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Welcome to Thomas M. Ryan Intermediate Curriculum Night

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Thomas M. Ryan Intermediate Curriculum Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Thomas M. Ryan Intermediate Curriculum Night
August 28, 2013

2 Parent Support Priorities Backpack Regular attendance Arrive on-time
Follow drop-off/pick-up procedures Backpack Check daily Important info, agenda, and homework

3 Parent Support Medications Stay involved
Must be processed in the office Stay involved Communication PTO Volunteer

4 TEAM Ryan Expectations
Treat Others with Kindness and Respect Excellent Attitude Act Responsibly Make Safe Choices

5 Communication Website Two-way Home Folders Publications (web, too)
District Classroom Two-way Voic Home Folders Monday Folders (Green) Page to sign Publications (web, too) District Communicator Ryan Rap Classroom Newsletter

6 Curriculum Research-based Writer’s Workshop BCAMSC Science Units
Reading - Open Court Math – Math Expressions Writer’s Workshop Lucy Calkins BCAMSC Science Units Calhoun County ISD Social Studies Specials Art Music Physical Education Spanish Computer Lab

7 Curriculum in 4th Grade Math –Numbers and Operations in Base Ten, Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Fractions, Geometry, Measurement, Problem Solving Science – Organisms in their Environment, Energy Transfer, States of Matter, View from Earth Social Studies –Michigan History (Statehood to Present), U.S. Regions (Geography), Government/Civics, Economics ELA – Fluency, Comprehension (Strategies/Skills), Vocabulary Development, Spelling, Writing

8 K-5 Homework Policy Purpose
Develop initiative, responsibility, self-direction, and organizational skills. Extend learning and/or provide practice in applying concepts initially presented in the classroom. Provide opportunities for independent work and/or study. Strengthen concept attainment, skill development and reinforcement.

9 K-5 Homework Policy Time Allotment in Minutes
K and 1st ≤ 10 2nd ≤ 20 Grade Level x 10 Minutes = Allotment Approximate Times Include Reading Math facts Consideration for child’s pace

STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES PARENT RESPONSIBILITIES Assignments given have been clearly explained in the classroom. Students will fully understand when the assignment is due. Homework will be checked for its quality and completion. Homework will not be graded unless the teacher has clearly stated so to the students. Teachers will communicate to parents about missing or incomplete assignments as needed. Be aware of assignments and seek further explanation if needed. Record assignments in agenda. Organize his/her time to work on assignments. Turn assignments in on time. Work reflects high standards regarding quality and completeness. Finish any work not completed in class. Parents are encouraged to take an active interest in the student’s homework by doing the following: Provide a study area that is quiet, comfortable, and free from major disturbances. Provide a definite time for study or other home activities. Monitor the child’s daily agenda. Arrange with the school to secure assignments during a period of absence. Encourage the child to complete homework on their own as much as possible and assist only as needed.

11 Grade Reports 4 - Exceeds Expectations (Advanced)
3 - Meets Expectations (Proficient) 2 - Improvement Needed (Basic) 1 - Experiencing Difficulty (Unsatisfactory) N - Not Introduced Keep in mind: Many standards are introduced in the early term May not reach proficiency or exceed proficiency on those standards until later in the school year.

12 District Assessments Three times per year By Unit of Instruction
DIBELS / DAZE / STAR Delta Math Standards Based Report Cards Writing Assessment By Unit of Instruction Open Court Reading & Math Expressions BCAMSC Science RTI (Response to Intervention) CAT (Collaborative Action Team)

13 Special Services Title I & II School Social Worker School Psychologist
Math Reading Special Education Speech School Counselor School Social Worker School Psychologist School Nurse ExCel - Explorations in Critical Thinking to Enhance Learning

14 Daily Schedule Bus drop off 8:35 am
Ryan start time 8:45 am (Doors open at 8:35) Math (8:45-9:50) Reading/Spelling with Mrs. Howe (9:50-10:50) Science (Mrs. Howe) or Social Studies (10:50-11:50) Writing (11:50-12:30) Recess/Lunch (12:30-1:30) Specials (1:30-2:30) Agendas/Jobs/Read aloud (2:30-2:45) TEAM Time (2:45-3:35) Ryan dismissal / Parent Pick up 3:40 pm.

15 Classroom Economy Smart Piggy Bank -- Students earn money each week for doing their job as a student (attendance, participation, classroom job, etc.). Students can earn “bonus money” (Fill out a deposit slip.) by getting their agenda signed each evening, returning their signed Monday Folder, applying for an Extra Leader Role, etc. Students can lose “money” (Fill out a withdrawal slip.) for not being prepared in class, talking out of turn, having late/missing homework, receiving a minor/major slip, etc. Students may spend their money (Ex. Lunch Bunch, extra computer time, use of comfy chairs, chew gum in class, etc.) or choose to save it in the bank and earn more interest.

16 Classroom Supply List Extra pencils Colored pencils
1 or 2 boxes of tissues Markers, yellow highlighter, sticky notes, glue stick, scissors, pen (*optional) Small handheld pencil sharpener (with lid to catch shavings) (*optional) Please choose an apple cut-out if you would like to donate an item to our classroom. Thank you in advance! 

17 First Day of School Healthy snack Lunch money/sack lunch
Sturdy backpack (No wheels please) Water bottle (with secure top) Students should be sure to get a good night’s rest. They will engage in many activities to get to know their classmates as well as classroom expectations and procedures during the first week.

18 Contact Info Individual Classroom Communication s, notes, phone calls, agenda Phone with extension ( x2527) Teacher Website (

19 Additional Information
Specials Schedule Monday – Art Tuesday – Computers/Library Wednesday – Music/PE Thursday – Spanish Friday – PE/Music **Leave gym shoes in lockers. Bring Art shirt, if desired. We have recess every day….dress appropriately. A Monday Folder will go home each week with newsletters, student work, information from the office, etc. Agenda –Please review class assignments/homework and then sign each evening. Classroom Volunteers – Be looking for more information coming soon.

20 Questions Thank you for coming!

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