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District Grants District Training Assembly April 23, 2016

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2 District Grants District Training Assembly April 23, 2016

3 District Grants Agenda
The Basics Applying for a District Grant Reporting

4 More District Grants than ever!
$104,640 this year vs $100,163 last year Maximum: $4,000 per club Last Year 33 single-club grants vs 23 in previous year Grants ranged from $275 to $4,000 4 collaborative grants vs 2 in previous year Collaborative ranged from $2,500 to $6,000 Last year’s grants list on website and ed

5 District Grants and Collaborative Grants (Similar Process)
Single club grant – maximum $4,000 Collaborative Grant – maximum $12,000 2 clubs - $6,000 3 clubs - $9,000 4+ clubs - $12,000 Individual club contributions may vary but total must match…

6 For example: Club A - $4,000 Club B - $1,000 Club C - $2,000
Club D - $4,000 Club E - $1,000 TOTAL - $12,000 District Match $12,000

7 Key Dates Applications submitted… Awards announced….....
Target Funding…………. Progress Report due….. Project Complete by…… Final Report due……….. May 31, 2016 June 15, 2016 August 1, 2016 January 31, 2017 May 7, 2017 May 15, 2017

8 Important Notes (1) You don’t need a professional grant writer; you know the answers to the questions! Be original and creative; repeat of recently funded project will not be considered. You know your community and its needs. You know what your club is passionate about. What project will best impact your community and meet your club’s mission?

9 Important Notes (2) Club may submit no more than two single-club applications designated primary and secondary. Funding for both will be unusual. NEW THIS YEAR: You club may apply for a single-club grant AND participate in a collaborative grant… if your club has the financial and human resources to do so.

10 Guidelines, Applications, Templates available at


12 PART 2: Applying for a District Grant

13 Use District Grant Template document
Develop project name, start & end date Develop budget Describe project (300 words) Describe benefit to community (300 words) Estimate Rotarian volunteer hours Describe publicity plan Who are your partners/cooperating organizations?

14 Examples of Partners/ Cooperating Organizations
Recipient organization (letter of participation required) Collaborative Grants – Participating Clubs (Project Authorization Letter from each participation club required) Others to consider: Civic Organizations Churches & other faith-based groups Other local Rotary Clubs Local College groups Interact/Rotaract Local Government Local Parks & Recreation Businesses who may provide in-kind goods and services USE DISTRICT GRANT AS A RECRUITING TOOL

15 Develop Grant Budget Examples ed.

16 Start Early & Take Picture
Start project with club funds as soon as district grant is approved. Take photos throughout the project: Club website, Social Media District & Club Newsletters Local newspaper, TV Don’t forget to include them in your final report!

17 Part 3: Reporting STEWARDSHIP
District cannot get next grant ( ) without closing grant from this year ( ) Your Rotary Club cannot apply for next year’s grant without final report complete and submitted.

18 Reporting Track number of volunteers and volunteer hours.
Scan or photograph and keep receipts. Final report due two months after completion or by May 15, 2016

19 Reporting Find your grant and project numbers here.


21 Contacts We are here to help! Rachel del Campo Gatewood
James Cook Mike Mefford Mary Keely

22 Questions?

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