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Maximizing WIMS for Compliance & Optimization Columbia, SC WIMS Implementation Mat Eckert, Project Manager - Hach Hach WIMS First Annual User Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Maximizing WIMS for Compliance & Optimization Columbia, SC WIMS Implementation Mat Eckert, Project Manager - Hach Hach WIMS First Annual User Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maximizing WIMS for Compliance & Optimization Columbia, SC WIMS Implementation Mat Eckert, Project Manager - Hach Hach WIMS First Annual User Group Loveland

2 Introduction WIMS can do more for your plant than regulatory and process control reporting Dashboards Semi-automatic import for DR3900\DR6000 Chemical inventory Industrial Pretreatment Program Evolving project, has expanded for 3 years Take too long to show all capabilities Some of the highlights and additional functions of WIMS

3 Dashboards Interactive dashboards created for Columbia Metro WWTP
Highlights: Shift Change Regulatory Instrumentation I developed most of the functionality, Adrian Martin from the plant made the dashboards look great and added some great functionality. More than just a static singular dashboard, I want to point out a few of the highlights








11 Prognosys


13 Import from DR3900 Setup Setup DR3900 Client-Side interface
Import directly from DR3900 with minimal human interaction. Only one profile needed if more than one meter will be sending data to the same folder

14 Import from DR3900 (cont.) Add locations on meter and setup network connection Ensure lab tech selects correct sample point when running test Parse DR3900 data by clicking button in any entry form

15 Semi-Automatic Import from DR3900
Add user to SQL server Add external source to WIMS Write query for each variable

16 Semi-Automatic Import from DR3900 (cont.)
Set scheduler to import from external source once a day

17 Semi-Automatic Import from DR3900 (cont.)
Did not have a 2nd meter when report was created, but can add column to display which meter test was run on.

18 Chemical inventory By creating a few additional data fields, you can track chemical inventory and generate reports based on expiration dates.

19 Chemical inventory Report

20 Chemical expiration trigger Report
By tracking the chemical inventory including expiration dates, trigger report sends to notify lab to order replacements.

21 Industrial pretreatment program (IPP)

22 IPP (cont.) Create a location for each industry

23 IPP (cont.) Create variables for all parameters to be tracked

24 IPP (cont.) Create a report template which uses the location ID to populate variable numbers and supporting information Just like variables, locations have numbers.

25 IPP (cont.) List of all locations(pretreaters) and all relevant data

26 Questions?

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