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Copyright and Creative Commons: How to Find the “Free” Stuff!

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1 Copyright and Creative Commons: How to Find the “Free” Stuff!
Stevie Rocco Materials developed with Michelle Lentz

2 Scales Of Justice / vaXzine / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
We're talking about a lot of stuff that borders on legal. Just keep in mind, we are NOT lawyers, but we've just developed experience with this stuff for the same reasons you want to know more.  From flickr user vaXzine, CC Scales Of Justice / vaXzine / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 I am not a lawyer

3 The World Has Changed Start with some context. The world has changed.
Licensed via CC from flickr user David Reece Time for Change / David Daniels / The World Has Changed

4 Creative Commons Share-Alike Courtesy David Wiley
Then vs. Now Analog Digital Tethered Mobile Isolated Connected Analog to digital; tethered to mobile; isolated to connected—but connected in different ways than we ever have before. How many people know Facebook, LinkedIn, Plaxo, or Twitter? Participate in same? Does your company/org have a Facebook page? Just one, or more than one? How many of you “like” and follow the Facebook page of your org? Generic (the curriculum) to personal (informal and personalized learning) Consumption (traditional lecture model, information delivery) to creational (problem-based learning, constructivism) Closed (transaction of assignments occurs in class only, training is a one-time event) to Open (blogs, wikis, publication in the open of learner artifacts, learning that continues outside the traditional training room) Generic Personal Consumption Creating Closed Open Creative Commons Share-Alike Courtesy David Wiley

5 Is Free the Future? Advantage to designers is now “the cloud;” ability to utilize things for free that were not free previously. But “free” presupposes “ability to use.” Yet, does it? Image Credits: Free Signs / Damon Styer / Free Wi-Fi sign / Dana Spiegel / free-sign-by-klabustra-on-flickr / Gustavo Martinez / Free Cash sign / Howard Lake / "Free" Signs / Damon Styer /

6 Non-Lawyer’s Guide to Copyright
You go to the web and find a picture that would be perfect for your Web site. You’re going to use it to illustrate a concept your college covers. Can you use it? You put pictures of your vacation on your Facebook page, but you didn’t put a copyright statement on them. Can someone else use them for a book they’re publishing? You are teaching class for the first time online, and want to show the clip of a movie. The movie itself is one you bought, and it isn’t copy protected. You will only be showing it to students registered for your class, and it’s really the only movie clip that will reasonably illustrate your concept. From flickr user kagey_b, CC Polling Station / Stuart Boreham / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Non-Lawyer’s Guide to Copyright Quick Copyright Quiz

7 fuzzy copyright / Nancy Sims / CC BY-NC 2.0
Copyright says you own the work and people have to get your permission (and sometimes pay you, if you ask them to) to use it. Problem with copyright is the length of it. If the work was created after 1978, then the term is live of the author + 70 years. If it’s anonymous or published under a pseudonym, or a work made for hire, the term is 95 years from date of first publication or 120 years from time of creation. Works created prior to 1978 are even more complicated. From flickr user PugnoM, CC fuzzy copyright / Nancy Sims / CC BY-NC 2.0 What is copyright?

8 Fair Use! / Jason Schultz / CC BY-NC 2.0
Many cite Fair Use and Teach Act to utilize materials in their classes. But “educational purposes” doesn’t equate to blanket permission. Fair Use: The copyright principle based on the belief that the public is entitled to freely use portions of copyrighted materials for purposes of commentary/criticism/parody. Teach Act: The Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act attempted to clarify the terms under which accredited, nonprofit U.S. educational institutions may use copyright-protected materials for organized instructional activities that may not be face-to-face. Fair Use! / Jason Schultz / CC BY-NC 2.0

9 …and this is commentary, so I’m good.
Copyright’s Problem

10 question mark ? / LEOL30 / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
From flickr  user LWR, CC question mark ? / LEOL30 / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Now what? Public domain GNU licensing Creative Commons

11 Public Domain REALLY free and open
Include “most” U.S. Government materials Wikimedia Commons Other options include things released into the public domain, which include some government reports and images from U.S. government websites. Be judicious in your assessment of these, however; some agencies contract with private companies to create reports, which in some cases may be the property of the company producing the report. Always check the copyright statement in such reports if there is one. See the list on the resources page for more of these.

12 GNU Licensing Specific to software Sourceforge Eduforge

13 Creative Commons What is it?
Copyright was created long before the emergence of the Internet, and can make it hard to legally perform actions we take for granted on the network: copy, paste, edit source, and post to the Web. Copyright says we need permission to do all of that, whether you’re an artist, teacher, scientist, librarian, policymaker, or just a regular user. Creative Commons knew there were people who wanted to freely share their work and other people who wanted to use it. The Copyright office said “We don’t cover that, so go make it up!” So they did. Creative Commons provides a set of copyright licenses and tools that provide a balance inside the traditional “All Rights Reserved”. CC licenses are available in human speak, legal speak, and computer speak. Derived from Get Creative / Creative / CC BY-NC-SA 1.0 Creative Commons What is it?

14 Creative Commons Licenses
From Creative comics Creative Commons offers 6 different types of licenses. Read all about them, as well as license your own work, at CC licenses are non-revocable. You can change your mind, but you can’t take back the license someone is already using. Exist in addition to and on top of copyright. “Hey, it’s mine, but you can use it with some ground rules.” REMIX, SHAREALIKE, ATTRIBUTION (Then with NONCOMMERCIAL.) Creative Commons Licenses Work found at / CC BY 3.0

15 Attribution (by)
Attribution (by)

16 Attribution + No Derivatives (by-nd)

17 Attribution + Sharealike (by-sa)

18 Attribution + Non-Commercial (by-nc)

19 Attribution + Non-Commercial + No Derivs (by-nc-nd)

20 Attribution + Non-Commercial + Sharealike (by-nc-sa)

21 This is a good place to show the CC-mixer app that shows what licenses mix with what.
Put the link on here. Mixing it Up Which licenses can be used together?

22 Polling Station / Stuart Boreham / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
From flickr user kagey_b, CC POLL When can non-commercial be used? For internal training at a for-profit company, when no profit is made from the training On your blog, which also uses Google AdWords You give a presentation to others from which you make no money Polling Station / Stuart Boreham / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Poll!

23 Non-Commercial If you’re unsure:
Contact the copyright holder for permission Search for works under a more permissive license Works cannot be primarily intended for commercial gain Commercial test for Fair Use: Does it impinge on the copyright owner’s ability to profit from the item? Creative Commons Non-Commercial Use Study and links debating the uses of the NC license: That was sort of a trick question. The answer is open for debate. As long as your work is not primarily intended for commercial gain, you should be okay. “What does and doesn't constitute commercial use is not easy to answer. If you are unsure then you should contact the copyright holder for permission.  Alternatively, you could search for works under a more permissive license.   The license states that the use cannot be "primarily intended" for commercial gain, but what that phrase means is open to debate. Commercial Test for Fair Use: Does it impinge on the copyright owner’s ability to profit from the item?

24 Polling Station / Stuart Boreham / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
From flickr user kagey_b, CC POLL When can non-commercial be used? For internal training at a for-profit company, when no profit is made from the training On your blog, which also uses Google AdWords You give a presentation to others from which you make no money Polling Station / Stuart Boreham / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Poll!

25 Tracy Microsoft Clipart

26 Google Image Search DON’T DO IT!!! POLL
From flickr user kagey_b, CC POLL When can non-commercial be used? For internal training at a for-profit company, when no profit is made from the training On your blog, which also uses Google AdWords You give a presentation to others from which you make no money Google Image Search DON’T DO IT!!!

27 Images and Graphics Flickr
Photos, occasional illustrations, 30-sec videos Images and Graphics Flickr

28 Images and Graphics Flickr: Advanced Search
Photos, occasional illustrations, 30-sec videos Images and Graphics Flickr: Advanced Search

29 Images and Graphics Flickr’s The Commons
“No known copyright restrictions” - Participating institutions may have various reasons for determining that "no known copyright restrictions" exist, such as: - The copyright is in the public domain because it has expired; - The copyright was injected into the public domain for other reasons, such as failure to adhere to required formalities or conditions; - The institution owns the copyright but is not interested in exercising control; or - The institution has legal rights sufficient to authorize others to use the work without restrictions. Images and Graphics Flickr’s The Commons No known copyright restrictions

30 Images and Graphics MorgueFile
“No known copyright restrictions” - Participating institutions may have various reasons for determining that "no known copyright restrictions" exist, such as: - The copyright is in the public domain because it has expired; - The copyright was injected into the public domain for other reasons, such as failure to adhere to required formalities or conditions; - The institution owns the copyright but is not interested in exercising control; or - The institution has legal rights sufficient to authorize others to use the work without restrictions. Images and Graphics MorgueFile Commercial, remix, and no attribution

31 Creative Commons Search
CC Search Searches across sites

32 Images and Graphics Wikimedia Commons
photos, technical illustrations Images and Graphics Wikimedia Commons

33 Film Roll 1 / Travis Rigel Lukas Hornung / CC BY 2.0
Image from Travis Hornung via CC: Is this slide for all of the ones listed below (in separate slides), or just Vimeo? Film Roll 1 / Travis Rigel Lukas Hornung / CC BY 2.0 Video and Media AV Geeks Archive: Wikimedia Commons: Vimeo:

34 YouTube

35 Acoustic Guitar / oneilkwangwanh / CC BY-SA 2.0
From Flickr user oneilkwangwanh, CC Acoustic Guitar / oneilkwangwanh / CC BY-SA 2.0 Audio and Sound Jamendo: Free Sound: Vimeo Music Store:

36 From Flickr user oneilkwangwanh, CC
Machine-readable citations for creative-commons licensed content ( Open Attribute

37 question mark ? / LEOL30 / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
From flickr  user LWR, CC question mark ? / LEOL30 / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Questions?

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