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Greeting and Introduction Restaurant and Food

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1 Greeting and Introduction Restaurant and Food

2 National Standard Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange Greeting in Pashto Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics

3 Greeting look at the picture what do you think they would say?

4 Exchanging Greeting at restaurant
Greeting and introducing 2. Greeting in restaurant Home party food discussion Strong possessive pronouns Conjugation of verbs (stem and personal ending) Verb kawal/”to do” Questions in Pashto

5 Greeting in party Task one Task two Task three Fallow up
Learning Object Task one Task two Task three Fallow up

6 Greeting in restaurant
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: Learn the names of different food items in Pashto Learn useful phrases about eating at an Afghan restaurant Express wishes and desires Use some interrogative words to ask question

7 Students will be brainstormed with the related vocabulary by showing them some images.

8 Task 2 the student will mach the following phrases
وبخښئ صاحب، څه شى راوړم؟ نه، نن يې نلرو منتو لرئ؟ دوه سوه او دېرش افغانۍ. يو خوراک قابلي پلو راوړه ټولې څو افغانۍ شوې؟ لږې يخې اوبه راته راوړه د څکلو لپاره څه راوړم؟

9 Task 3 In pairs, students will practice the following short greeting and conversation.
مننه. په خير راغلئ، راځئ، مهرباني وکړي. پلو/قورمه/ ... لرئ؟ وبخښئ صاحب، څه (شى) راوړم؟ يو خوراک ... او ... راوړه. هو صاحب لږې يخې اوبه/کوک/... راته راوړه د څکلو لپاره څه (شى) راوړم؟ ښه. دغه دي ... افغانۍ، ... يې ستاسو ټولې ... افغانۍ شوې.

10 Around 9o of the students should be able to successfully perform the task of “Greeting in the restaurant and eating food using the target language

11 For any further information, visit the following web-sites:

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