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3 Presenters RAMANI KANTA BARMAN Student ID. 1107049 Session: 2011
MD. ABU AYUB SIDDIQUE Student ID Session: 2011 MD. MAKSUDUR RAHMAN Student ID Session: 2011


5 Agriculture contributes 20.6% of GDP of this country (BBS, 2010)
In Bangladesh almost 40% people are engaged in agricultural production activities. Agriculture contributes 20.6% of GDP of this country (BBS, 2010) Bangladesh is an agro-based and the most densely populated country in the world and The fundamental activity of the people of Bangladesh is agriculture Agriculture contributes 20.6% of GDP of this country (BBS, 2010) 3. Crop sub sector alone contributes about 11% of the total GDP of the country and about 75% of the agricultural GDP (GOB, 2011). Only crop contributes about 11% of the total GDP of the country.

6 Rice is one of the leading cereal crops in the world
About million hectares were under the cultivation of rice in Bangladesh that was 88% of the gross cropped land of the country (BBS, 2014) Annual production of rice was million tones with 154 million hectares of cultivable lands under the 113 countries in the world (FAO, 2015)

7 Wheat is the second leading cereal crop after rice
One of the most important winter crops and Temperature sensitive In Bangladesh, 24.93% annual mean growth rate (BARI, 2010) Occupies 4% of the total cropped area Also occupies 11% of the area cropped in rabi season Contributes 7% to the total output of food cereals (Anonymous, 2008)

8 In Bangladesh, traditional harvesting is done by labors with sickle which is
Laborious, Costly Time consuming and Greater shattering losses due to late harvesting for the lack of labours available in time. So, suitable machinery specially an intermediate technology for harvesting is necessary to enhance mechanization.

9 Fertilizer applicator
Present status of farm machinery used in crop production in Bangladesh (IFDC, 2013) Sl. No. Name of the machines Quantity 01. Power tiller 3,50,000 02. Tractor 40,000 03. Seeder 2,000 04. Weeder 2,00,000 05. Fertilizer applicator 8,500 06. Sprayer 12,50,000 07. Reaper 500 08. Combine harvester 130 09. Power thresher 10. Maize seller 11. Winnower 200 Reaper 500 Combine harvester 130

10 Types of Reaper 1. Power tiller operated and 2. Self-propelled Manufacturers and Dealers of Reaper in Bangladesh 1. ACI 2. ALIM Industries Ltd. 3. Solar vision 4. BARI reaper 5. BAU reaper 6. The Metal (pvt.) Industries Ltd.

11 The percentages of reaper in different divisions of Bangladesh
Figure: Percentage of reaper available in different divisions (Brishti, 2014)

12 Objectives of the Study
The main objective of the study was to compare the performance of a manual reaper to that of manual and combine harvesting for paddy and wheat. Specific Objectives To study the performance of a manual reaper To identify the problems and prospects of reaper in harvesting To compare mechanical harvesting with manual harvesting for selected crops To suggest an economically feasible harvesting method for selected crops.


14 Fig: Harvesting plot of paddy Fig: Harvesting plot of wheat
Experimental Site The research work was carried out regarding paddy and wheat harvesting during Aman and Robi season in For paddy at Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University research field For wheat at BADC seed production field, Noshipur, Dinajpur Fig: Harvesting plot of paddy Fig: Harvesting plot of wheat

15 Figure: Combine harvester
Equipment used Figure: Manual reaper Figure: Combine harvester

16 Engine power 1.25kw/7000r/min(2hp) Weight (kg) 9.2
Specification of a manual reaper Engine model 1E40F Engine type Air-cooled, 2 stroke, single cylinder petrol Engine power 1.25kw/7000r/min(2hp) Carburetor Diaphragm Type Starting method Manually drawing wound rope Fuel tank capacity (Lit) 1.2 Ratio of fuel and lubricant 30:1 Type Hand-type Harvester Power source Petrol circular saw blade diameter (cm) 25 Metal plate height (cm) 11 Shaft length (mm) 1670 Shaft diameter (mm) 28 Shaft thickness (mm) 2 Color red Weight (kg) 9.2 Engine power 1.25kw/7000r/min(2hp) Weight (kg) 9.2

17 Model Farmtrac –FT70 Power 60hp 44.76 kw Engine Make Escorts Model
Specification of the Farmtrac-FT70 Combine Harvester Engine Make Escorts Model Farmtrac –FT70 Power 60hp 44.76 kw Number of cylinder 4 Piston displacement 3320 cc Gross power 60/2220 Cooling system Water cooled (Forced) Fuel 4-stoke cycle, Diesel engine Fuel Tank Capacity 110 lit Power Transmission Hydraulic Static Transmission Power Transmission Stage 2×3 Speed (km/hr) Forward Backward 2.5 Model Farmtrac –FT70 Power 60hp 44.76 kw

18 Harvested Plots Fig: Wheat harvesting by reaper
Fig: Paddy harvesting by reaper Fig: Wheat harvest by combine harvester Fig: Wheat harvest manually Fig: Harvested plot by reaper Fig: Harvested plot by reaper

19 Fig: Harvested plot (wheat) by combine harvester
Operation Time and Cutting Area 13.1m×7.9m area (2.26 decimal) = 40 minutes (1 labour by reaper) m×152.39m area ( decimal) =4 hours (4 labours by combine harvester) 34m×20m area (16.79 decimal) = 2.3 hours (12 labours manually) 79.24m×20.42m area (39.95 decimal) =4 hours (1 labour by reaper) 17.67m×12.80m area (5.58 decimal) =4 hours (1 labour manually) Fig: Harvested plot (paddy) by reaper Fig: Harvested plot (paddy) by reaper Fig: Harvested plot (paddy) manually Fig: Harvested plot (paddy) manually Fig: Harvested plot (wheat) by reaper Fig: Harvested plot (wheat) manually Fig: Harvested plot (wheat) by combine harvester

20 Fc= 𝐪 𝐭 C= 𝐀 𝐓 Fuel Consumption
Fuel consumption was calculated by using standard method as follows Fc= 𝐪 𝐭 Where, Fc = Fuel consumption (lit/hr) q = Quantity of fuel consumed (lit) t = Consumption time (hr) Effective Field Capacity By using the following formula field capacity and field efficiency were calculated C= 𝐀 𝐓 Where, C = field capacity (ha/hr) T = total time for the reaping operation (hr) A= area of land reaped at specified time (ha)

21 Ef = 𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 ×100
Theoretical Field Capacity Theoretical field capacity, computed based on the forward speed and the cutting width of reaper. TFC= 𝐒𝐖 𝐂 Where, TFC = Theoretical field capacity (ha/hr) W = Cutting width (m) S = Operating speed (km/hr) C = Constant, 10 Field Efficiency Field efficiency is defined as the ratio of the actual field capacity to theoretical field capacity, expressed in percent Ef = 𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 ×100 Where, Ef = Field Efficiency (%) EFC = Actual field capacity (ha/hr) TFC = Theoretical field capacity (ha/hr)

22 Harvesting Cost (Fixed cost + Variable cost)
1. Depreciation 2. Interest on investment 3. Tax, insurance and shelter Variable cost 1. Repair and Maintenance 2. Fuel cost 3. Lubricant cost 4. Labour cost

23 Fixed cost D= 𝐏−𝐒 𝐋 I= 𝐏+𝐒 𝟐 ×i
1. Depreciation was determined by straight-line method by the following equation D= 𝐏−𝐒 𝐋 Where, D = Mean yearly depreciation (Tk/yr) P = Purchase value (Tk) S = Salvage value (Tk) L = Useful life (yr) 2. Interest is an actual cost in agricultural machinery and was determined by straight line method by the following equation I= 𝐏+𝐒 𝟐 ×i Where, I = Interest on investment (Tk/yr) P = Purchase value (Tk) S = Salvage value (Tk) i = interest rate (%)

24 Total fixed cost was calculated as
3. Tax, insurance and shelter For manual reaper was considered 0.03% of purchase price. For combine harvester was considered 2.5% of purchase price (Hunt, 1973). Total fixed cost was calculated as FC = Depreciation + Interest on investment + Tax, insurance and shelter Total variable cost was calculated as VC = R&M + Fuel cost + Lubricant cost + Labor cost Where, VC = Variable Cost (Tk/ha) R&M= Repair and Maintenance cost (0.025% of purchase price) Fuel cost= 68 Tk/lit (Diesel) Lubricant cost= 15% of Fuel cost Labor cost= 300 Tk/day

25 Break-even Area B= 𝐅 Va −Vm
The break-even area in which the harvesting cost per unit area is equal for machine and manual was determined by the following equation (Alizadeh et al., 2007). B= 𝐅 Va −Vm Where, B = Break-even point (ha/yr) F = Fixed cost of machine (Tk/yr) Va = Variable costs of manual method (Tk/ha) Vm= Variable costs for machinery method (Tk/ha)


27 Field Performance Performance test of manual reaper (for paddy) Plot No. Length (m) Width (m) Area (m2) Fuel consumption ( lit/hr) Average fuel consumption (lit/hr) Field capacity ( m2/hr) Field capacity (ha/hr) Field capacity (ha/day) Average Field capacity (ha/day) 01 10.1 5.5 55.55 1.095 555.5 0.0555 0.444 02 8.1 1.3 10.53 0.550 0.755 344.62 0.035 0.276 0.3485 03 1.6 12.96 0.620 405.7 0.041 0.325 0.755 0.3485

28 Field capacity (ha/hr) Average field capacity
Performance test of manually harvested plot (for paddy) Plot No. Length (m) Width (m) Area (m2) Field capacity (m2/hr) Field capacity (ha/hr) Field capacity (ha/man day) Average field capacity 01 36.57 25.91 947.52 411.08 0.04 0.027 02 34 20 680 302.22 0.03 0.0302 03 40 28 1120 448 0.045 0.036

29 Field capacity (ha/hr) Field capacity (ha/day)
Comparison of the performance of reaper, combine harvester and manual harvesting for wheat Method Length (m) Width (m) Area (m2) Fuel consumption ( lit/hr) Field capacity ( m2/hr) Field capacity (ha/hr) Field capacity (ha/day) Manual reaper 79.24 20.42 0.625 404.52 0.04 0.3236 Combine harvester 152.39 212.45 14 0.809 6.474 Manual 17.67 12.802 _ 56.544 0.0056 0.0452 0.625 14 0.3236 6.474 0.0452

30 4032 9600 Harvesting Cost Manual harvesting cost
Estimated total cost of reaper and manual harvesting (for paddy) Machine harvesting cost Manual harvesting cost Cost items Tk/yr Tk/ha Tk/hr Fixed cost Considered 32 nos. labors per hectare 37.5 Depreciation Interest on investment Taxes, insurances and shelter Total fixed cost 1080 792 300 2172 498 21.72 Variable cost Fuel oil labor Repair and maintenance Total variable cost 1733 75.5 52 2.3 1721 75 28 1.2 3534 154 Total cost of harvesting 4032 175.72 9600 4032 9600

31 Estimated total cost of reaper and manual harvesting (for wheat)
Machine harvesting cost Manual harvesting cost Cost items Tk/yr Tk/ha Tk/hr Fixed cost Considered 23 nos. labors per hectare 37.5 Depreciation Interest on investment Taxes, insurances and shelter Total fixed cost 1080 792 300 2172 498 21.72 Variable cost Fuel oil labor Repair and maintenance Total variable cost 966 62.5 53 2.3 1721 75 28 1.2 2768 141 Total cost of harvesting 3266 163 6900 3266 6900

32 Estimated total fixed cost of reaper and combine harvester (for wheat)
Cost item Combine harvester Reaper Tk/yr Tk/ha Tk/hr Tk./yr Fixed cost Depreciation 320100 1080 Interest on investment 195940 792 Shelter, Tax and Insurance 97000 300 Total Fixed cost 613040 2105 1703 2172 498 21.72 2105 498

33 Estimated total variable cost of reaper and combine harvester (for wheat)
Cost item Combine harvester Reaper Tk/ha Tk./hr Variable cost Fuel cost 955.87 966 62.5 Oil cost 176 143 53 2.3 Labour cost 185.41 150 1721 75 Repair and maintenance 888.16 718.52 28 1.2 Total variable cost 2432 1968 2768 141 Total harvesting cost (total variable cost + total fixed cost) 4850 4324 3266 163 4850 3266

34 Comparative harvesting cost of reaper and manual harvesting (for paddy)
Harvesting cost (Tk./ha) Harvesting time ( hr/ha) Percent cost saved over manual harvesting   (%) Percent labor saved over manual harvesting (%) Reaper (including labor for binding and collecting) Manual 4032 9600 24 180 58 86 58 86 Comparative harvesting cost of reaper and manual harvesting (for wheat) Harvesting cost (Tk/ha) Harvesting time (hr/ha) Percent cost saved over manual harvesting (%) Percent labor saved over manual harvesting (%) Reaper (including labor for binding and collecting) Manual 3266 6900 25 177 53 85 53 85

35 Fig: Cost/ha against area of operation showing break-even area
0.32 Fig: Cost/ha against area of operation showing break-even area

36 Fig: Cost/ha against area of operation showing break-even area
0.52 Fig: Cost/ha against area of operation showing break-even area


38 The experimental results shows that
For paddy  Average Field capacity of manual reaper was ha/day Average Field capacity of manual harvesting was ha/man day Total cost of harvesting by manual reaper was 4032 Tk/ha Total cost of manual harvesting was 9600 Tk/ha Cost saved by manual reaper over manual harvesting was 58% Labor saved by manual reaper over manual harvesting was 86%

39 For wheat Field capacity of manual reaper was 0.3236 ha/day
Field capacity of manual harvesting was ha/man day Field capacity of combine harvester was ha/day Total cost of harvesting by manual reaper was 3266 Tk/ha Total cost of manual harvesting was 6900 Tk/ha Total cost of combine harvester was 4850 Tk/ha

40 Cost saved by manual reaper over manual harvesting was 53%
Labor saved by manual reaper over manual harvesting was 85% Cost saved by combine harvester over manual harvesting was 75% Labor saved by combine harvester over manual harvesting was 98%

41 Therefore, harvesting by manual reaper would be economically efficient than manual harvesting and combine harvesting for fragmented lands. However, study on field acceptance by farmer is needed for expansion of the device in the field level.



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