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Step two for negligence

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1 Step two for negligence
Breach of Duty Step two for negligence

2 Aims and Objectives Aim:
Understand when a duty of care has been breached Objectives: 1. Describe how the courts set the ‘standard of care’ 2. Describe how to establish whether this standard has been breached 3. Apply ‘breach of duty’ principles to real life scenarios 4. Describe relevant case law

3 NEGLIGENCE Negligence Formula Duty of Care Foreseeability Proximity
F, J & R Breach of Duty Causation of damage NEGLIGENCE

4 Breach of duty This requires consideration at two stages:
What is the standard of care a reasonable person would exercise? Has the D fallen below the standard – in looking at this the courts consider a variety of ‘risk factors’

5 Standard of care This is an objective test
this means that we do not judge what was reasonable from the D’s point of view but what a ‘reasonable and prudent man’ (Baron Alderson in Blyth v Birmingham Waterworks (1856) ) would consider, so it is irrelevant that the D believed what he was doing was ok. The ‘reasonable man’ was also described as ‘the man on the Clapham omnibus’ by Greer LJ

6 Special characteristics
Since the test is objective, the courts do not necessarily take into account the D’s own personal characteristics: For example - Nettleship v Weston (1971) Facts: the C was a driving instructor and the D the learner driver. The D drove into a lamppost on her 3rd lesson and the C was injured. Held: the court said that even a learner was required to come up to the standard of a reasonable competent driver and she was negligent; (learner drivers are not given any special exemptions, there is one standard of care – that of a reasonably competent driver)

7 1. They do sometimes consider some ‘special characteristics’ of the D
Children The standard of care for children is that of a reasonable child of the same age (Mullin v Richards (1998)) Professional skills The D’s profession or skills will be taken into account and the standard of care will be higher, i.e. it will be that of a professional with the same skill doing the same job (the ‘Bolam’ test)

8 Bolam v Friern Hospital Management (1957)
‘a man need not possess the highest expert skill; it is… sufficient if he exercises the ordinary skill of an ordinary competent man exercising that particular art’

9 But what about ‘special characteristics’ of the C?
The courts have said that: Any reasonable D would take into account any special characteristics of the C which would increase the risk of injury or harm

10 Case: Paris v Stepney BC (1951)
Facts: C was employed by the D’s garage and as a result of previous work had already lost one eye. His job included welding and the Ds had failed to give him protective equipment. One day whilst welding a piece of metal flew into his one eye and damaged it. Held: HoL said that not providing protective equipment for employees with no sight problems wouldn’t have made them liable but in this case it did because of the special characteristics of the C. The risk of the injury was small to the C but it had a huge consequence as he had the risk of going blind, also providing goggles was neither difficult or expensive

11 What is the magnitude of risk?
What was the degree of risk involved? (How big was the risk taken?) Where the risk is small, it is unlikely that the D will be in breach

12 Case: Bolton v Stone (1951) Facts: The C was walking down the street when she was hit by a cricket ball from a nearby cricket ground. There was a 17 foot fence around the ground and the wicket was some distance from the fence Held: court accepted that the cricketers should have foreseen the risk (evidenced by the fence etc) but this incident had only happened 6 times in 30 years, so the risk was very small. Taking all the evidence into account the court said the D was not negligent

13 What is the practicality of taking precautions?
The chance of risk must be measured against the cost, time and practicality of eliminating the risk, the greater the risk, the more the D needs to do to eliminate it But the courts are not unreasonable and recognise where a D has taken every practical step to eliminate the risk as far as possible

14 Case: Latimer v AEC (1952) Facts: a factory became flooded and the floor was very slippery with water and oil. The Ds had spread sawdust on the floor to soak up the mixture to minimise the risk of anyone slipping. One worker did slip and injured himself. Held: HoL said the Ds were not negligent. It was clear that the floor was slippery and they had taken all practical precautions, the Ds’ only other option would have been to close the factory, this was disproportionate to the level of risk as it would have been very expensive.

15 Is there a social utility in doing the activity?
Are there any benefits to taking the risk? Some risks benefit society and these must be weighed up against the possible damage caused if such risks are taken

16 Case: Watt v Herts CC (1954) Facts: the C was a fire fighter. He (with others) was called to the scene of an accident where a woman was trapped under a car. A heavy jack was needed to rescue her, the vehicle in which the C was travelling was not designed to carry a jack and the C sued when the jack slipped and injured him Held: the risk of transporting the jack was outweighed by the need to get to the scene urgently to rescue the woman and so C’s employers were not negligent

17 Tom, aged three, is a child actor
Tom, aged three, is a child actor. He was filming a new TV drama series set in a small fishing village. He had an important part in the series and he was due to appear in every episode. Una is Tom’s mum. During a break in filming, Tom was playing close to the edge of the harbour. Una did not notice because she was reading her phone messages. Tom slipped and fell into the harbour. Tom was injured and had to be replaced in the drama series. As a result, Tom lost filming fees of £70 000, and lost a further £ for being unable to appear in related advertisements. Has Una breached her duty of care? Ryan had just collected his car from Ammar’s garage, where Ammar had been working on the brakes. Ammar told Ryan that the work was complete, but, in fact, Ammar had forgotten to tighten the handbrake cable. Ryan parked his car on a hill, applied the handbrake and got out. The handbrake failed to hold the car which rolled down the hill and crushed Tanya, who was loading shopping into the back of her van. As a result of the collision Tanya suffered injuries leading to some loss of mobility which is now permanent. Has Ammar breached his duty of care?

18 Eve was a trainee hairdresser
Eve was a trainee hairdresser. After work, she met her friend, Fran, who works as a model. Eve explained that she had started to learn to colour hair that week. She showed Fran a range of products that she was learning to use. Fran asked Eve to colour her hair. They went to Fran’s house. Eve did not read the instructions on the products, failed to follow recommended tests and mixed the products incorrectly. Fran’s skin became blistered and clumps of hair fell out. Fran has been advised that, if she succeeded in a claim against Eve, she could be awarded around £ in damages. This could include damages for loss of earnings now and in the future. Has Eve breached her duty of care? Susan, aged sixteen, had recently started a care course at college and was on her first work experience placement, looking after Tim, aged two. Tim demanded to do some painting and, in order to keep him quiet, Susan agreed. She found some old pots of paint in the shed and gave Tim some cotton wool to spread the paint on sheets of paper. Some of the pots had a small label marked ‘Danger, Toxic’, which Susan did not notice or read. Tim suffered poisoning as a result of handling the paint, but fortunately recovered after a short spell in hospital. Does Susan owe a duty of care to Tim? If so, has this duty been breached?

19 NEGLIGENCE Negligence Formula Duty of Care Foreseeability Proximity
F, J & R Breach of Duty Standard of care Standard breached? Causation of damage NEGLIGENCE

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