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The making of pottery is one of the oldest crafts originated by man.

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2 The making of pottery is one of the oldest crafts originated by man.
Almost all ancient cultures had discovered and refined their own methods for creating pottery to meet their own particular requirements. Pottery as vital for transport and storage of food and water. It was one of the first fundamental tools crucial for advancing ancient civilizations .

3 Most early pottery was made using either of two methods
Slab Built or Coil Built, the pots in this photo were made using the Coil method. They are over 2,000 years old and still survive.

4 These are examples of early Native American pottery
These are examples of early Native American pottery.Each tribe perfected their own unique design.

5 The slab method of pottery construction is used in these pieces.

6 The COIL method of construction is used in these pieces.

7 The next innovation in ceramics was the potter’s wheel.

8 The Potter’s Wheel It is not known when the potter's wheel first came into use, but dates between about 8000 BC to about 1400 BC have been suggested. By the end of the Neolithic period, the use of the potter's wheel had become widespread. Pottery could now be made in greater numbers with the aid of a machine, a first step towards world industrialization. The little limestone statuette of an ancient Egyptian potter was made about 2000 BC. It helps us to see how the potter's wheel evolved from a simple turntable pulled round with the hand. The technique was at first just a faster method of coiling. Village potters still use this method in some parts of the world.

9 The earliest records of the potter's trade and in particular the development of the wheel can be seen in the records and pictures made by the Egyptians from about 2500 BC. down to Roman times. Below are scenes which illustrate the essentials of the potters craft in ancient Egypt. These line drawings are based on wall paintings in Egyptian tombs. Two potters using turntables; one seems to be removing small bowl with a string, while the other is smoothing the rim of a vase Preparing clay – kneading the clay with the feet. Carrying the fired pots away in pairs of wicker baskets, using a wooden yoke across the shoulders to spread the heavy weight. Taking pots from the kiln. One man is handing pots to another. Notice the implication of the hot atmosphere: they are wearing little or no clothes.

10 Differences East and West
In China and Japan it is was usual for the potter to sit at or near ground level, not on a raised seat as in the West. Sometimes, controlling the speed of the wheel was the job of an assistant. From the Indian continent to the Far Eastern World a distinctive variation of the potter's wheel developed. The heavy flywheel itself was often the throwing table. Sometimes as shown here balanced on a fine point with the weight carefully distributed. Instead of kicking the wheel it was speeded up using a rod or stick.

11 Inexplicably the Eastern potter has traditionally turned his wheel clockwise whilst Western potter usually turns his anti clockwise! Image: Shoji Hamada at work. NO ONE KNOWS WHY.. the Eastern potter has traditionally turned his wheel clockwise while Western potter usually turns his counter clockwise! Clockwise moving left to right Shoji Hamada at work. Counter Clockwise moving right to left

12 What are the drying stages of clay?
plastic (easily workable clay) This is the stage the clay is in when it is shipped and when bag is first opened.

13 Leather-hard At this stage, the clay is still visibly damp but has dried enough to be able to be handled without deformation. The clay is able to be gouged or incised without breaking, but will not receive impressions.

14 Bone Dry or Greenware (completely dry, no longer workable)

15 Bisque Clay that has been fired in a kiln but is still porous)

16 After the bisque firing, glaze is applied to the bisqueware to be fired again in the glaze firing

17 Kiln technology is very old
Kiln technology is very old. The development of the kiln from a simple earthen trench filled with pots and fuel to modern methods happened in stages.

18 A kiln is a thermally insulated chamber, or oven, in which a controlled temperature regime is produced

19 Clay can be manipulated to create an incredible variety of objects.


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