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Crowd Modelling & Simulation

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1 Crowd Modelling & Simulation
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hazlina BINTI selamat NURULAQILLA BINTI KHAMIS Centre for artificial intelligence and robotics (cairo)

2 Presentation Outline Introduction About Crowd Modelling
Mathematical Representation Agent Motivational Force to Move Simulation of Agent Motivational Force to Move Agent Repulsion Force with the Other Agents Simulation of Agent Repulsion Force with the Other Agents Agent Repulsion Force with the Obstacle Simulation of Agent Repulsion Force with the Obstacle Evading the Other Agents from Ahead Simulation of Agent Evade the Other Agents Dijkstra Algorithm Simulation Model Possible applications in Robotics Research Conclusions

3 Where does it normally happen?
Introduction Crowd definition Large number of people gathered together Where does it normally happen? Entertainment event, sporting event, religious event etc Consequences Different types of self-organized behaviours produced

4 About Crowd Modelling Importance by develop crowd model?
What is crowd modelling? A simulation process to simulate human activities and movement flow Importance by develop crowd model? 1. Alternative ways to predict crowd flow 2. Experiment with real human (not practical) Application of crowd model Assessing professional person (i.e architect, designers, safety engineers) for their design facilities

5 Mathematical Representation
1. Agent motivational force to move Direction, mass, desired speed and actual speed 2. Agent repulsion force with the other agent Field of View (FoV), repulsion boundary and safe distance 3. Agent repulsion force with the obstacle Field of View (FoV) and repulsion boundary 4. Evading the other agents from ahead Evading to the left or right Agent motivational force to move Direction, mass, desired speed and actual speed 2. Agent repulsion force with the other agent Field of View (FoV) and repulsion boundary Agent repulsion force with the obstacle Agent to evade the other agents from ahead - Evading to the left or right

6 Agent motivational force to move
Based on “Newton Second Law” and summation of forces represent in Eq. (1) – (2) Eq. (3) represent mathematical model used in representing agent movement Eq. (1) Eq. (2) Eq. (3)

7 Simulation of agent motivational force

8 Agent repulsion force with the other agent
To represent agent repulsion force, magnetic force model applied in this work as represent in Eq. (4) Including physical characteristics : (a) distance to repulse (b) FoV Eq. (4) (a) From top view (b) From top view

9 Simulation of agent repulse with the other agent

10 Agent repulsion force with the obstacle
For agent repulsion force with the obstacle, by using magnetic force model represented in Eq. (5) Including physical characteristics : (a) distance to repulse (b) FoV Eq. (5) (a) Distance to repulse and FoV

11 Simulation of agent repulse with the obstacle

12 Evading the other agents from ahead
Agent can handle movement in bi-directional flow using agent heading angle to evade to the left or the right By using concept of angle heading difference & vector rotation as represented in Figure 1 and Eq. (6) Figure 1 : angle heading difference --- Eq. (6)

13 Simulation of agent evade the other agents

14 Dijkstra Algorithm The aim of this feature is to guide an agent in selecting the shortest route towards its target destination Algorithm adopted in the agent model Based on node’s exploration in the simulation environment Simulation environment is segmented into a grid of size “n x n” , pre-defined by the user Simulation video shows the agent movement by searching optimal path to move towards their target destination in a complex environment

15 Simulation including “Dijkstra Algorithm”

16 Simulation Model Generates collective types of self-organized behaviours in agent movement under normal situation such as : Lane formation in a bi-directional movement Counter flow at the intersection Movement under complex environment Integration with path finding feature to select optimal path to move towards target destination Crowd under emergency situation Overcrowding at exit door Produce self-organized behaviours such as arching and clogging Validation with real data (crowd data) Simulation model and analysis Real data Simulation data Data analysis (i.e emergency, time taken to evacuate etc)

17 Simulation Model (Cont.)
Simulation model interface using 3D engine & 2D analysis using Matlab

18 Simulation Model (Cont.)
Crowd movement view 1 LANE FORMATION BEHAVIOUR Crowd movement view 2

19 Simulation Model (Cont.)
Crowd movement view 1 in 2D COUNTER FLOW AT INTERSECTION Crowd movement view 2 in 3D

20 Simulation Model (Cont.)

21 Simulation Model (Cont.)
Crowd movement view 1 in 2D EMERGENCY AT 1 EXIT (DOOR) Crowd movement view 2 in 3D

22 Simulation Model (Cont.)

23 Possible Application in Robotics Research
Application of mobile robots avoiding obstacle in a similar manner as human. Moveable obstacles in crowd modelling by using mobile robots.

24 Conclusions Develop a tool that have a potential to minimize congestion and avoid overcrowding in the environment This simulation tool is suitable for analysis in building management services for security and safety purposes.

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