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Reviewed By- Dr Vijay Agarwal Dr Chander Mohan Bhagat Dr Lallu Joseph

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Presentation on theme: "Reviewed By- Dr Vijay Agarwal Dr Chander Mohan Bhagat Dr Lallu Joseph"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reviewed By- Dr Vijay Agarwal Dr Chander Mohan Bhagat Dr Lallu Joseph
STANDARD PRECAUTIONS (Presented By : Ms Samatha Vadrevu, Ms Pooja Ajith, Ms Jayasree Sukumaran, Dr Renu Chauhan, Dr BL Jain, Dr G.Subramanian Reviewed By- Dr Vijay Agarwal Dr Chander Mohan Bhagat Dr Lallu Joseph

Standard Precautions in the Hospital includes: Hand Hygiene Respiratory Hygiene and cough etiquette Personal protective equipment (PPE) Prevention of Needle stick injuries from other sharp instruments Environment Cleaning Linens Waste Disposals Patient care equipment

3 Hand Hygiene: Hands are the most common vehicle of
PRESENTATION ON STANDARD PRECAUTIONS Hand Hygiene: Hands are the most common vehicle of transmission of organisms “HAND HYGIENE” has been recognized as the single most important way to prevent the transmission of infectious agents

4 Before: After: Specific Indications for Hand Hygiene Patient contact
PRESENTATION ON STANDARD PRECAUTIONS Specific Indications for Hand Hygiene Before: Patient contact Donning gloves when inserting a CVC Inserting urinary catheters, peripheral vascular catheters, or other invasive devices that don’t require surgery After: Contact with a patient’s skin Contact with body fluids or excretions, non-intact skin, wound dressings



7 Respiratory Hygiene and cough etiquette
PRESENTATION ON STANDARD PRECAUTIONS Respiratory Hygiene and cough etiquette Anyone with signs and symptoms of a respiratory infection, regardless of the cause, should follow or be instructed to follow respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette as follows: Cover the nose/mouth with disposable single-use tissues when coughing, sneezing, wiping and blowing noses Use tissues to contain respiratory secretions Dispose of tissues in the nearest waste receptacle or bin after use If no tissues are available, cough or sneeze into the inner elbow rather than the hand Practice hand hygiene after contact with respiratory secretions and contaminated objects/materials Keep contaminated hands away from the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose

8 Use carefully – don’t spread contamination
PRESENTATION ON STANDARD PRECAUTIONS Personal protective equipment (PPE) Key Points About PPE: Don before contact with the patient, generally before entering the room Use carefully – don’t spread contamination Remove and discard carefully, either at the doorway or immediately outside patient room; remove respirator outside room Immediately perform hand hygiene

9 Select appropriate type and size Opening is in the back
PRESENTATION ON STANDARD PRECAUTIONS Sequence* for Donning PPE Gown first Mask or respirator Goggles or face shield Gloves How to Don a Gown Select appropriate type and size Opening is in the back Secure at neck and waist If gown is too small, use two gowns Gown #1 ties in front Gown #2 ties in back

10 Place over nose, mouth and chin Fit flexible nose piece over nose
PRESENTATION ON STANDARD PRECAUTIONS How to Don a Mask Place over nose, mouth and chin Fit flexible nose piece over nose bridge Secure on head with ties or elastic Adjust to fit

11 Position face shield over face and secure on brow with headband
PRESENTATION ON STANDARD PRECAUTIONS How to Don Eye and Face Protection Position goggles over eyes and secure to the head using the ear pieces or headband Position face shield over face and secure on brow with headband Adjust to fit comfortably

12 Select correct type and size Insert hands into gloves
PRESENTATION ON STANDARD PRECAUTIONS How to Don Gloves Don gloves last Select correct type and size Insert hands into gloves Extend gloves over isolation gown cuffs

13 Prevention of Needle stick injuries from other sharp instruments
PRESENTATION ON STANDARD PRECAUTIONS Prevention of Needle stick injuries from other sharp instruments Preventing Sharps Injuries is Our Goal! Because of the high burden of sharps injuries, our goal is to prevent – and ideally eliminate – sharps injuries. How Do Sharps Injuries Happen? Who gets injured? Where do they happen? When do injuries occur? What devices are involved? How can they be prevented?

Who gets Injured?

15 What are Strategies to Eliminate Sharps Injuries?
PRESENTATION ON STANDARD PRECAUTIONS What are Strategies to Eliminate Sharps Injuries? Eliminate or reduce the use of needles and other sharps Use devices with safety features to isolate sharps Use safer practices to minimize risk for remaining hazards

16 Handle, transport, and process used linen in a manner which:
PRESENTATION ON STANDARD PRECAUTIONS Environment Cleaning Usage of adequate procedures for the routine cleaning and disinfection of environmental and other frequently touched surfaces Linens Handle, transport, and process used linen in a manner which: Prevents skin and mucous membrane exposures and contamination of clothing. Avoids transfer of pathogens to other patients and or the environment. 

17 Waste disposal Ensure safe waste management.
PRESENTATION ON STANDARD PRECAUTIONS Waste disposal Ensure safe waste management. Treat waste contaminated with blood, body fluids, secretions and excretions as clinical waste, in accordance with local regulations. Human tissues and laboratory waste that is directly associated with specimen processing should also be treated as clinical waste. Discard single use consumables properly.

18 Patient care equipment
PRESENTATION ON STANDARD PRECAUTIONS Patient care equipment Handle equipment soiled with blood, body fluids, secretions, and excretions in a manner that prevents skin and mucous membrane exposures, contamination of clothing, and transfer of pathogens to other patients or the environment. Clean, disinfect, and reprocess reusable equipment appropriately before use with another patient.


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