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Root Canal Irrigation Dr. Ahmed Jawad.

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1 Root Canal Irrigation Dr. Ahmed Jawad

2 Introduction Irrigation is an important part of root canal treatment, it represent the chemical phase of canal preparation. microorganisms are removed mechanically during canal preparation and eradicated chemically using irrigants. They are present in the lumen of the root canal as a biofilm adhering to the canal walls.

3 The smear layer is a layer of microcrystalline and organic particle debris that is found spread on root canal walls after root canal instrumentation. Its removal may aid in better adaptation of the obturating material to the walls. It consist of Organic layer removed by irrigants Inorganic layer removed by chealating agent

4 Functions of Irrigants
Rinsing of debris Lubrication of the canal system which facilitates instrumentation Dissolution of remaining organic material Antibacterial properties Softening and removing the smear layer Penetrating into areas inaccessible to instruments, thereby extending the cleaning process.

5 Ideal Properties of an Ideal Irrigation Solution
Have broadspectrum antimicrobial properties. Aid in the debridement of the canal system. Have the ability to dissolve necrotic tissue or derbis. Have low toxicity level. Be a good lubricant. Have low surface tension so that it can easily flow into inaccessible areas. Be able to effectively sterilize the root canals (disinfect them) Be able to prevent formation of smear layer during instrumentation or disolve the latter once it is formed.

6 Factors modifying the activity of irrigating solutions
Concetration : tissue disolving capability of NaOCL is higher at 5.2% Contact: Irrigant must come in contact with the substrate. Presence of organic tissue: Organic tissues must be removed for effective irrigantion Quantity of irrigant used ; increase in quantity increase the effectiveness. Gauge of irrigating needle: 27 or 28 is preferred for better penetration in the canal.

7 6.Surface tension of irrigant: lower the surface tension, better is wettiability.
7.Temperature of irrrigant: Warming the NaOCL increase its efficacy. 8. Frequency of irrigation: More is ferquency, better are the result. 9.Canal diameter : Wider the canal,better is action of irrigant 10.Age of irrigant: Freshly prepared solutions are more efficient than older ones.

8 Classification of Irrigation solutins
Chemically Inactive water Saline Local Anasthetic Chemically Active Proteolytic: Sodium Hypochlorite NaOCl Antibacterial: CHX, NaOCl Chelating Agents: EDTA Oxidizing Agents: H2O2 Detergents: Sodium lauryl sulfate

9 Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl)
It is the most commonly used irrigant due to its potent antibacterial effect, it has pH value ( ) It is provided in bottles of 5.2% concentration, but it could be diluted up to 0.05%. Warming of NaOCl increases its dissolution effect It is extremely irritant to the vital tissues so it should be used carefully by: Gentile injection The use of small needles Avoid locking the syringe in the canals

10 Advantages of NaOCl Gross debridement Dissolution of tissue Lubricant
Antibacterial Cheep and commercially available

11 Chlorhexidine Gluconate (0.2-2%)
It has a prolonged antibacterial effect due to its ability to bind to hydroxyapatite crystals It has low toxicity compared to NaOCl It does not have tissue solvent action

12 EDTA Ethylene Diamine Tetra acetic Acid, it is a chelating agent that react with calcium ions present in dentin. It is used to enlarge narrow, curved and calcified canals It also aids in the removal of smear layer (inorganic part) It is available in the form of gel that is applied in the canals to facilitate instrumentation or in the form of Liquid to be used as a final irrigation for smear layer removal before obturation.

13 Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2 ) 3 %
It is odorless, clear liquid Its effervescence action is capable for removing loose debris from inside the canal Also the release of ozone (O3) has antibacterial activity against anaerobic bacteria if this irrigant passes to the periapical tissue the patient will have a post operative pain or even tissue emphysema could happen

14 MTAD M Mixture of T Tetracycline A Acid (citric acid) D Detergent
It has the advantages of being antibacterial, chelating and detergent agent The effectiveness of MTAD to completely remove the smear layer is enhanced when low concentrations of NaOCl (1.3%) are used as an intracanal irrigant before the use of MTAD.

15 Irrigation Techniques

16 Syringe irrigation with needles
Brushes Manual-Dynamic Agitation Manual Rotary Brushes Continuous irrig. During rotary inst. Sonic Ultrasonics Presure Alternation Devices LASER Activated Irrigation Machine

17 Syringe The technique involves dispensing of an irrigant into a canal through needles/cannulas of variable gauges, either passively or with agitation. The latter is achieved by moving the needle up and down the canal space. Closed end, side-port delivery improve the hydrodynamic activation of an irrigant and reduce the chance of apical extrusion

18 Brushes They are adjuncts that have been designed for debridement of the canal walls or agitation of root canal irrigant.

19 Manual-Dynamic Irrigation
It is often difficult for the irrigant to reach the apical portion of the canal because of the so-called vapor lock effect Researches has shown that gently moving a small instrument up and down in short 2- to 3-mm strokes within an instrumented canal can produce a hydrodynamic effect eliminating the vapor lock because the space previously occupied by air is replaced by the instrument, carrying with it a film of irrigant to the working length.

20 Machine assisted 1.Rotary brushes
This highly flexible microbrush is molded entirely from polypropylene and might be used manually with a rotary action. However, it is more effective when attached to a contra-angle handpiece running at 600 rpm

21 2.Continuous Irrigation During Rotary Instrumentation
The Quantec-E irrigation system is a self-contained fluid delivery unit that is attached to the Quantec-E Endo System. It uses a pump console, 2 irrigation reservoirs, and tubing to provide continuous irrigation during rotary instrumentation .

22 3.Sonic The EndoActivator System is a more recently introduced sonically driven canal irrigation system, It consists of a portable handpiece and 3 types of disposable polymer tips of different sizes. These tips are claimed to be strong and flexible and do not break easily. Because they are smooth, they do not cut dentin.

23 4.Ultrasonic Eg; Irrisafe file
Manufactured from stainless steel, it is small, parallel-shaped, and noncutting, making the instruments easy to use during passive ultrasonic irrigation with sodium hypochlorite. It is more effective than syringe irrigation due to the much higher velocity and volume of irrigant flow that created in the canal during ultrasonic irrigation

24 5.Pressure Alternation Devices
EndoVac System This system is comprised of three parts for 3 steps: 1.Gross Debris Evacuation with the Master Delivery Tip 2.Coarse Debris Evacuation with the MacroCannula 3.MicroCannula Microscopic Debris Evacuation

25 6.Laser-activated irrigation (LAI)
Erbium laser has been introduced as a method for activating the irrigant. In water ,activation of the laser may result in the formation of large elongated vapor bubbles, which expand and collapse resulting in development of negative pressure. Therefore LASER works as fluid pump in the canal increasing the efficiency of irrigation

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