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Presentation on theme: "POLYNUCLEAR & HETROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS"— Presentation transcript:

Pacific School Of Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering Guided by:- H.S.Tailor

2 Name En.No.. Parth Malaviya 131120105025
Chintan Limbadiya Hardik Kotadiya

3 Heterocycles Ring compounds with elements other than carbon in the ring. The most common elements to appear in heterocyclic compounds are oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur. The aliphatic heterocycles are similar to the open chain analogues, ethers, amines and sulfides. The aromatic heterocycles are similar to other aromatic compounds.

4 Preparation Of Naphthalene
(i) From Coal Tar The middle oil fraction of coal tar is chilled when naphthalene forms Crystals. The crude crystals are melted & treated with sulfuric acid to remove Basic impurities. The crystals are then washed with aq. Sodium hydroxide to remove Phenols, Finally, the naphthalene is distilled to get the pure product.

5 Naphthalene (ii) From Petroleum
The middle distillates of petroleum on catalytic cracking and catalytic Reforming yield naphthalene & methylnaphthalenes. The methylnaphthalenes on heating to about 600C in the presence of Hydrogen, are dealkylated to give naphthalene.

6 Naphthalene (iii) From Haworth Synthesis of naphthalene

7 Physical Properties Naphthalene is slowly sublimates.
It is volatile matter. It is in solid form. Melting Point is 80.2C. Boiling Point is 217.9C. Soluble in Benzene & Ether. Insoluble in Water.

8 Chemical Properties (i) Halogenation 8

9 (ii) Nitration

10 (iii) Sulfonation

11 (iv) Reduction

12 (v) Oxidation 12

13 Use Of Naphthalene It is used in manufacturing of Plastic & resins
It is used in Fumigant insecticide It is used as Pesticides It is used in production of Phthalic Anhydride

14 Preparation Of Anthrancene
Anthracene Preparation Of Anthrancene From Coal Tar The middle oil fraction ( C) of coal tar is chilled when Anthracene forms crystals. At this tem. We get mixture of anthracene, phenenthrene & carbazole Phenenthrene crystals washed with naptha solvent to get final Product.

15 (ii) Haworth synthesis of anthracene

16 Physical Properties It is in solid form. It is colorless.
Melting point of anthracene is 270C. Boiling point of anthracene is 340C. It is soluble in alcohol & ether, It is insoluble in water.

17 Chemical Properties Reduction:

18 Chemical Properties Oxidation:

19 Preparation Of Pyrrole
Industrially pyrrole is obtained by passing a mixture of furan & Ammonia over alumina at 400C. Al2O3 C4H4O + NH3 C4H5N + H2O

20 Pyrrole can be obtained by heating 2-butyne 1,4-diol with ammonia
(ii) Pyrrole can be obtained by heating 2-butyne 1,4-diol with ammonia Under pressure. heat C4H6O2 + NH3 C4H5N + 2H2O pressure

21 Physical Properties Pyrrole is a colorless liquid.
It’s Boiling point is 131C It turns brown in the air and gradually resinifics. It is slightly soluble in water. It is totally miscible with ether & ethanol.

22 Furan Preparation Of Furan
Furan is synthesized from furfural obtained by acid hydrolysis of Pentosans. CHO | (CHOH)3 CH2OH C5H8O4 C4H4O

23 Physical Properties Furan is a colourless liquid.
Boiling point is 31.4C. It has odor of chloroform. It is insoluble in ether’ It is soluble in most organic solvents.

24 Pyridine Preparation By heating a mixture of acetylene , ammonia , & formaldehyde Dimethylacetal in the presence of alumina at 500C . 2C2H2 + NH3 +CH(OCH3)2 C5H5N

25 Physical Properties Pyridine is a colourless liquid.
Boiling point is 115.5C. It has characteristic unpleasant odor. It is soluble in water & most organic solvents,

26 Thank you


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