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Multicriteria Evaluation in Space. The case of tourists in Alghero.

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1 Multicriteria Evaluation in Space. The case of tourists in Alghero.
Giovanna Fancello PhD in Architecture and Planning Post-doc researcher at LAMSADE - Paris-Dauphine University - PSL Bor summer school Helsinki 2016

2 Aim of my research Measures of (ine)qualities in space
to define decision analysis and evaluation models able to understand and synthetize multiple information in space useful, meaningful, legitimated and legitimating for the definition of innovative public policies Measures of (ine)qualities in space poverty; accessibility; exclusion Urban resilience, risk, vulnerability, … Quality of life, … Which information? NO! so…how can we legitimate our policy? Most of the times policy makers need to construct some evidence that support a certain action within a policy making process) concerning issues including a subjective perception of the reality People are differently poor. Citizens are differently empowered. Urban consumers use the city in many different ways. Threats are differently perceived. We suppose that it is possible to measure it in space with observable phenomena… The individual perception of the reality is the same of the measured one?

3 The capability approach
The relations between individual and space matter! Individual features affect the manner peoples can access and use the space Individual values affect the manner people perceive the space Individual actions in the space can define new spaces and dynamics The relations into multiple factors aging in the urban system The capability approach (Sen A. , 1993; 2009) The right to the city (Harvey, 2011)

4 Some questions… How can we synthetize objective and subjective information in space? How can we synthetize among individuals? We have to do with additive or non additive measures? Do we need something more than static maps?

5 Case studies Walkability Tourist’s behaviours in space
Urban Resilience

6 how to measure it? Walkability
Physical urban space influences the effective freedom of individuals to choose between different things to do. How is urban context conducive for walking? how to measure it? number and type of destinations/opportunities walking distance quality of the paths and their surrounding environment Needs and perceptions of the space are important! n: number of available destinations; Xi: number of times the resident visits the i-th destination; 1/(1 – ρ): elasticity of substitution among destinations. Blečić, I., Cecchini, A., Congiu, T., Fancello, G., & Trunfio, G. A. (2015). Evaluating walkability: a capability-wise planning and design support system. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 29(8),

7 Walkability Blečić, I., Cecchini, A., Congiu, T., Fancello, G., & Trunfio, G. A. (2015). Evaluating walkability: a capability-wise planning and design support system. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 29(8),

8 Walkability Blečić, I., Cecchini, A., Congiu, T., Fancello, G., & Trunfio, G. A. (2015). Evaluating walkability: a capability-wise planning and design support system. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 29(8),

9 Walkability

10 Walkability Different space evaluation in respect to different needs and perceptions Blečić, I., Cecchini, A., Congiu, T., Fancello, G., & Trunfio, G. A. (2015). Evaluating walkability: a capability-wise planning and design support system. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 29(8),

11 The case study of Alghero
Tourists’ spatial behaviour Tourist population has different profiles influencing their choices to act and access in the city. Individual point of view Tourists’ behaviours in space Individual characteristics Individual interests/needs and degree of satisfaction Spatial point of view Spatial distribution of urban activities Accessibility to these urban activities Quality of urban activities Tourism policies are foremost territorial policies, so such information, if wisely used, may become of particular relevance when investigating the relationship between tourists’ behaviour, their individual characteristics and interests [2] on one hand, and the spatial distribution and accessibility of urban and territorial attractors and activities on the other[3]. It may, for instance, serve to better understand preferences and choices of different populations of tourists, in order to put in place policies for tourism de-seasoning; or to more efficiently coordinate activities, attractions and transportation services; or to build tourist fidelity. In general, to better understand tourists’ behaviours in space and time is to have useful information for public policies which aim at development and governing of tourism. The case study of Alghero a study we conducted in October-November 2014 in the city of Alghero (Italy), a tourist destination of approximately inhabitants in the North-West Sardinia in Italy to explore tourists’ movements, expectations and degree of satisfaction with the destination during a period of “low-season”, considering that Alghero’s peek period is the summer season, with highest tourist concentration between July and September. The collected data was thus meant to provide useful information and hints on possible policies to attract tourists outside the summer season. Participants were recruited in five venues in Alghero, both hotels and bed&breakfasts, selected taking into account their geographic distribution

12 The Alghero (Italy) case study
October-November 2014 in the city of Alghero (Italy), a tourist destination of approximately inhabitants in the North-West Sardinia in Italy Questionnaire profiling declared preferences real actions GPS tracker Time (10 s) Space

13 Results of the coupled survey and GPS tourist tracking
Tourist profile: the analysis of socioeconomic and demographic data, preferences, attendances and personal evaluation of the day Behaviours in space: the analysis of GPS tracking in respect to space and time use Behaviours in space in respect to tourist’s profile: the analysis of GPS tracking in respect to time use by tourist profiles .

14 75 GPS movement tracking 225 people involved
205 adults, 17 adolescenti, 3 children

15 Tourist profile

16 Italy 28% Sweden 22,67% Germany 16% Provenience
UK 8%, Benelux8%, France2,67%, Slovakia11,97, other* 11,97%

17 Employee 28% Teacher 22,67% Freelance18,66% Job
Director 9,33%, Retiree 6,67%, Housewife 4%, Entrepreneur 2,67%, other* 7,99%

18 Couple 46.67% Alone 17.33% Travelling
Family 9,33%, Friends 8%, Couple with children 8%, Organized trip 4%, other* 6,67%

19 Behaviours in space and time

20 Behaviours in space and time
Macro-area Area Zone Alghero and its territory 80.29% Town 64.01% Historical centre 37.74% Garibaldi and Lido waterfront 30.34% Dante/Valencia waterfront 7.82% Other 24.10% Surrounding territory 35.99% Park and marine area 43.26% Bombarde- Lazzaretto 25.59% Maria Pia beaches 22.26% Fertilia 8.89% Outside Alghero 19.71%

21 Behaviours in space and time

22 Behaviours in space in respect to tourists’ profile

23 Behaviours in space in respect to tourists’ profile

24 Next steps of the research
Tourists’ Preference learning Urban resilience and risk perception for natural disasters: the Paris case study

25 Giovanna Fancello PhD in Architecture and Planning Post-doc researcher at LAMSADE - Paris-Dauphine University - PSL Bor summer school Helsinki 2016

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