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Exporting Data from PowerSchool

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1 Exporting Data from PowerSchool
Quick Export – Used to produce a quick and simple export of student data/information for currently selected students. List Students – Prints a quick list of currently selected students. Templates for Exporting – Export student information using a saved, readily available template.

2 Selecting Students and Fields
Two Key Components for Student Exports Field Selections A list of student fields is available by clicking View Field List. Currently Selected Group Alphabet Grade Gender All Stored Searches

3 Using Quick Export Select a group of students. (Note: Once selected you can use the whole group or just specific students by using Select By Hand) Select the Quick Export function Populate text box with desired student fields, one field per line. Click the Fields link to select fields or type field names in by hand. Check Column titles on 1st row (Optional) Tip: Copy and paste your frequent exports into a Word document (to paste in when needed)

4 Activity 1: Quick Export
On the Start Page, search for and select a group of students. From the group functions menu, choose Quick Export. Using Fields, export the following information (use the Filter box to assist, as needed): Student last name, first name Grade Birthday Disability Code Hispanic Classification Race Code

5 Using List Students Select a group of students. (Note: Once selected you can use the whole group or just specific students by using Select By Hand) From Select Function, select List Students. Name Report (Report Title). Selected desired Fields and assign Column Titles. Select Sort Fields, if desired. Click Submit to view list of data on screen; check the Export box and click Submit to export data to spreadsheet.

6 Activity 2: List Students
On the Start Page, search for and select a group of students. From the group functions menu, choose List Students. Give the report a Title. Select 5 Fields to export and give each a Column Title. Under Other Options, check the box for Gridlines. Under Optional: Sort Field Name, input one of the Field Names as your sorting option. Click Submit. Go back. Under Other Options, select Export. Click Submit.

7 Export Using Templates
Select a group of students. (Note: Once selected you can use the whole group or just specific students by using Select By Hand) Under Functions, select Special Functions Select Importing and Exporting Select Export Using Template Select Type of Export Select the Export Template Submit

8 Building an Export Template
Under Functions, select Special Functions Select Importing and Exporting Templates for Exporting Type of Export New Set up template parameters - primarily Name, Table, and Column Titles

9 Building an Export Template
Return to Templates for Exporting and select the zero under Columns to enter template fields Select New to build template columns

10 Building an Export Template
Define Column Title/Heading Field to Export What to export if field is blank (optional) Column Number (unless entering columns in order)

11 Activity 3: Create an Export Template
On the Start Page, click Special Functions > Importing and Exporting > Templates for Exporting Click New to create a new export template. Enter the name Student Schedules, followed by the number assigned to you. From the menu, choose Student Schedules. Check Put column titles on first row. Use the default values for the other options, and click Submit. Find the template with your name, and click 0 under #Columns. Create a column for each field by clicking New and entering two items for each column: column heading and the data to be exported (see below).

12 If the data is from a table other than the CC (student schedules) table, specify the table name or table number with closed brackets: []. Click Submit. Title/Heading Data to Export Student [Students]lastfirst Term [Terms]name Period Expression Course # course_number Course Name [Course]course_name Teacher Name [Teachers]lastfirst Room # [Sections]room

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