied in RP3, the following KPAs could be considered: KPA_Changes & IOP: How the Changes are treated? Provisions for IOP (Systems & procedures). KPA_PBN: Degree of Navigation Accuracy-Reliability. KPA_Security: protection from threats to new systems affecting aircraft, people or installations on the ground.

15 KPA - Changes & IOP Changes & IOP, K.P.I.: Referred to fully compliance with requirements of Reg. 552/04 & Relevant Standards. Changes_P.I.1 Timely move to new systems (SESAR or according to ANSP Investments program), adoption of procedures ensuring IOP with older/ neighbors . Degree of creation of “homogenous area” at FAB level (App B of ICAO_D 9854). “homogenous area” is the “airspace with a common ATM interest similar traffic density, complexity, ANS infrastructure requirements …..wherein a common detailed plan will foster the implementation of interoperable CNS/ATM systems.

16 P.Is for KPA_ Changes & IOP: (for airports mentioned in Reg.716/2014)
Other P.I.s could be defined for the new functionalities. (As per Regulation (EU) 716/2014). IOP_P.I.1: for procedures for Successful parallel operation of data-link and voice (including transition SATVOICE – SATCOM). IOP_P.I.2: for procedures in Aiports selected to use AMAN - DMAN and PBN with the corresponding APPs and ACCs. IOP_P.I.3: for procedures (AMAN-DMAN_PBN) of the above Airports and those of Time based Operation for final Approach.

17 KPA - PBN KPI RCP FAB Level target (i.e. RCP 60)
KPI RSP FAB Level, Target (i.e. RSP 180) KPI RNP FAB Level, Target (i.e RNP 30) KPI PBN FAB Level according to above. PBN is also going to be affected by the assurance of accuracy of other data provided by Data and AIS providers. Note: PI_Impact on ENV & CAPACITY AREAS?

18 P.Is for KPA_PBN RNP_P.I.1: Accuracy of actual trajectory according to RNP type (i.e. RNP4). RNP_P.I.2: Referred to decided RCP type and its availability, integrity, continuity and transaction time. RNP_P.I.3: Referred to decided RSP type and its availability, integrity, continuity and transaction time. RNP_P.I.4: Referred to the extend the RASP(required air navigation system performance) has been affected by the above Indicators.

KPI_SEC.: Effectiveness of Security management system. SEC-P.I.1: In ATM/ANS ratio AT/TN (successfully aborted threats by the whole number of attacks over a year. (highest score=1). SEC-P.I.2: Security Risk mitigation. Number of risks over a year, being identified and mitigated before effect. SEC-P.I.3: Reporting, further assessment and internal dissemination of security events over a year.



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