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Promoting New Knowledge Making Across Disciplines: A model for developing an interdisciplinary theoretical framework for teaching and learning A. S. CohenMiller.

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Presentation on theme: "Promoting New Knowledge Making Across Disciplines: A model for developing an interdisciplinary theoretical framework for teaching and learning A. S. CohenMiller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promoting New Knowledge Making Across Disciplines: A model for developing an interdisciplinary theoretical framework for teaching and learning A. S. CohenMiller (Nazarbayev University) Elizabeth Pate (University of Texas at San Antonio) International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Science's (IUAES) Inter-Congress World Anthropologies and Privatization of Knowledge: Engaging Anthropology in Public Panel: What do Anthropologists Know? Dubrovnik, Croatia Thursday, May 5, 2016

2 To Think About… How do you incorporate theory into your work?
Are the theories from anthropology specifically or have you been inspired by other disciplinary theories? How do you help your students understand how to incorporate theory into their research? CohenMiller & Pate, 2016

3 Purpose A case for the use of interdisciplinary theoretical frameworks in anthropological research Discussion of creating a theoretical framework Examples in applying it to a research study A model for creating an interdisciplinary theoretical framework Developed in particular out of the ideal to help faculty work with graduate students in discovering their own theoretical frameworks Developed because we realized that some people (many from what we saw) struggle with theory and the ways in which to incorporate them into their work CohenMiller & Pate, 2016

4 An Autoethnographic Tidbit
From anthropology to interdisciplinarity My dissertation, informed by anthropology, a study on motherhood/mothering in academia integrating educational theories with gender studies and sociological theories anthropology and linguistics bicultural bilingual studies interdisciplinary learning and teaching CohenMiller & Pate, 2016

5 Clarifying Terms Theory: a system of ideas including concepts and constructs Concepts are words we assign to group similar things (e.g., beliefs, customs, events, people) Construct: abstract cluster of concept(s) inferred from commonalities & used to explain those phenomena (Gall, Gall, & Borg, 2005) Borrowing: use of one discipline’s methods, skills, or theories in a different discipline (Moran, 2010) Multidisciplinary: Multiple disciplines, each working separately on distinct aspects of a problem (Committee, 2004). Disciplines intentionally kept separate Interdisciplinary: intentionality of two or more disciplines integrating and synthesizing knowledges CohenMiller & Pate, 2016

6 Theory Critical within a research study
Provides a simple, tentative explanation of the observed relations relevant to a phenomenon, along with means for verification and revision (McMillan & Schumacher, 2001) This means that everything within a study can be traced back to the theory/theories. It provides a framework for research Theories evolve and as such new ideas develop to help explain topics. Ex. feminist theory has changed throughout the decades. A delineation of six current feminist theories (e.g., liberal, socialist, radical, multicultural/global, ecofeminist, and matricentric feminist theories (CohenMiller, 2014) CohenMiller & Pate, 2016

7 Developing an Interdisciplinary Theoretical Framework
A clear definition of terms across disciplines more problematic when theories come from multiple disciplines often having a language distinct to the discipline Additional complications to consider: Some studies in academia do not include an explicit explanation of theory Can still informing work Theory in some circumstances can also incorporate research strategy CohenMiller & Pate, 2016

8 Interdisciplinary Organizational Process
The table included major categories related to each article. Some categories were elusive, such as the theoretical frame. As I searched through the articles locating the ways in which the author(s) addressed each category, the theoretical frame that guided some of the articles was noticeable missing. CohenMiller & Pate, 2016

9 Mining for Theories I developed a secondary table listing the research relating to motherhood/mothering in academia that included a discussion or even mention of a theoretical framework. The table was then sorted by theoretical frameworks. By sorting in this manner, I hoped to incorporate additional insights (Repko, 2008) by addressing an interdisciplinarity lens. Through this process, I saw patterns indicating three major disciplines addressing motherhood/mothering in academia within research studies: (1) gender studies, (2) sociology, and (3) adult education CohenMiller & Pate, 2016

10 Interdisciplinary vs. Multidisciplinary Theoretical Frameworks
Research problem Gender studies Sociology Education This represents a great example of interdisciplinarity as it represents the disciplines and theories integrated as a result of the research CohenMiller & Pate, 2016

11 Thus… What is Interdisciplinary Research?
seeks to go beyond the disciplinary tunnel vision of one perspective a purposeful identification of theories which provides guiding perspectives for research and practice integrates insights form multiple disciplines to get a broader understanding of the topic (Moran, 2010) CohenMiller & Pate, 2016

12 INTERdisciplinary research
Interdisciplinary research is… “…a mode of research by teams or individuals that integrates information, data, techniques, tools, perspectives, concepts, and/or theories from two or more disciplines or bodies of specialized knowledge to advance fundamental understanding or to solve problems whose solutions are beyond the scope of a single discipline or area of research practice” (National Academies’ Committee on Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research, Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy, 2004, p. 26) INTERdisciplinary research beyond disciplinary tunnel vision integrates and synthesizes to get broader understanding of the topic “Research is truly disciplinary when it is not just pasting two disciplines together to create one product but rather is an integration and synthesis of ideas and methods” (emphasis added, p. 26). CohenMiller & Pate, 2016

13 Steps towards creating an Interdisciplinary Theoretical Framework
Viewing research through separate disciplinary lenses Integrative Research process leads to more integrative viewing of disciplines New insight New insights developed by focusing on select theories integrated and synthesized across the research Intentionality: examining problems and issues from multiple disciplines is critical Potential problem: Definition of interdisciplinary theoretical framework is illusive. Sometimes referred to as multidisciplinary. CohenMiller & Pate, 2016

14 APPLYING an Interdisciplinary Theoretical Framework to Research
Application across research study problem statement, research question, review of literature, methodology, data analysis, recommendations Useful for providing a framework for writing and guiding thought process: Does the research support, advance, or refute the theories in the interdisciplinary framework? CohenMiller & Pate, 2016

15 A Model for Interdisciplinary Theoretical Framework
Research problem viewed from multiple disciplinary perspectives Selection & integration of theor(ies) Guides full research process (RQ, lit review, methods, conclusions) Building upon theory, an interdisciplinary theoretical framework can utilize theory or a set of interrelated ideas to create an organizational schema. The sets of ideas then, when organized into an interdisciplinary framework, provide a way to guide research. CohenMiller & Pate, 2016

16 Important aspects to consider
Interdisciplinarity is not as easy as it sounds. There are usually multiple frameworks from which to view the same problem . Interdisciplinary frameworks need to be flexible. It is a lens for viewing the research. CohenMiller & Pate, 2016

17 Conclusion: A Case for an Interdisciplinary Theoretical Framework
Broadens frame of reference beyond specialty area Expands repertoire of research skills Facilitates depth & breadth of knowledge (Committee, 2004) Provides solutions not available within one discipline (Zeichner, 2005; Moran, 2010). Increased opportunities for research funding Ex. STEM research funding is available from many sources (e.g., NSF, DOE) while funding for anthropology and teacher education is not as abundant Rather than talking mainly to yourself, you can have a dialogue with others. Can be conversant in ideas and languages of other fields. Breaks down barriers between theoretical schools of thought. Direct and indirect impact of research is greater. Interdisciplinary research address questions of ever-increasing complexity and social urgency (Committee, 2004). CohenMiller & Pate, 2016

18 Back to you… How does interdisciplinarity apply in your experience, with your work and with your students? Is it supported within your department/institutions? What have been your experiences in incorporating/integrating theories outside of anthropology into your work? CohenMiller & Pate, 2016

19 Thank you! Questions? A. S. CohenMiller Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Education Nazarbayev University Elizabeth Pate Professor, University of Texas at San Antonio

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