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Discrimination of new physics models with ILC
arXiv: , Submitted to PRD Taikan Suehara (ICEPP, The Univ. of Tokyo), M. Asano(Tokyo), T. Saito(Tohoku), K. Fujii(KEK), R.S. Hundi(IACS), H. Itoh(Tokyo), S. Matsumoto(Tokyo), N. Okada(Alabama), Y. Takubo(KEK), H.Yamamoto(Tohoku)
Introduction ‘New physics with a WIMP’ is a charming scenario
Dark matter Hierarchy problem If LHC finds a hint of that, the characteristics must be investigated in detail -> ILC! ‘Spin of new particle’ is a first discriminator of the new physics models -> We investigate it in ILC.
Three models Inert Higgs SUSY Littlest Higgs with T-parity
WIMP: hI (scalar) Visible: h± (scalar) SUSY WIMP: c0 (fermion) Visible: c± (fermion) Littlest Higgs with T-parity WIMP: AH (vector) Visible: WH± (vector) All give 2W + 2WIMP fs.
Sample points/tools 2 points (the same for 3 models)
Point I: m(c+) = 232 GeV, m(c0) = 44.0 GeV √s = 500 GeV, 500 fb-1, full simulation Point II: m(c+) = 368 GeV, m(c0) = 81.9 GeV √s = 1 TeV, 500 fb-1, fast simulation Cross section is normalized (200fb & 40fb). NO Initial polarization Use W hadronic decay (cut leptonic events)
Basic strategies Selection by cuts Mass determination
Individual optimization for Point I/II studies Mass determination Fit to identify edges of W energy spectrum Separate three models by spin Production angle of c+- pair Threshold scan 3 point scan with 50 fb-1 each
ILD detector & framework
Event generation (signal, SM background) Stdhep event files Full-MC simulation (GEANT4) Hit, MC info(LCIO file) Tracking Particle Flow Flavor tagging etc. Event reconstruction ILD detector (ILD00) Vertex: Si pixel (3x2 layers) Silicon Tracker: 4 layers TPC(main tracker) ECAL (0.5x0.5 cm tile, Si/W) HCAL (3x3 cm tile, Sci/Fe) Solenoid (3.5Tesla) Muon detector Particle information (ROOT tree) Analysis Event weighting Separation cuts Analysis (mass, angle…)
Selection cuts (Point I)
BG suppression cuts “qqqq (non-b) + missing” 4-jet clustering (Durham) # Track >= 20 160 < Evis < 400 GeV each Ejet > 5GeV |cosq|jet < 0.99 unlike 3jet (yth,3 > 0.001) each jet has >= 2tracks no > 25 GeV leptons |cosq|miss < 0.9 sum |cosq| < 2.6 sum b-quark prob. < 1 kinematic fit converged 65 < mW < 95 GeV
Selection efficiency (Point I)
IH eff: 59.8%, pur (200 fb): 78.6%, pur (40 fb): 42.3% SUSY eff: 58.3%, pur (200 fb): 77.7%, pur (40 fb): 41.0% LHT eff: 58.9%, pur (200 fb): 78.2%, pur (40 fb): 41.8% Acceptable selection performance
Mass determination PII PI 200 fb (w/bg) 40 fb (bg sub- tracted)
Empirical function with edges
Mass resolution Point I (MC: 231.6/44.0) Point II (MC: 368/81.9)
Visible (200 fb) WIMP (40 fb) IH-like 232.9 ± 0.1 44.2 ± 0.6 231.8 ± 0.4 46.2 ± 1.9 SUSY-like 232.7 ± 0.1 43.6 ± 0.7 232.2 ± 0.5 45.8 ± 2.3 LHT-like 232.1 ± 0.1 43.8 ± 0.5 231.5 ± 0.5 45.9 ± 1.8 Visible (200 fb) WIMP (40 fb) IH-like 367.4 ± 0.9 81.2 ± 1.1 366.5 ± 3.4 80.5 ± 4.7 SUSY-like 368.5 ± 0.8 81.6 ± 1.1 370.7 ± 2.8 82.5 ± 4.5 LHT-like 367.5 ± 0.6 82.1 ± 0.8 367.2 ± 2.0 84.0 ± 2.7
Production angle Production angle of the visible new particle can be calculated from W directions with masses of new particles and back-to-back assumption. The angle has spin info. but two-fold ambiguity (solution of 2nd equation) exists. ~30 % of the events are cut out because of negative discriminant.
Reco. (2 solutions added)
1D distribution PI PII MC truth Reco. (2 solutions added)
2D distribution PII PI Similar distributions between SUSY – LHT in Point I Other pairs seem to be distinguishable Obtain c2 of toy-MC data (with Poisson fluctuation) to each template
Chi-square distributions
Separation power results
Separation power is defined as (reduced c2 – 1) divided by width of (data = template) distribution PI PII 200 fb IH-like tmpl. SUSY-like tmpl. LHT-like tmpl. IH-like - 63 43 SUSY-like 53 4.9 LHT-like 35 200 fb IH-like tmpl. SUSY-like tmpl. LHT-like tmpl. IH-like - 109 82.5 SUSY-like 216 75.0 LHT-like 156 46.0 40 fb IH-like tmpl. SUSY-like tmpl. LHT-like tmpl. IH-like - 8.9 6.0 SUSY-like 7.5 0.7 LHT-like 4.9 0.8 40 fb IH-like tmpl. SUSY-like tmpl. LHT-like tmpl. IH-like - 29.1 23.9 SUSY-like 46.8 21.6 LHT-like 30.9 9.4
Threshold scan PI PII s ~ (s-s0)0.5 (SUSY), (s-s0)1.5 (IH/LHT) near threshold Cross section vals at 3 CMS points are fitted by two functions, Obtain chi2 to each func. with 50 fb-1 luminosity (x3 pts) Background, cut eff. is assumed to be same as the previous analysis a, s0 : free params
Threshold scan, chi2 PI PII Power of 0.5 Power of 1.5
Summary We studied model separation using spin
Inert Higgs (scaler), SUSY (fermion) and LHT (vector) Separation possible in both point I & II with 40 fb, 500 fb-1 statistics For Point I, separation can be completed with combination of production angle (IH-like & others) and threshold scan (SUSY-like & others) For Point II, production angle is enough Future works Mass dependence t-channel contribution
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