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Modul 1 Unit 1 Good morning Conversation in context Listening

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1 Modul 1 Unit 1 Good morning Conversation in context Listening
At the office Tery Good morning, mrs wiliams Mrs.wiliams Good morning,mr grifin Terry How are you this morning? Mirs. Wiliams very well,thank you Terry Did you have a nice weekend? Mrs wiliams Yes,thank you Terry speaks to one of his friend at the office Terry oh, ih, caroline Caroline hello,’s everything? Terry fine , thank Caroline how was your weekend terry Terry it was super, thanks. I went to the beach Carolne lucky you At a restaurant Walter good evening sir Terry good evening. A table for two, please Walter certainly,sir.please come with me Terry thank you Ways to sa y it Greeting friend 1 A hi, tony B hi A how’s everything with you B fine, thank 2 A hi,elizabeth B oh hello, are you? A fine,thank. and you B good, thanks. Greeting others 1- a good morning, mr graham sir b good morning how are you? A fine,thank you Very well,thank you 2. A good afternoon, mis wilson Evening,ma’am B good afternoon Good evening

2 2.A I’d like you meat Mr jones. This is
B How do you do? C Nice to meat you. 2.A I’d like you meat Mr jones. This is B How do you do, Mr jones? My name’s jim wilson. C nice to meat you. 3. A Do you know Terry? Have you meat B No I don’t. No, I haven’t A Terry, this is wendy. C Hi. Hello. Finding out people’s names A Excuse me. Are you Dick Hammond? B That’s right. No, I’m not. No, I’m Ted Thorp. And what did you say your name was? A I’m Graham kennedy. Pair up and practise Speaking 1. You meat school friend. Winston Thomas . His father is with him. You Hello, winston. Winston hello. How’s everything with you? You ……. Winston I don’t think you’ve met my father, have you? You…….. Mr Thomas It’s nice to meat you. 2. At a party Guest I’m soory. I don’t thik we’ve met. You Oh…. Guest How do you do ? I’m kate jenson. You …… 3. At the same party A Excuse me. What did you say Your name was? B …… A Oh, hi. I’m John Fry. B …… 4. Asking someone’s name A. Excuse me. Are you….? B. …… And what did you say your name was ? A. …… 5. Introducting your friend A I’d like you to met may friend, Paul . This is….. B ……. C Nice to meet you too. Group activity

3 Greetings and small talk are an important part of conversation in any
A I’ll call back later, thaks. Think it over Reading How are you? Hello. ‘ How are you? ‘ Good morning. ‘ Have you eaten yet?’ Were are you going? These are greeting which people use in different languages when they meet each other . but what is a greating ? A greating is a way of being friendly to someone . it is away of being polite. It is also a way of starting a conversation. In many languages a question is used as a greeting: Where are you going? How’s everyting with you? But questions like these are not real questions. They do not require a full answer or even a true one. In english, for example , the commonest greeting is aquestion about aperson’s health: How are you? But we do not expect them to talk about their headache or their backache. If they have one. People reply very well, thanks .’ in the same way , in countries where people greet each other with ‘ Where are you going?, a simple reply such as ‘ just walking around’ is sufficient. It is not necesarry to describe where are you actually going. In most languages, a greating is usually followed by’ small talk ‘. Small talk means the little things we talk about at the start of a conversation. In english speaking countries people often make small talk about the weather: ‘ nice say, isn’t it? ‘ teriible weather, isn’t it? But there is something special about small talk. It must be about something which both people have the same opinion about. The purpose of small talk is to let bot people agree one something. This makes meeting people easier and more comfortable. People usually agree about the weather, so it is safe topic for small talk. But people often diasgree about religion or politics so these are not suitable topics for small talk in english. The topics for small talk also depend on where there the conversation is yaking place. At football matches, people make small talk about the game they are watching: ‘ Great game , isn’t it? At bus stops, people may comment about the transport aystem: ‘ The buses are very slow these days, aren’t they? Greetings and small talk are an important part of conversation in any language. They way people greet each other and the things they talk about , however , may be different from one language to another. This shows that there is more to learn wen we learn a language than just the vocabulary and the grammar of the language. We also have to learn the social behaviour of the people who speak it. Understanding 1. Write TRUE or FALSE beside each sentence. 1. people use greeatings when they say goodbay to each other. 2. greeatings are often usedt to start a conversation. 3. the purpose fo greeatings is the same in all languages. 4. the main purpose of a greeating is to get true information from another person. 5. some languages do not have greeating. 6. ‘smalltalj’ means talk of greet importance to speakers in the conversation. 7. eanglish people often make small talk about the weather. 8. learners of english should only learn grammar and vocabulary. 2. Find words in the passage to complete these sentences.

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