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Carnegie Mellon University

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1 Carnegie Mellon University
Learning About New Products: An Empirical Study of Physicians’ Behavior Maria Marta Ferreyra Carnegie Mellon University Grigory Kosenok New Economic School

2 Motivation How do agents learn the quality of new products?
This paper: Physicians learning about the quality (effectiveness) of a new pharmaceutical Dynamic discrete choice model of physician Bayesian learning about the quality of a new drug Solve the uncertainty through experimentation (prescription) It is critical to understand physicians’ learning

3 Contributions Predict market demand for new drug
Model is behaviorally rich, yet parsimonious Forward-looking physicians Coscelli and Shum (2004): same data, myopic docs Forward-looking docs fits data better Quantify myopia effects and learning value Crawford and Shum (2005): related patient-level data; patients learn their match w.r.t. drugs We focus on predicting market demand Physicians learn (not patients)  spillovers Narayanan and Manchanda (2007): myopic docs

4 Contributions (cont.) Computational/methodological contribution
Forward-looking behavior + 500,000 prescriptions are challenging Need to calculate value function for each prescription (and parameter point) Exploit theoretical properties of model, and features of the data Calculate threshold rules for optimal behavior Reduce dimensionality of problem Major reduction in computing time and accuracy gains Approach may be applicable to other problems as well

5 Contributions (cont.) Counterfactuals:
Uncertainty affects prescription behavior and health outcomes Myopia aggravates these effects Price discount for new product can help

6 Plan Data Model Estimation Estimation results Counterfactuals
Concluding remarks

7 Data Data collected by the Italian National Institute of Health
All anti-ulcer prescriptions by random sample of docs in Rome b/w June 1990 and December 1992 256 physicians, 31 months For each physician and month: Total number of prescriptions Number of omeprazole prescriptions New drug v. “the incumbent” Almost 8,000 doctor-month observations

8 Omeprazole Market Share

9 Model: Basic Story Doctor sees a stream of patients; each one gets a prescription Two anti-ulcer drugs: incumbent drug  known quality new drug  unknown quality  doctor has beliefs Doctor sees patient’s condition writes prescription Patient returns at the end of the treatment If new drug: Outcome is a signal of new drug’s quality Update beliefs

10 Model Doctor i, patient k (who arrives at tk) Drugs:
Drug 0 (old drug)  known quality = 0 Drug 1 (new drug)  unknown quality = d No agency problem between doc and patient

11 Model (cont.) Patient arrival process differs across doctors
Time elapsed between two consecutive patients follows Gamma distribution:

12 Utility and Outcomes Doctor i’s instantaneous utility:
= patient’s observed condition (match parameter) = true (unknown) quality of the new drug = outcome’s random term and are i.i.d., independent of each other, and:

13 Utility and Outcomes (cont.)
Prices are also i.i.d. New drug’s outcome: When patient returns, doctor sees full outcome. In particular, he sees signal for new drug’s quality:

14 Beliefs Doctor’s beliefs at time 0:
Experimentation is the only source of learning When seeing patient k, doctor’s beliefs are: Doctor perceives the distribution of the signal as follows:

15 Beliefs (cont.) Using the new drug’s signal, he updates his beliefs as follows: No updating if he prescribes old drug

16 Doctor’s Objective Function
Doctor seeks to maximize expected discounted utility (payoff):

17 Analysis of Model At time t, state variables are Bellman Equation:

18 Value Function Rewrite value function as follows:
There is a threshold for that makes the doctor indifferent between drugs:

19 Threshold Rule, and Value Function

20 Threshold Function Write equation for threshold function as follows:
where and

21 Estimation Parameter Vector: Steps:
Step 1: Calibrate discount factor (k = ; annual discounting of 0.997) Step 2: Estimate mean of price difference from sample (1,106 liras per day) Step 3: Estimate arrival process per doctor through MLE Per doctor, match empirical distribution of patients per month to distribution implied by Gamma Step 4: Estimate remaining parameters

22 Step 4: Simulated MLE Recall: data per month and doc:
Number of patients (=prescriptions) Number of omeprazole prescriptions We are missing some pieces of information: Sequence of prescriptions (e.g., new, old, old, new, etc.) Beliefs when writing each prescription Signals Thus, we pick S=1,000 prescription sequences consistent with the data For each sequence (and parameter point): Generate prescription signals Calculate the implied beliefs

23 Step 4: Simulated MLE We maximize the following function:
with respect to five parameters

24 Computational Considerations
To evaluate likelihood for a parameter point: Solve for threshold function for 40,000,000 combinations of beliefs and discount factor  15 seconds Calculate probability for the S simulated sequences  15 seconds

25 Estimation Results

26 Goodness of Fit

27 Counterfactuals Use parameter estimates to gauge:
Cost of uncertainty Cost of myopia Effects of price Value of learning Alternative scenarios for: Representative doc; 50 patients per month 10 years Treatment lasts 14 days Patient pays a 50% copay Price difference is constant, equal to observed sample mean

28 Cases To Compare Forward-looking physician Myopic physician
Uncertain about new drug’s quality Forward-looking Myopic physician Myopic (only maximizes current utility) Fully-informed physician Knows new drug’s quality New drug’s outcome continues to be random

29 Prescription Behavior

30 Expected Health Outcomes (thousands of liras)

31 Summarizing (and Decomposing) the Losses (20 years following new drug’s entry)

32 Informational Failures: Other Implications
Revenue losses to the manufacturer Over the first 10 years, revenues are 23% lower when physicians are forward-looking rather than fully-informed Advertising and detailing make sense Suboptimal health outcomes  central planner could choose price to maximize expected social welfare Optimal price difference = -15 liras Social welfare is 5% higher than with the observed price What if optimal price is not feasible? Implement price that yields same welfare as full information Price difference is 1,031 liras (instead of 1,106 liras)

33 Concluding Remarks Experience goods  study learning process
Focus on new anti-ulcer drug in Italy Bayesian learning process for forward-looking physicians Parsimonious, rich model that fits data well Very large computational savings High learning value to prescribing new drug Myopia is very costly … but price subsidies can mitigate effects of informational failures Approach may be applicable to other dynamic discrete choice models

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