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Welcome to Fourth Grade Ms. Nixon
(205) Conference hours Mon- Fri 12:00p.m.-12:40p.m. 1
Expectations We expect students to:
Be Respectful, Responsible, and Resourceful Be Prepared Do their very best (just enough to get by is not accepted) Demonstrate self control Take responsibility for their learning and actions Be self motivated 2
Supply List (5) 1 inch composition notebooks (5) 2 pocket plastic folders with 3 holes and prongs in the middle (4) packs of loose leaf paper (standard rule)…replenish as needed (1) binder pencil pouch (1) 3inch 3 ring binder ******* (1) pack of tab dividers ****** (2) pack of sheet protectors ******* (1) pack of colored card stock (Laser & Inkjet) (3) 12 oz bottles of Germ-X or Purell hand sanitizer (1) 3 pack box of Kleenex box of Ziploc bags (Girls: 1 Gallon) (Boys: 1 Quart (1) Pair of ear buds ******* (3) 24 pack of #2 pencils (ABSOLUTELY NO MECHANICAL) (1) 3 pack roll of paper towels (1) 3 pack container of Clorox disinfecting wipes (1) Pack of Crayola crayons (1) Pack of Crayola colored pencils (1) small crayon box (1) 4 oz bottle of Elmers washable no-run school glue (1) Elmers washable school glue stick (1) pencil sharpener (for home use) (1) black sharpie (1) small pack of Expo markers *Supplies will need to be replenished throughout the school year. *$5.00 classroom donation. *Thanks for all you do to support your child!! 3
Communication with Parents
Class Dojo- please download the app on your smart phone free of charge or access through a desktop/laptop computer . Student's classroom code will be sent home the first week of school or a code will be sent to your cell phone to join. Please use this codes you receive to join my classroom as soon as possible. If you do not sign up, you will miss a lot of valuable information. Agendas- notes and conduct grades/ please check agendas daily Parent letters-field trips and important information Newsletters- test dates, skills, and vocabulary words Leadership binders 4
Attendance Please have students present by 7:50a.m. Students will not receive a perfect attendance award if they were absent , but have a doctors excuse. Students have three days to make up any assignments they missed while absent.(this includes check outs) A score of zero will be given for any assignments not turned in within that three day window.(no exceptions) Makeup assignments are always located on student's desk when they return to school. Gifted students are responsible for homework, classwork, and copying notes given on the days they have been pulled out for gifted. Students who are consistently late will miss morning work and may have to use recreational time to complete any assignments. Please send in excuses the day students return to school from their absence. 5
Homework Homework will be given Monday – Thursday. Students are responsible for writing homework in their agendas daily from the homework corner located on the board. Homework will not be written for them or posted on classdojo with the exception of class projects. Projects will require additional time and preparation that may extend into the weekend, but you will be made aware of those assignments in advance. Project directions will be posted on classdojo, the school's website under my name, and given to students directly. Read and Response is a nightly home work assignment (signed by parents nightly). Students will not receive credit if this document is not signed. Multiplication log - is a nightly home work assignment(signed by parents nightly). Multiplication logs will be discontinued mid year. Students will not receive credit if this document is not signed. 6
Homework Continued If a student does not have their homework assignment on the day it is required, they have one day to turn it in and 15 points will be deducted from their total score on the assignment.(this does not include reading response and multiplication logs) A zero will be earned for any homework not turned in by this deadline. (this does not apply to projects) Math composition notebooks- students must take notebooks home daily and study nightly to prepare them for test and serve as an aide to complete homework correctly. Reading composition notebooks - students must take home notebooks daily and vocabulary words and synonyms should be studied nightly to help students with weekly test. After three missed homework assignments a notice will be sent home in students leadership binder to be signed by you and tracked on their homework tracker. 7
Preparation for Standardized Testing
In addition to the daily skills taught in the classroom, we need your help with preparation at home by using the resources provided: practice test(user name and password for this site will be located in their reading composition notebook) – mega math, animated math models, practice test (user name& password for this site will be located in their math composition notebook) -reading and math activities (user name will be located in their reading composition notebook) Any additional sites used will be sent home with students 8
Progress and Monitoring
Progress reports go home every 3rd and 6th week in the 9 week grading period- I will always notify you when I send progress reports home via classdojo. Report cards are sent home every 9 weeks- zip lock bags and signature sheets should always be returned the following day. Friday Mail- Graded test papers are sent home on a weekly basis to be signed. If test papers are not signed within three days, I will take them up and write a note in their agenda. Performance series level of mastery, gains, and recommendations to prepare students for standardized test will be sent home mid year. Students will use the test tracker in their leadership binder to track their test grades. 9
Behavior Clip system Super student, Great job = A(100 and above), Good choices=A (90-100), Ready to learn=B (80-89), Think about it=C (70-79), Teachers choice=D (60- 69), Parent contact= F(50 and below) Students start on good choices and move their pens down if a rule is broken, but can redeem themselves by displaying appropriate behavior throughout the day. This will give them an opportunity to move their pen back up. Daily conduct grades are written in agendas and signed with teacher initials. A note or a phone call will be given to parents of any student on parent contact. Daily conduct grades determine what a student’s conduct grade will be on progress reports and report cards. Conduct grades can keep students from making the honor roll, receiving awards, and being inducted into the honor society. 10
Reminders Student’s summer reading assignment is due Friday, August 11, (no excuses will be accepted). A score of zero will be earned after the date provided. School begins promptly on August 7th at7:50a.m. It’s important that students are present on the first day of school. If you are willing to volunteer in the classroom throughout the school year, please let me know and we will be happy to have any help you can provide. Please be sure students have enough supplies to begin the school year successfully.
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