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Media Milestones … in brief … sort of.

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1 Media Milestones … in brief … sort of

2 Media Memories…


4 1671 Governor William Berkeley of Virginia wrote:
"I thank God, there are no free schools nor printing and I hope we shall not have, these hundred years, for learning has brought disobedience God keep us from both."  Publick Occurrences, Both Foreign and Domestick


6 1776 Thomas Paine’s Common Sense
1754 Benjamin Franklin’s The Pennsylvania Gazette prints his political cartoon: Stamp Act Thomas Paine’s Common Sense “…The most incendiary and popular pamphlet of the entire revolutionary era.” –Brown University historian Gordon Wood

7 1787  ”Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.” – Thomas Jefferson 1791 First Amendment ratified

8 1780s – 1830s “Party Press Era” 1830s printing press efficiencies  faster printing  rise of the “penny press” st African-American newspaper

9 1844 first telegraph line established  transformed news gathering. (0
1844 first telegraph line established  transformed news gathering. (0.23) 1846 Associated Press established 1880s “Yellow Journalism”

10 1890s – 1920s 1896 Adolph Ochs purchases Progressive Era
investigative journalism = Muckrakers 1896 Adolph Ochs purchases The New York Times

11 1941 Pearl Harbor breaking news on the radio
President Calvin Coolidge’s inaugural address broadcast on the radio FDR’s fireside chats 1934 Communications Act establishes to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 1941 Pearl Harbor breaking news on the radio

12 1949 Harry Truman’s inauguration is the first televised
Fairness Doctrine established by FCC % of American homes have a television NBC, CBS, and ABC established first political ad on television % of American homes have TVs

13 1960 televised debate between Nixon and JFK
Vietnam War = first war after people have TVs Walter Cronkite , CBS News anchor “the most trusted man in America”

14 Early 1970s sale of color TV outnumbers black and white
June “Pentagon Papers” printed in The New York Times The Washington Post brings down President Nixon with investigative journalism


16 1991 Operation Desert Storm live on CNN
CNN launches    Fairness Doctrine ends  rise of conservative talk radio Operation Desert Storm live on CNN

17 1993 Mosaic created at the University of Illinois – NCSA
1990s AOL launches Mosaic created at the University of Illinois – NCSA    White House goes online created NY Times and Washington Post go online Google registers a domain

18 2005 broadband surpasses digital
/11 on TV Wikipedia begins Facebook begins YouTube begins broadband surpasses digital   Twitter begins

19 2007 Presidential debates on YouTube
   WikiLeaks founded Presidential debates on YouTube a majority (53%) of Americans own a smart phone Tweeter in Chief = President Donald J. Trump TODAY: the era of citizen journalism

20 Where do americans get their news?

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