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Alfa Kommun & Landsting

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Presentation on theme: "Alfa Kommun & Landsting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alfa Kommun & Landsting
Kommun & Landsting AB Alfa Kommun & Landsting Håkan Mattsson

2 Sweden 10 million inhabitants 33 000 doctors 11 000 dentists
nurses 900 Pharmacies 40 millions prescriptions per year

3 Development e-prescription
2001: send prescription directly to the pharmacy 2004: 25% e-prescription, National e-Prescription data storage 2006: 50% e-prescription. Goal for 2011, it shall be 80% 2007: 70% e-prescription. 2010: 90% e-prescription.

4 E-prescription System
Alfa Encrypted „SÚKL“ Sending doctor and patient information Doctors Encrypted Alfa E-prescription System Updated drug information Interaction warning Positive list Price comparison Decision support Encrypted Central Data Storage can be accessed by all pharmacies Doctor information Patient information Pharmacy

5 Objections of doctors Conclusion:
Satisfied with the current situation Inconvenient to use a computer Patients want their prescriptions in their hand Time consuming ”Do not want to change my habits” Outsiders may get hold of patient information Conclusion: Despite all these objections 90 % of all prescriptions are electronic today. Doctors were convinced when they got a good e-prescription tool.

6 Benefits for Doctors Timesaving - 3 clicks (10 sec) for a complete prescription Effective Decision support High availability Secure

7 Benefits for Pharmacies
Complete prescriptions Safety: No false prescriptions No double work Well readable (No doubt about which product to dispense) Provide better services for a lower cost

8 Benefits for the Patient
Always correct medication No need to carry paper prescriptions Faster execution (Drug that needs to be prepared) Easy and convenient Secure: All information is encrypted

9 Benefits for the Health Care Sector
The correct medication is prescribed - Lower cost for the health care system Analysis and overview on what was prescribed Possibility to choose the cheapest drug – lower drug costs Time efficiency - doctors and pharmacies save time

10 E-prescription System
High quality prescription Doctors save time Secure: All information is encrypted Lower drug expenditures Pharmacy provides better services for a lower cost More satisfied patients Modern and efficient

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