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Lesson Objectives By the end of the lesson you will:

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Objectives By the end of the lesson you will:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Objectives By the end of the lesson you will:
Be able to find information from a given website. Be able to use advanced search options within a search engine. Be able to download files from the internet.

2 The Internet Today’s lesson is all about surfing the internet
(a) Locate specified information from a given website URL (b) Find specified information using a search engine (c) Download and save information as specified Today’s lesson is all about surfing the internet

3 Task 1 Locate specified information from a given website URL. Dept Share\ICT\Handout\KS4\iGCSE\Year 9\Practical Skills\09 - Communication\Internet\L4 - Searching the Internet Visit the link and answer the questions below in the back of your books: What percentage of children own their own laptop? What age did parents think its suitable for children to own a mobile phone? What percentage of children owned a Nintendo Wii? What percentage of parents blocked access to certain sites?

4 Task 2 You have 3 minutes to find definitions for the following keywords using the internet: Search Engine URL Webpage and Website difference Advanced Search Pages from the UK Downloading Lets share our definitions but don’t write anything down just yet.

5 Definitions… Search Engine - A search engine makes it possible to find a specific bit of information in the huge mass of data stored on the web. URL - Abbreviation of Uniform Resource Locator (URL) it is the global address of documents and other resources (e.g. .mp3, .doc, .ppt, .pdf) on the World Wide Web. Website and Webpage (the difference) - A web page is one single page of information, while a website is made up of a number of different web pages connected by links. Advanced Searches – Advanced Web Search helps you find sites that match very specific criteria. The options you choose apply only to the current search Pages from the UK – will only retrieve results from websites Download and save files - Downloading a file means transferring it from the internet computer that is hosting it, and saving it on your own PC hard drive.

6 Today you will need to open this PowerPoint.
Before you begin Today you will need to open this PowerPoint.

7 Task 3 You will now use advanced searches to help your ICT teachers
Find specified information using a search engine Download and save information as specified You will now use advanced searches to help your ICT teachers Observe your screens for a quick demo of the different searches you can do

8 Mr Johal As some of you guys are aware
Mr. Johal is a massive Justin Bieber fan. Can you help him find the following… He wants information about Justin Bieber and specifically about his concert. He would also like results to include tour and dates. He doesn’t want any information about Selena Gomez or his relationship. He wants all his results in English. Can you provide him with some dates? Write them in your books!

9 Mr Davidson Mr Davidson is having extreme difficulty in choosing a reliable car. Can you help him find information on the following: He wants to purchase a Toyota Yaris but wants to specifically find out about the reliability. He wants the result as a PDF document and only trusts information from Can you find and save this information to your user area.

10 Mr Tracey Mr Tracey requires a new piece of art work for his newly decorated living room. Can you help him find an image to use. He wants to find an image of a surfer silhouette. He would like the image size to be any size and wants to be able to modify the image. He would like the picture in jpg format. Can you save this image to your user area.

11 Mr Morris Mr Morris wishes to purchase some new DJ gear. Can you help him find an affordable set of speakers? He wishes to shop for a pair of bass bins. The exact size he requires are 18’s and would like the brand to be JBL. The maximum price he would like to pay is £1200. Can you recommend him a pair? Write this in your books.

12 Miss Virdi Miss Virdi is eager to purchase a new iphone. However she is not sure whether to get the new iphone 5. Can you help her by finding some current and up to date information? She would like to know what information has been in the news recently. She is specifically after news about the iphone 5 and any information about the maps. She only wants information from 1st September onwards. Can you find and save links to some relevant WebPages in your user area and add them to your Favourites.

13 Plenary Write a list of all the advanced search options and a brief sentence to explain what they can be used for…

14 More information

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