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What Challenges Face Catholic Schools…..

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Presentation on theme: "What Challenges Face Catholic Schools….."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Challenges Face Catholic Schools…..
And what do parents have to do with them?

2 Purposes of Home-School Associations:
Involvement of parents in their children’s education; Communication between the school and the home; Cooperation among teachers, students, parents, administrators; Mutual support

3 Functions of HSA’s: Provide forum for parents to communicate with the school; Provide a source of enrichment for parents; Provide support for school activities; Provide for parental spiritual, educational growth; Provide source of social enjoyment.

4 The Challenge of Finances
Need to find new sources of funding Need to raise teacher salaries Need to find ways to allow poor children to attend Catholic schools Need to continue to upgrade buildings

5 The Challenge of Alternatives
Public schools doing a good job of selling themselves New “Catholic” schools Home schooling Charter schools Universal Pre-K

6 The Challenge of Catholicity
Need for orthodoxy in teaching Teacher formation Parent formation Support for mission Social Justice Student formation

7 The Challenge of Personnel
Need to see lay ministry Teacher attrition Leadership Shared governance “We are the people of God

8 The Challenge of Time, Talent, Treasure
Busy parents Working parents Guilty parents Non-involved Priorities

9 For Parents: How will we continue to provide support for single parents, working parents, surrogate parents? How will we continue to find new ways to pay for schools? How can we strengthen bonds between parents and schools?

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