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Telomere Length in Interstitial Lung Diseases

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1 Telomere Length in Interstitial Lung Diseases
Reinier Snetselaar, MSc, Coline H.M. van Moorsel, PhD, Karin M. Kazemier, BSc, Joanne J. van der Vis, BSc, Pieter Zanen, MD, PhD, Matthijs F.M. van Oosterhout, MD, PhD, Jan C. Grutters, MD, PhD  CHEST  Volume 148, Issue 4, Pages (October 2015) DOI: /chest Copyright © 2015 The American College of Chest Physicians Terms and Conditions

2 Figure 1 Telomere length in interstitial lung disease. A, The estimated marginal means of the T/S ratio per cohort, adjusted for age and sex, in peripheral WBCs. Whiskers represent SEs. B-E, T/S ratio per patient. The dotted line represents linear regression for control subjects. Solid lines represent the 95th and fifth predicted percentiles for control subjects. B, Sporadic idiopathic interstitial pneumonias (IIPs): IPF, iNSIP, SR-ILD, and COP. C, FIP-no mutation, FIP-TERT, and FIP-SFTP. D, Granulomatous ILDs: sarcoidosis and HP. E, Patients with CTD-ILD. COP = cryptogenic organizing pneumonia; CTD-ILD = connective tissue disease-associated interstitial lung disease; FIP-no mutation = familial interstitial pneumonia, nonmutation carriers; FIP-SFTP = familial interstitial pneumonia, surfactant-mutation carriers; FIP-TERT = familial interstitial pneumonia, telomerase-mutation carriers; HP = hypersensitivity pneumonitis; iNSIP = idiopathic nonspecific interstitial pneumonia; IPF = idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; SR-ILD = smoking-related interstitial lung disease; T/S = telomere/single-copy gene. CHEST  , DOI: ( /chest ) Copyright © 2015 The American College of Chest Physicians Terms and Conditions

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