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Σχέδια Κινητικότητας Τριτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης

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Presentation on theme: "Σχέδια Κινητικότητας Τριτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης"— Presentation transcript:

1 Σχέδια Κινητικότητας Τριτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης
Υποβολή αίτησης Σχέδια Κινητικότητας Τριτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης Δράση 103 και 107 Μαρία Χατζηγεωργίου Συντονίστρια Βασικής Δράσης 1 και Επικοινωνίας

2 How to navigate on our website
Calls for proposals Information on the Actions How to apply section Management of Approved Projects Contact the NA staff eTools

3 Application Form Application online via eForm. Two-stage pre-registration Register on EULogin (former ECAS) Log-in to the Participant Portal and register your organisation on the Unique Registration Facility (URF) to get a Participant Idenfification Code (PIC) Save the form on computer and then open it. You cannot open it from the browser. Use PIC when completing the eForm. For more information on the steps visit our website. If for any reason you re-submit your application, only the latter application will be considered. In this case, you need to close and reopen your document to re-activate the submit button.

4 URF Documents Legal Entity Form Financial Identification form
Documents for Financial Capacity Check

5 Deadline Application to be submitted online by
1pm CY time on 2nd February 2017 ΚΑ103 and KA107

6 Who can apply in KA1 - HE Individual HEI: HEIs established in CY (Programme Country) and awarded with an ECHE National mobility consortium: coordinator only from CY (Programme Country) awarded with a higher education consortium accreditation + 2 other CY HEIs holders of ECHE. Organisations that do not hold a valid consortium accreditation can apply for this accreditation on behalf of a Mobility Consortium at the time of applying for a mobility project. All the involved HEIs from Programme countries must hold a valid ECHE.

7 Activities and duration for Ss
study period abroad at a cooperating HEI: 3-12 months a traineeship (work placement) abroad in an enterprise or any other relevant workplace: 2-12 months (not for KA107) OR a combination of activities Notes: Students can go for mobility up to 12 months per cycle of studies in multiple mobility activities Previous participation (LLP) is cumulated In one-cycle study programmes, such as Medicine, students can be mobile for up to 24 months

8 Activities and duration for Staff
teaching periods: teaching staff or staff from enterprises to teach at a cooperating HEI abroad. training periods: for the professional development of HEI teaching and non-teaching staff in the form of training events abroad (excluding conferences) and job shadowing/observation periods/training at a partner HEI, or at another relevant organisation abroad. OR a combination of activities From 2 days (5 days for KA107) to 2 months, excluding travel time. In mobility between Programme Countries, the minimum 2 days must be consecutive. In all cases, a teaching activity has to comprise a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week (or any shorter period of stay). If the mobility lasts longer than one week, the minimum number of teaching hours for an incomplete week should be proportional to the duration of that week.

9 Financial support for mobility
Organisational support Individual support Travel Online linguistic support Special needs support

10 Mobility Projects between Programme Countries KA103

11 Who can participate in KA103 activities
STUDENTS 2nd-year Students registered in a Programme Country HEI can go for studies – OUTGOING 1st -year Students registered in a Programme Country HEI can go for training – OUTGOING Recent graduates for traineeship. Recent graduates must be selected by their HEI during their last year of study, and must carry out and complete their traineeship abroad within one year of their graduation – OUTGOING

12 Who can participate in KA103 activities
STAFF Staff for teaching: staff working in a Programme HEI – OUTGOING Staff from enterprises working in any Programme Country public or private organisation active in the labour market or in the fields of education, training and youth (including employed doctoral candidates) that has been invited to teach at a HEI in a Programme Country. INCOMING Staff mobility for training: staff working in a Programme HEI – OUTGOING

13 Project duration Project start date is always the 1st of June 2017
16 or 24 months Depending on the selected duration the end-date of the project will be determined Identification CY01

14 Starting with the application
Check validity of data - if any of the details shown is incorrect, login to the Participant Portal to correct all details Selection of Type of Organisation. We need it for statistical purposes Consortium – YES/NO the answer to that question will affect the following questions

15 Contact people Max 3 contact people out of which one must be appointed as the contact person to delegate and manage the licences for the Online Linguistic Support Service CEDEX field is for French organisations

16 Main Activities on application form
Section D – main activities All of the mobilities should be in one application Select activity type and then add the cumulative figures for all participants – number of applicants and duration

17 Student Mobility Example
If you want to send 20 students for 6 months each and 5 students for 3.5 months each the duration would be calculated as follows: 20 students x 6 months = 120 months 5 students x 3.5 months = 17.5 months(17 months+15 extra days) 20 students + 5 students = 25 total number of participants = months (137 months and 15 extra days) ONE MONTH = 30 days

18 Staff Mobility Example
If you want to send 2 staff members for 15 days each and 3 staff members for 39 days each the duration would be calculated as follows: 2 staff members x 15 days = 30 days 3 staff members x 39 days = 117 days 30 days days = 147 days 2 + 3 = 5 participants Tip! Don’t forget to include the travel days for staff

19 Activities on applications
The layout of each type of activity is different regarding students (in months) and staff (more in days) Based on the estimated number of participants, the request for organisational support is calculated (provided to cover the expenses of IROs) In this number, all outgoing students and staff are calculated, but also incoming staff from enterprises.

20 Online Linguistic Support
For all mobility activities between Programme Countries lasting two months or longer. Available to selected students, with a view to assess their competence in the language they will use to study or carry out their traineeships abroad and to improve the knowledge of the language before and/or during the mobility period.

21 Online Linguistic Support
Participants with a level of at least B2 in the main language of instruction or work may choose or not to follow an OLS course in the language of the receiving country, if available. The provision of linguistic support shall be based on mutual trust between sending and receiving institutions. The recommended level of language competence is stated in the Inter-institutional agreements and the Learning agreements, and thus agreed upon.

22 Annexes to the application form
Declaration of honour (mandatory) Mandates (only in the case of a consortium)

23 Useful information Eligibility criteria for the action
Checklist on the application form itself Programme Guide

24 Assessment There is no qualitative assessment (quality assessed at ECHE stage or when selecting a national mobility consortium) Any eligible grant application will get funding. The maximum grant amount awarded will depend on a number of elements: the number of mob. periods and months/days applied for; the past performance of the applicant in terms of number of mobility periods realised, good quality in the implementation of activities and sound financial management, in case the applicant has received a similar grant in previous years; the total national budget allocated for the mobility Action.

25 Mobility Projects between Programme and Partner Countries
KA107 …also known as International Credit Mobility

26 What is International Credit Mobility
Follows the same principles as KA103 but has its own budget There is emphasis on inbound mobility (rules for certain categories encourage inbound over outbound mobility) HEIs are free to apply for 100% staff mobility or 100% student mobility or anything in between.

27 Partner Countries Countries which are outside Europe
They cannot apply for funding – they are only partners Partner Countries are split into different regions and each region has a different budget. Any of these countries are eligible to participate in your applications apart from region 5 and 12 (as presented on p of the Programme Guide. Region 9 is possible to participate from this year on

28 Which HEIs can apply/participate?
At least two participating organisations from different countries. One in a Programme Country (i.e. the Cyprus HEI as applicant) and one in a Partner Country – which can only be a partner. A HEI from a Programme Country can only submit one application form for KA107. However, HEIs can also apply for KA107 as part of a consortium, in which case it is the responsibility of the HEI to prevent double funding of the same mobility.

29 Who can participate in activities in KA107
2nd-year students registered in a Programme Country HEI can go for studies – OUTGOING 2nd-year students registered in a Partner Country HEI can come for studies – INCOMING Staff for teaching or training: staff working in a Programme Country HEI – OUTGOING Staff for teaching or training: staff working in a Partner Country HEI – INCOMING

30 HEIs in Partner Countries
Do not need to hold the Erasmus Charter for HE. However, a special inter-institutional agreement has been developed that embeds the principles of the ECHE The PIC is not mandatory at application stage but it is essential before any mobility takes place because you will need that PIC number to access other tools such as the Mobility Tool

31 Allocation of budget within the Action
Partner countries have been separated into envelopes, which come under different instruments. There is no restriction as to how many envelopes you can apply for but you can only submit only one application form – so all countries must be detailed in that one application form  For 2017 there will only be one Call

32 Further Division into envelopes/regions
5 different funding instruments with different budget: Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) IPA Western Balkans European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) ENI Eastern Partnership, ENI South-Mediterranean, ENI Russian Federation Development Co-operation Instrument (DCI) DCI Asia, DCI Central Asia, DCI Latin America, DCI Middle East, DCI South Africa Partnership Instrument (PI) PI Industrialised Americas, PI Industrialised Asia European Development Fund (EDF) EDF African, Caribbean and Pacific states

33 Restrictions The EU has set a number of targets regarding geographical balance and priorities that have to be attained at European level over the whole duration of the programme. The targets do not have to be attained by individual higher education institutions, but NAs will take these targets into account in order to allocate the available budget. (Pr. Guide p. 40) HEIs are encouraged to work with partners in the poorest and least developed Partner Countries

34 Secondary Criteria Where the budget envelope for a particular Partner Region or Country is limited, a NA may choose to add one or more secondary criteria. For the case of CY these are the following: For regions with total available funding of less than Euros, the eligible mobility is only for STAFF activities and that should be of maximum duration of 10 DAYS. For Regions with total available budget between and Euros, the eligible duration for the mobility of students should be up to 6 MONTHS and for STAFF that should be up to 10 DAYS.

35 Available budget per Region
Instrument/Region (€) 2017 No. of mobilities ENI-SOUTH Partnership 111,218 28 ENI-EAST Partnership 84,006 21 Russia 52,695 13 DCI-Asia 73,105 18 DCI-Central Asia 20,565 5 DCI Middle East 10124 3 DCI-Latin America 23,774 6 DCI-South Africa 6,657 2 EDF-African, Caribbean and Pacific states 23,048 IPA – Western Balkans 95,921 24 PI-USA Canada 23,799 PI-Asia industrialised, Australia, New Zealand 25,251 Total 550,164 135

36 Eligible mobilities for DCI and EDF budgets
Inbound mobility Incoming students and staff without any restrictions Outbound mobility Outgoing third cycle (PhD candidates) or staff are eligible  Students mobility at short, first (Bachelors) or second (Masters) cycle is ineligible

37 Budget Budget has not been absorbed for the following envelopes in previous Calls: ENI-EAST Partnership DCI-Central Asia DCI-South Africa EDF-African, Caribbean and Pacific states IPA – Western Balkans  HEIs are encouraged to apply for funding in these envelopes as well.

38 Overview of the application form
Start date is 1st of June Duration: 16 or 26 months Depending on the duration chosen, the end date of the project will automatically be populated. CY01 to be selected for NA CEDEX is only for French organisations PIC is mandatory only for applicant organisation – not HEIs in Partner Countries

39 Mobilities are input based on distance
You need to select whether it is incoming or outgoing By selecting that, the section incoming or outgoing country will be automatically populated, if you do not insert your PIC prior to this section, that would not be possible Distance Calculator is to be used – Not google maps etc for the distances Duration – cumulative for all the participants Don’t forget to add the travel days – especially for staff (+ 1 /2 if applicable)

40 Annexes to the application
Declaration of Honour Mandates – mandatory only for consortia

41 Evaluation Procedure Eligibility criteria Exclusion criteria
Quality assessment Selection criteria Financial Capacity Operational Capacity Double funding check

42 Quality Questions Questions against which your application form will be assessed in terms of quality. For each country that you have added in the previous sections, a different set of quality questions will appear. Each Partner Country will be assessed on a separate basis

43 Award Criteria

44 Useful Documents Programme guide
The EC’s FAQs on applying for ICM for HEIs The EC’s FAQ for Higher Education Students and Staff Dos and Don'ts on applying The ECs Technical Guidelines The assessors guide

45 Ευχαριστώ για την προσοχή σας!

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