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Radical Open Access Conference - Latin America social sciences open access experience and perspective Dominique Babini, CLACSO .

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Presentation on theme: "Radical Open Access Conference - Latin America social sciences open access experience and perspective Dominique Babini, CLACSO ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Radical Open Access Conference - Latin America social sciences open access experience and perspective Dominique Babini, CLACSO .

2 in this presentation CLACSO- Latin American Council of Social Sciences experience with open access CLACSO´s vision of a non-commercial global open access ecosystem Latin America´s non-commercial open access tradition The risk of open access being integrated into existing commercial publishing

3 CLACSO – social sciences network
since 1967 Membership: 382 social science institutions in 22 countries of Latin America and Caribbean Promotes and supports collaborative research: researchers participating in CLACSO´s 50 regional research groups dialogue of research with policies and social movements among former members of CLACSO: 20 ministers in the region, Evo Morales/García Linera (president, vice-president Bolivia), F.Henrique Cardoso (former president Brazil), Ricardo Lagos (former president Chile), Danilo Astori (former vice-president Uruguay)

4 CLACSO´s journey of 15 years in open access
Promotion of open access initiatives, debates and policies 400 journals published in CLACSO´s member institutes today, 70% are in OA cooperative social science digital repository monthly downloads of full-texts editorial catalog: books 99% in OA

5 CLACSO´s bookstore: books can be downloaded for free from the digital repository, and you can purchase print-on-demand version

6 850.000 monthly full-text downloads
CLACSO´s social science cooperative repository: monthly full-text downloads

7 CLACSO´s social sciences digital repository
contents: full-texts in open access Mainly books+book chapters (44%) and articles (25% with Redalyc)

8 No fees to read No fees to publish
CLACSO´s vision of a global non-commercial open access managed by the scholarly community as a commons No fees to read No fees to publish

9 secure basic open access (no fee for users, no fee for publishing)
Research output in shared interoperable open access digital repositories institutional national regional international thematic journal repositories (70% journals do not charge APC´s) payed value-added services by repositories, overlay journals, megajournals, epijournals, publishers, data portals, peer-review services, impact services, etc.

10 Latin American social sciences context
links between social science research and policies in Latin America are strong research and publishing is mainly government-funded scholarly publishing not outsourced to commercial publishers open access managed by the scholarly community in local/regional venues with no APCs / BPCs: Open access journal portals Open access repositories Institutional subject

11 Where social sciences are published eg
Where social sciences are published eg. : 414 full-time social science researchers CONICET Argentina (period ) Sociology: 83% articles are published in journals within the region, 90% of books published within the country Political science: 80% articles published in journals within the region, 84% of books published within the country Economics: 68% articles published in journals within the region, 82% of books published within the country

12 global/local tension in social science publishing and evaluation systems
local/regional conversations International conversations Publishing in Spanish/Portuguese in local/regional journals+books Larger local/regional visibility and access Reduced international visibility Negative impact on evaluation Publishing in English in international journals Reduced local/regional visibility and access Larger international visibility Rewarded when evaluated Most used alternative: publish in local/regional journals with title/abstract /kewords in local + English language High cost alternative: publish in both local/English language

13 social science open access publishing in Latin America
open access journals journal website + national portals + regional portals repositories (institutional + national + regional + subject) Open access national policies mandate OA in repositories (national legislation approved in Peru, Argentina, Mexico; still in Congress in Brazil and Venzuela)

14 OA managed in Latin America by the scholarly community sharing costs, with no APC´s/BPC´s
now faces trends of international open access being integrated into commercial publishing

15 Opening Science to Meet Future Challenges, 11 March 2014, Warsaw
we have to make an ongoing series of decisions all of the time… we have to think about who is being included and who is being excluded……. ….. what seems open to us today, we have to ask ourselves …will this seem open tomorrow? John Willinsky Opening Science to Meet Future Challenges, 11 March 2014, Warsaw

16 Thank you!!!! Dominique Babini – CLACSO, Open Access Program
University of Buenos Aires/IIGG – Open Access research @dominiquebabini

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