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February Elections GB Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "February Elections GB Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 February Elections GB Meeting
Paid members please help yourself to some delicious Pita Pit!! \ @BMES_OSU Hitchcock /15/ :00pm

2 Agenda Updates Events Opportunities Elections


4 If you still need your shirt

5 Becoming a Member Still interested in joining?
Contact an officer after the meeting or via

6 Kaplan 10% discount for all members off Kaplan In Person, Live Online or Self-Paced, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, DAT, OAT, PCAT course All members access to Kaplan event series: digital study guide free practice test sample classes nationally hosted info sessions

7 Go to -> News and Events

8 BMES Hockey Night Friday, 3/3 5pm  Bdubs, 6:30pm  Schott
OSU vs. Michigan State, free with BuckID Go bucks!

9 Industry Visits Nanofiber Solutions (2/16) Cymaris Labs (3/1)
Scaffolding development for tissue engineering & organ regrowth 10:00 – 11:00 am Carpool sign-up (3 spots left): Cymaris Labs (3/1) Diamond nanoparticle use for high-resolution fluorescent imaging 9:30 – 10:30 am RSVP to be sent next week Contact Bernie Cook.1327 with any questions


11 BME Research Luncheon Have lunch with either Dr. Daniel Gallego-Perez or Dr. Samir Ghadiali to learn about their research Fill out form with your available times! FREE lunch catered by CHIPOTLE First 5 students to sign up (for each professor) get to have lunch with the professor Contact Grace Lee.5957 for any questions!

12 Professors: Dr. Daniel Gallego-Perez
His lab is quite full, but will consider more people if they are truly committed to do research Situation may change for next semester when people graduate and leave His lab focuses on the development of micro/nanoscale platforms for single cell analysis in cancer research, and transformative cell therapies for a number of conditions, including ischemic disorders, insulin-dependent diabetes and cancer.

13 Professors: Dr. Samir Ghadiali
The goal of his lab is to understand how biomechanical forces at multiple length scales, including the molecular, cellular and organ levels, contribute to the pathophysiology of various respiratory and lung disorders.

14 Valentine’s Day: Pepero Night
Come unwind from midterms to make your own chocolate dipped pretzel rods and eat some snacks! Thursday (2/16) anytime from 6-8pm at Scott House 2nd floor FREE pepero and other snacks!

15 Movie Night Come unwind from midterms and join BMES for Movie Night!
Enarson 222, 6:00pm FREE pepero and other snacks!

16 Medical School Panel Are you pre-med, or thinking about it?
Hear from current OSU Medical School students about their experience so far and how BME as a major helped prepare them! Wednesday 6-7pm in Enarson 226 Contact Grace Lee.5957 for any questions!

17 Graduate School Panel Are you pre-grad, or thinking about it?
Hear from current BME graduate students about their experience so far! Wednesday 6-7pm in Enarson 226 Contact Jesse Fine.71 for any questions!


19 Election Process Candidates must give a speech between 1-2 minutes
Describe why you are qualified and how you will serve BMES Competing candidates must leave room when speech is being given Election for position takes place immediately after all candidates have given speeches Voting is “heads down, hands up”

20 Every Officer Should… Represent themselves well as a student and BMES officer Hold themselves to a high standard academically and ethically Work with other officers over the summer to lay the framework for the year Keep in mind that the goal of ALL positions is service to the collective interests of BME here at Ohio State – a title means nothing without service Be willing to commit the time necessary to meet – and exceed – the basic responsibilities of their position Work with other officers productively and cooperatively

21 Positions Executive Positions President 2 Vice Presidents Internal
External Treasurer Secretary Officer Positions 2 Events Chairs Social Events Professional Events Webmaster 2 E-Council Representatives

1. Qinwan Rabbani VICE PRESIDENT- INTERNAL 1. Alyssa Dalic 2. Nicole Nassif 3. TJ Gaither SOCIAL CHAIR 1. Nicole Nassif 2. Yevgeniy Gladkiy 3. Emily Albrecht PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CHAIR 1. Dylan Beam 2. TJ Gaither 3. Jeff Gray 4. Emily Albrecht 5. Marissa Kamenir TREASURER- Alyssa Dalic Nicole Nassif Jeff Gray SECRETARY Divya Krishnagiri Dylan Beam Yevgeniy Gladkiy Emily Albrecht Marissa Kamenir WEBMASTER Aidan Matzko E-COUNCIL REP Matthew O’Donohue

23 President Leader of the organization
“Face” of the organization, “sell” the group Represent BMES to all other parties (BMES Nationals) Coordinate and execute plans Conduct general body meetings and officer meetings Strive to improve the society and BME experience Requirements: Accepted BME Major Must have previous BMES officer experience Willing to spend a minimum of 4-5 hours a week meeting the responsibilities of the position – sometimes a good deal more Must attend president training through the Ohio Union Maintain standing with Nationals Must attend BMES Annual Meeting

24 Presidential Candidates
Jesse Fine

25 Presidential Candidate
Jesse Fine Presidential Candidate

26 Vice Presidents Assist president in achieving the yearly goals of BMES
Conduct GB and officer meetings when president cannot Requirements: External must be filled by a non-senior BME Accepted BME major Must attend president and treasurer training through the Union Willing to commit a minimum of 3-4 hours a week meeting the responsibilities of the position – sometimes a good deal more External VP Recruitment Professional Development NN IRS Shadowing, Industry Visits Medical Visits Outreach Blood Drives Internal VP Serve as Mentorship Chair Form a Mentorship Leadership team and work with the team to plan and execute Mentorship events Social Events Outreach

27 External VP Candidates
Qinwan Rabbani

28 Qinwan Rabbani External VP Candidate

29 Internal VP Candidates
Alyssa Dalic Nicole Nassif TJ Gaither

30 Alyssa Dalic Internal VP Candidate

31 Nicole Nassif Internal VP Candidate

32 TJ Gaither Internal VP Candidate

33 Social Events Chair & Professional Development Chair
Form and run small committees to plan social, professional, and academic events in collaboration with mentorship Eg; B-dubs social, lab tours, panels, etc. Work with event coordinators to help plan EH: I&RS, Networking Night, Department Picnic, Industry visits and more Work with your committee(s) for outreach to companies and to bring new companies to Ohio State BME Presentations, career opportunities, and sponsorship Requirements: A strong interest in biomedical engineering Willing to commit a minimum of 2 hours a week meeting the responsibilities of the position, and more during the weeks leading up to major BMES events

34 Social Events Chair Nicole Nassif Yevgeniy Gladkiy Emily Albrecht

35 Social Events Chair Candidate
Nicole Nassif Social Events Chair Candidate

36 Social Events Chair Candidate
Yevgeniy Gladkiy Social Events Chair Candidate

37 Social Events Chair Candidate
Emily Albrecht Social Events Chair Candidate

38 Social Events Chair & Professional Development Chair
Form and run small committees to plan social, professional, and academic events in collaboration with mentorship Eg; B-dubs social, lab tours, panels, etc. Work with event coordinators to help plan EH: I&RS, Networking Night, Department Picnic, and more Work with your committee(s) for outreach to companies and to bring new companies to Ohio State BME Presentations, career opportunities, and sponsorship Requirements: A strong interest in biomedical engineering Willing to commit a minimum of 2 hours a week meeting the responsibilities of the position, and more during the weeks leading up to major BMES events

39 Professional Development Chair
Dylan Beam TJ Gaither Jeff Gray Emily Albrecht Marissa Kamenir

40 Professional Events Chair Candidate
Dylan Beam Professional Events Chair Candidate

41 Professional Events Chair Candidate
TJ Gaither Professional Events Chair Candidate

42 Professional Events Chair Candidate
Jeff Gray Professional Events Chair Candidate

43 Professional Events Chair Candidate
Emily Albrecht Professional Events Chair Candidate

44 Professional Events Chair Candidate
Marissa Kamenir Professional Events Chair Candidate

45 Treasurer Manages all income, expenses, and current accounts
Maintain transparent records Chief administrator for over $10,000 in project funding and expenditures Coordinate payment of National dues Assist in administrative details of fundraising Assist in any necessary audits Requirements: Accepted BME major Attend treasurer training through the Union Willing to commit a minimum of 2-3 hours a week meeting the responsibilities of the position – sometimes more

46 Treasurer Alyssa Dalic Nicole Nassif Jeff Gray

47 Alyssa Dalic Treasurer Candidate

48 Nicole Nassif Treasurer Candidate

49 Jeff Gray Treasurer Candidate

50 Secretary Manage all communications and non-financial records
Respond or forward s from Take minutes at all general body and officer’s meetings Requirements: Strong interest in biomedical engineering Excellent organization and written communication skills Willing to commit a minimum of 2-3 hours a week meeting the responsibilities of the position – sometimes more

51 Secretary Dylan Beam Yevgeniy Gladkiy Emily Albrecht Marissa Kamenir
Divya Krishnagiri

52 Dylan Beam Secretary Candidate

53 Yevgeniy Gladkiy Secretary Candidate

54 Emily Albrecht Secretary Candidate

55 Marissa Kamenir Secretary Candidate

56 Divya Krishnagiri Secretary Candidate

57 Webmaster Manage and update the OSU BMES website Update officer bios, upload new pictures, update calendar etc. Manage BMES Facebook, Twitter, and other pages Requirements Non-senior (preferably a sophomore next year) with a strong interest in biomedical engineering Interest in web design and programming Experience preferred, but NOT necessary Willing to commit a minimum of 1 hour per week to meet the responsibilities of the position

58 Webmaster Aidan Matzko Divya Krishnagiri Dylan Beam

59 Aidan Matzko Webmaster Candidate

60 Divya Krishnagiri Webmaster Candidate

61 Dylan Beam Webmaster Candidate

62 Engineering Council Representatives
Attend all E-Council meetings (usually every other week) BMES is required to have at least one representative at all meetings in order to maintain eligibility for funding E-Council funding represents at least 25% of our total budget – this is a critical responsibility Give E-Council funding presentation and work with executive board to create a strong presentation Notify officer board of all volunteer opportunities through E-Council Volunteer hours are key in determining funding Eat free food at E-Council meetings This is optional, but highly recommended Requirements: Must be a sophomore next year (current freshman) A strong interest in biomedical engineering Willing to make sure every E-Council meeting is attended

63 E-Council Rep Matthew O’Donohue Aidan Matzko Divya Krishnagiri

64 E-Council Rep Candidate
Matthew O’Donohue E-Council Rep Candidate

65 E-Council Rep Candidate
Aidan Matzko E-Council Rep Candidate

66 E-Council Rep Candidate
Divya Krishnagiri E-Council Rep Candidate

67 Congratulations Incoming Officers!

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