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An intellectual contest of two teams

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Presentation on theme: "An intellectual contest of two teams"— Presentation transcript:

1 An intellectual contest of two teams

2 Introducing Our team is …… Our captain is………

3 The first task Insert the missing letters …uzzle l…ng c…mputer o…ten
si…ter …ox fairy ….ale l…ke …at g…t


5 The second task Collect the words from letters 1. amspt 2. sden
3. erapp 4. epolenve 5. dsdaser

6 Check yourself Stamp Send Paper Envelope Address

7 The third task Connect two parts of the words Post day Letter man
Green card Thurs friend Post box Pen school

8 Check yourself postman letterbox green school Thursday postcard
pen friend

9 The fourth task Guess the riddles A place where you buy stamps
A thing on which you write your address A man who delivers the post A sheet on which you write the text of your letter A picture A box in which you post your letter or a postcard

10 Check yourself post office envelope postman paper poster letterbox

11 The fifth task Find the odd word out
letter, postman, student, postcard letterbox, poster, envelope, computer address, elephant, stamp, paper

12 Check yourself student computer elephant

13 The sixth task Where is the …..? Write an …. on the ….. .
Fill in the gaps with these words – a) address, b) postcard, c) post office, d) envelope, e) postman, f) letters Where is the …..? Write an …. on the ….. . It is the birthday …… . The …. brings me two ….. .

14 Check yourself c a, d b e, f

15 The seventh task is for captains
1. Connect the country with its capital The USA Berlin Great Britain Paris Russia Washington Germany London France Moscow 2. Find as many words as you can

16 Check yourself 1. The USA – Washington Great Britain – London
Russia – Moscow Germany – Berlin France – Paris 2. 10 or more

17 The eighth task ….. is your birthday? ….. do you live?
Insert special words (who, when, where, what, how many ) into the gaps ….. is your birthday? ….. do you live? ….. friends have you got? ….. gets letters? ….. season do you like?

18 Check yourself When Where How many Who What

19 The ninth task Restore the right order of the sentences
Take your letter and go to the post office Take clean paper and a pen Write an address on the envelope Find the letterbox and post the letter Sit down and write a letter Put the letter into an envelope Put a stamp on the envelope

20 Check yourself 2, 5, 6, 7, 3, 1, 4

21 The tenth task Let`s write your own letters Dear friend,
My name is I am …. . I am from …. . My birthday is on the …. of …. . I like to …. . I have got a My favourite holiday is …. . Your pen friend, …….. .

22 Thank you for your work


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