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Evolution Unit 8 review.

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution Unit 8 review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolution Unit 8 review

2 Natural selection Variations are the differences within a population. Variations are caused by mutations, random mating, and migration What causes variations within a population?

3 Natural Selection Differential reproductive success means that individuals do not have equal chances of reproducing. Only those who can survive will reproduce. What is differential reproductive success?

4 Natural Selection Because of reproductive success, certain traits will be more suitable for survival, therefore, will be passed on to the next generation. This is natural selection How do these things result in Natural Selection?

5 What is speciation? What causes speciation?
Speciation is the formation of a new species through the process of evolution Causes Geographical isolation Gene flow immigration emigration Mutations deletion Insertion substitution duplication

6 What caused the speciation of the finches on the Galapogos Islands?
Geographical/reproductive isolation Different landscapes and available food- Adaptations

7 What came first? Eukaryotic cell Prokaryotic cell
Simple organic molecules, i.e amino acids Biomolecules, i.e Proteins Answer:

8 Endosymbiotic Theory coevolution

9 Evidence of Evolution (common ancestor)
Fossil record

10 Homologies Anatomical whale flipper & bat wing Human arm & lion leg
Example whale flipper & bat wing Human arm & lion leg Analogous structures do not show common ancestory. Example: Bee wings and bird wings spider legs & dog legs

11 Molecular homologies Similarities in the DNA, proteins, amino acid sequence


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