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Excretory System Collects waste produced by the cells and removes it from the body - called Excretion.

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Presentation on theme: "Excretory System Collects waste produced by the cells and removes it from the body - called Excretion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Excretory System Collects waste produced by the cells and removes it from the body - called Excretion

2 I. Function (Job) of the Excretory (also called Urinary) System
Removes waste products from your blood. Blood travels through body and collects all the wastes products produced by body’s cells. If cells in your body do not get rid of their waste they will be poisoned! Ex. Blood is like a supply train that comes into town to drop off supplies (oxygen) and takes away garbage. Blood gets rid of the waste it collects in the kidneys. Excretion: Collecting wastes produced by the cells and removing them from the body.

3 Questions What is excretion?__________________
2. Explain the blood’s role in the urinary system. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 Questions What is excretion? Removal of waste products from the blood.
2. Explain the blood’s role in the urinary system. Blood is like a supply train it drops off supplies (oxygen) and takes away garbage.

5 ll. Excretory System subsystems and the components that work together to support the system:
Collecting the Waste A. Blood - brings wastes from the cells to the kidneys B. Kidneys Pair of bean-shaped organs that constantly clean the blood. Filters about 2000 liters of blood each day. Blood cycles thru kidneys about 350 times a day! Nephrons -1 million microscopic filters found in kidneys Remove harmful substances from body- a substance they remove is urea Excess water, urea, and other waste materials are eliminated in a watery fluid nephrons produce called urine.

6 ll. Excretory System subsystems and the components that work together to support the system:
2. Removing the Wastes A. Ureters 1. Two narrow tubes that leave the kidneys. 2. Carry the urine to the bladder. B. Urinary Bladder 1. Sack-like muscular organ that store urine. 2. When your bladder is full and the walls are stretched you feel a need to urinate. C. Urethra 1. Small tube that allows urine to flow out of the body.

7 Questions What are the subsystems of the excretory system? List 2 components of each. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain what would happen if one of the components in the excretory system stopped working. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

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