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and why it’s so important

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1 and why it’s so important
WATER and why it’s so important

2 How much water should I drink each day?
There are many different recommendations on how much water we should be drinking each day Most common recommendation – 8 8oz glasses per day This is called the 8x8 rule Other recommendations: Women – 9 8oz glasses per day Men – 12 8oz glasses per day ½ oz – 1 oz for each pound you weigh

3 Why is drinking water so important?
Water is very literally essential to life You can die in just 3 days without water, but you can survive 3 or more weeks without food Over 60% of your body is water Every cell, organ, muscle, and tissue in your body needs water to function properly Water regulates your body temperature Water increases the amount of oxygen in your blood, improving your circulation This helps your body burn fat and also gives you more energy

4 Dehydration What is it? What causes it? What are the symptoms?
A condition caused by the excessive loss of water from the body, which causes a rise in blood sodium levels What causes it? Dehydration is most often caused by excessive sweating, vomiting, or diarrhea What are the symptoms? Early signs: Increased thirst Dry mouth and sticky saliva Headache Reduced urine output with dark yellow urine

5 Dehydration What are the symptoms? Moderate dehydration signs:
Extreme thirst Dry appearance inside the mouth and eyes don’t tear up Muscle cramps Decreased urination (3 or fewer in 24hrs) and dark amber or brown urine Lightheadedness that is relieved by lying down

6 Dehydration What are the symptoms? Severe dehydration signs:
Altered behavior – such as severe anxiety, confusion, or not being able to stay awake Lightheadedness that is not relieved by lying down Weak, rapid pulse Cold, clammy skin or hot, dry skin Little or no urination Loss of consciousness

7 Ok but, can you have TOO much water?
YES! Overhydration – an excess of water in the body Hyponatremia – a low sodium level in the blood Can be caused by drinking too much water, but also by diseases of the kidney – the organ that gets rid of excess water Excess water causes your tissues to bloat and your brain to swell

8 Water Intoxication What is it?
A potentially fatal disturbance in brain functions caused by overhydration Notable cases: 1995 – Anna Wood, a 15 year old girl died of water intoxication due to her use of MDMA (aka ecstasy) 2003 – Anthony Andrews, a British actor was unconscious and in intensive care for 3 days after consuming up to 8 liters (over 2 gallons) of water a day while performing in a musical 2007 – Jennifer Strange, died after taking part in a competition held by a radio station to win a Nintendo Wii in which contestants tried to drink as much water as they could without urinating

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