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Significant Figures.

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1 Significant Figures

2 Accuracy versus Precision
When taking scientific measurements, the goals are to measure accurately and with precision. Accuracy refers to how close a measured value is to the actual or real value Precision refers to how close the measurements are to one another

3 Accuracy versus Precision
Accuracy refers to how close a measured value is to the actual or real value Precision refers to how close the measurements are to one another Examine the diagrams on the right. Which displays accuracy? Precision? Assume the bull’s-eye represents the true value Neither Precision Accuracy Accuracy and Precision

4 Measuring Tools In order to take measurements, scientists must use a measuring tool Ruler Scale Spectrometer Barometer Etc. Each device has a maximum level of precision that it can measure.

5 Measuring Tools Eg. Which of the following best describes the length of the red rectangle? A. 2 cm B cm C cm D cm

6 Measuring Tools The smallest division this ruler shows is millimeters (0.1 cm), however, we are able to estimate up to a tenth of a millimeter (0.01cm). In general, a measurement includes: The smallest marked interval on the tool Eg. Millimeters on a ruler One more estimated decimal place Eg. Tenths of a millimeter on a ruler The number of digits or decimal places in a measurement represents our certainty, or to what degree we are confident that our measurement represents the true value.

7 Measurements The number of digits and decimal places in a measurement represents our certainty, or to what degree we are confident that our measurement represents the true value. This is referred to as the number of significant figures Significant figures (sig figs): the digits that contribute meaning to a measurement

8 Significant Figures include:
All non-zero digits Eg. 3.4 has 2 significant figures All zeros between non-zero digits Eg has 3 significant figures All zeros trailing non-zero digits after a decimal place Eg has 5 significant figures

9 Significant Figures Do Not Include:
Any leading zeros Eg has 1 significant figure Any trailing zeros necessary to denote scale UNLESS they are followed by a decimal point Eg. 10,000 has 1 significant figure 10,000. has 5 significant figures

10 Significant Figures In general: ask yourself “is this zero necessary or did we go out of our way to include it?” If it is necessary, it is not significant If we went out of our way to include it, it is significant How many significant figures? x x x NOTE: With proper scientific notation, all the digits at the front are significant

11 Operations with Significant Figures
Significant figures must also be tracked when performing operations on measurements. We can’t be more confident of an output than we were of the input. Adding and subtracting: the sum or difference should be rounded to the same number of decimal places as the input with the fewest number of decimal places Eg =  Our answer needs to be rounded to 58.1 (one decimal place) Multiplying and dividing: the product or quotient should be rounded to the same number of sig figs as the input with the fewest number of sig figs Eg * 47 =  Our answer needs to be rounded to 95 (two sig figs)

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