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Meeting the Literacy Needs of English Learners to Increase Academic Success Power point template opening slide Aiken County Public School District January 13, 2017 Sandra Polk-Title III Partner Teacher
COGNATE MATCH Cognates are words in two languages that share a similar meaning, spelling, and pronunciation. Did you know that about 30%–40% of all English words have a related Spanish word? aiken county public school district
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of False Cognates A Spanish language learner was explaining an embarrassing situation to her family. She got to the end of her story and giggled "estoy embarazada!" "I'm embarrassed," right? Estoy embarazada" in Spanish actually means "I'm pregnant". Even though it looks and sounds like the English word, "embarrassed", it is extremely unrelated. Un billón= One trillion Un millones= One billion aiken county public school district
How Could Cognates "Beneficiar" English Learners?
Turn and Talk Cognates can serve as a bridge to the English language. The number of words that the average high school senior knows ranges from 17,000-50,000. That means English learners must learn a lot of words quickly. The number of cognates students encounter increases with the grades as they encounter more words with Latin roots, especially in science and social studies. Cognates are a way for students to make meaning of academic vocabulary. Any teacher can use cognates, you do not have to speak Spanish. How Could Cognates "Beneficiar" English Learners? aiken county public school district
Essential Question Session Outcomes
As a result of attending this session teachers will Gain knowledge of strategies they can employ to enhance literacy instruction for English learners in the following areas: A. academic vocabulary B. comprehension C. guided/structured academic talk As a teacher of how can I address the literacy needs of the English learners in my classroom? aiken county public school district
EL Stats ACPSD has had an 5,900% increase in ELs since the school year in which there were only 30 ELs enrolled in Aiken County Schools. there are 2,075 Els in ACPSD, 1,563 of which are LEP (limited Eng. proficient) ELs make up 7.3% of Aiken County School’s student population If ELs comprised a separate school, it would have the largest student population of all schools in ACPSD. (NAHS 1,506) aiken county public school district
Language Acquisition Basic Interpersonal Communication:
Takes 1-2 years to acquire Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency: Takes 7-9 years to acquire aiken county public school district
CALP is our Focus as Educators
Language support and strategies are essential in order for ELs to become proficient in the academic language of school. aiken county public school district
Numbered Heads Together 1-4 at tables
Number off 1-4 at your table Put your heads together to collaborate on a group answer. Everyone write the same group answer on a sticky note. The spinner chooses one group member to share with whole class. SPIN Els benefit from having the group answer written down so they can use it if they are called on to share. Low level Els could show their written answer if their proficiency is too low to speak it. What could be a misconception about students with proficiency in BICS? aiken county public school district
How do we set expectations?
#2 #1 aiken county public school district
#3 aiken county public school district
What’s next? Now that we know how to use language proficiency scores and the Can Do chart to set expectations and choose appropriate accommodations for ELs…………………. What are more strategies that work? aiken county public school district
Quick strategies Check for understanding: Students use cards to show ready (green) or not ready (red), Thumbs up/Thumbs down Don’t just ask “Any Questions?” “Does everyone understand?” Wait time allows English Language learners time to process. Make it visual: As you say directions, etc. write them on the board Modeling….Don’t just tell them what to do, show them what to do. Show students what your expected finished product looks like Use visual que cards for directions, tasks or for requests of ELs aiken county public school district
aiken county public school district
Pictures can be used to communicate classroom routines and expectations for low level Els. This communication can go both ways. (From teacher to student/From student to teacher) Ex: Time to go to the restroom.-Teacher May I go to the restroom? -Student aiken county public school district
Work together as a group to read these sentences.
Tib neeg muaj ob txhais ceg. Aub thiab miv muaj plaub txhais ceg. kab thaib yoov muaj rau txhais ceg. Tiamsis, kab thaib yoov co ceg tsis zoo tibyam. Ib co ceg zoo rau txoj kev dhia. Ib co ceg zoo heev rau txoj. kev, nec ntoo, vuag khoom, khiav, los yog ua luam dej. aiken county public school district
Cats and dogs have four legs-
People have two legs. Cats and dogs have four legs- and insects have six legs. But, not all insect legs are the same. Visuals make everything easier to understand. Some legs are good for jumping. Some legs are good for grabbing, climbing, running or swimming.
Activity to use with “front-loading” content vocabulary.
Find Your Match Activity to use with “front-loading” content vocabulary. When you receive your card, either look at the picture, read the word or definition on the card. Make sure low level ELs receive a picture card. When directed, walk around the room and find the people with word, definition or a picture that matches your card. Heart The heart is a muscular organ in humans and animals, which pumps blood through circulatory system. How could this activity be extended or enhanced for more proficient students? Groups can continue to work together to complete projects, writing assignments, etc. based on their matching cards. 3. When you find your matches, talk with each other about how/why your cards go together. aiken county public school district
Find Your Match Resources
Websites to print or create flashcards for Find Your Match aiken county public school district
Fish Bowl aiken county public school district
How it’s done Divide the class in half by numbering off 1-2.
One half will form the center circle, facing inward. The other half of the class will form the outer circle, facing inward as well. The students in the inner circle will discuss a predetermined topic, problem or reading selection. The outside circle will be listening to the discussion, making notes of questions, thoughts or ideas. They are not allowed to say a word at this point. The outer circle then has an opportunity to ask questions or share thoughts with the inner circle. The inner and outer circles can then switch positions and repeat the steps above with a different topic. aiken county public school district
Fish Bowl Discussion Topic:
Discuss the pros and cons of including interactive strategies such as Find Your Match, Turn and Talk, Numbered Heads Together and Fish Bowl into daily instruction. aiken county public school district
Activity to use when reviewing content.
Circle Chat Activity to use when reviewing content. Students are numbered off in groups of 2. #1 students form an inner circle and face out. #2 students form an outer circle around the #1 students and face in. Everyone should be face-to-face with someone from the other circle. Discuss your question with the person you’re facing (1-2min), then outer circle will rotate so that you are facing a new person to discuss your question with. Continue to rotate until you’ve discussed your question with everyone in the circle. aiken county public school district
Think, Pair, Write, Share Think Why is guided/structured academic talk important to English learner success? Talk about this with a table partner. Write down what your partner says. Be ready to share with whole class if called on. Pair Write Share aiken county public school district
Why is guided/structured academic talk important to ELs?
ELs need the opportunity to hear academic language in authentic and varied contexts. ELs need opportunities to produce language in contextualized and purposeful ways. Teachers should plan for interactive activities that provide structured academic talk with Els. Most Els only get the opportunity to use and practice academic language while at school. aiken county public school district
Title III Partner Teacher
Questions? Thank you for your time and attention and thank you for all you do for the English learners in Aiken County Public Schools. Sandy Polk Title III Partner Teacher aiken county public school district
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