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Washington as President

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1 Washington as President
Presidents 1 War of 1812 2 Washington as President 3 Feds vs. Anti-Feds 4 Miscellaneous 5 100 200 300 400 500 600

2 Presidents 100 This man succeeded Washington as President. John Adams.

3 Presidents 200 He served two terms and was President during the War of 1812. James Madison.

4 Presidents 300 He wrote the Declaration of Independence, the Northwest Ordinance and served from Thomas Jefferson.

5 Presidents 400 This president was the only American casualty at the Battle of Trenton and issued a warning to other countries to stay out of the western hemisphere. James Monroe.

6 Presidents 500 Four of the first five presidents were from this state.

7 Presidents 600 From the first five American presidents, which party ruled the longest and how long did they rule? Democratic-Republicans, 24 years.

8 War of 1812 100 These were the combatants in the war.
U.S. and Great Britain.

9 War of This general won the battles at Horseshoe Bend and New Orleans. Andrew Jackson.

10 War of 1812 300 This is the winning side of the war.
Trick question – it was a draw.

11 War of The Star-Spangled Banner was written by this American prisoner who witnessed the bombardment of Fort McHenry in Baltimore. Francis Scott Key.

12 War of This Native leader was killed at the Battle of the Thames in Canada at the hands of William Henry Harrison. Tecumseh.

13 War of This treaty ended the War of Provide the name of the treaty and the date it was signed. Treaty of Ghent, December 24, 1814.

14 Washington as President 100
This event during his presidency showed that the president’s powers as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces was an important power granted by the new Constitution. The Whiskey Rebellion.

15 Washington as President 200
Name three precedents set by Washington as president. Two-term limit, the greeting “Mr. President”, selection of a cabinet.

16 Washington as President 300
Jay’s Treaty was unpopular with Americans, but it was proof that Washington was committed to this policy with regard to international relations. being neutral, or neutrality.

17 Washington as President 400
This is the political party that Washington belonged to. Trick question – he was neutral.

18 Washington as President 500
In one of the most obvious and important ways Washington strengthened the federal government by creating a _______________ as part of his support for Hamilton’s financial plan. A national bank.

19 Washington as President 600
These men were Washington first Vice-President and Secretary of State respectively. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson.

20 Feds vs. Anti-Feds 100 This is the main reason the Federalists existed during the ratification of the U.S. Constitution. HINT: they used the Federalist Papers to help. To push for its ratification.

21 Feds vs. Anti-Feds 200 Because of the efforts of the Anti-Federalists, we now have this element included in our Constitution. The Bill of Rights.

22 Feds vs. Anti-Feds 300 This man was the leader of the Anti-Federalists. Thomas Jefferson.

23 Feds vs. Anti-Feds 400 The Anti-Federalists eventually morphed into this political party. Democratic-Republicans.

24 Feds vs. Anti-Feds 500 This group opposed Jay’s Treaty, Hamilton’s plan, the Whiskey Rebellion, and the Alien and Sedition Acts. Anti-Federalists.

25 Feds vs. Anti-Feds 600 This Founding Father once called for the ratification of the constitution, then ironically became a staunch Anti-Federalist. James Madison.

26 Miscellaneous 100 The practice of the seizure of a ship’s cargo and/or its sailors is known as Impressment.

27 Miscellaneous 200 This is the nickname given to a young group of Congressmen elected in 1810 who pushed President Madison to war with England. Warhawks.

28 Miscellaneous 300 This huge success for Jefferson as president actually contradicted his strict construction tendencies while in the minority. Name it and explain why. Louisiana Purchase. The President did not have the authority under the Constitution to authorize government expenditures.

29 Miscellaneous 400 An interpretation of the Constitution that what is doesn’t expressly prohibit, it allows, is . . . Loose Construction.

30 Miscellaneous 500 These are the terms of the Missouri Compromise.
Missouri admitted as a slave state. Maine admitted as a free state. No slavery north of the 36, 30 line

31 Miscellaneous 600 The event led to the demise of the Federalist Party in 1815. The Hartford Convention.

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