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WG Continents and Regions

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1 WG Continents and Regions

2 Name the seven continents in alphabetical order.
Africa Antarctica Asia Australia Europe North America South America

3 Name the four oceans in alphabetical order.
Arctic Atlantic Indian Pacific

4 What continent includes Quebec, a land divided by language?
North America

5 What continent is home to the following cities…Canberra,A. C. T
What continent is home to the following cities…Canberra,A.C.T., Sydney, Melbourne? Australia

6 Which continent has low per capita GDP, low life expectancy,low literacy rates, high infant mortality, high population growth rate,and large percentage of population under age 15? Africa

7 What continent includes air and water travel that bring goods and services to remote areas?

8 Which continent has natural hazards-monsoons, typhoons, volcanoes,and earthquakes?

9 What continent has the Great Dividing Ranges?

10 Which continent has silks, batiks, woods and ivory carving, ideograms, unique alphabets, and jewels?

11 What region includes a vast land area, two continents, and covers 11 time zones?

12 What two continents are divided by the Strait of Gibraltar?
Europe Africa

13 What two continents are divided by the Straits of Bosporus?
Europe Asia

14 Which continent includes Fjords?

15 Which continent’s lifestyles range from subsistence farming to modern city living?

16 Which two continents are part of a large landmass called Eurasia?
Europe Asia

17 Which continent is a major exporter of technology?
North America

18 Which continent includes Spanish and Portuguese languages?
South America

19 Which continent includes ranching and mining as its primary activities?

20 Which continent is the home of Machu Picchu ?
South America

21 What continent is home to the Kurds who live in parts of Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Syria?

22 What region of the world is now called North Africa and Southwest Asia?
Middle East

23 Which two continents includes NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)?
Europe North America

24 What continent includes the continental divide?
North America

25 What continent is home to the Yangtze River of China?

26 Which continent sports highly developed infrastructures and economies?
North America

27 Which continent includes the Black Forest, Venice, Rhine, Danube, and Seine?

28 What region of the world is the cross roads of Europe, Africa, and Asia?
Middle East

29 What region of the world has water features such as Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Black Sea, and Arabian Sea? Middle East

30 What continent has the most advanced road system or infrastructure?
North America

31 What region of the world is the birthplace of three major monotheistic religions?
Middle East

32 What continent is home to the Suez Canal which connects the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea?

33 Which continent has oil reserves in the North Sea?

34 What continent is home to the Andes Mountains?
South America

35 What region of the world depends on oil drilling, agriculture, and pastoralism?
Middle East

36 Which continent includes Pampas and Llanos?
South America

37 Which continent is part of NAFTA?
North America

38 Which continent includes many rainforests?
South America

39 What region of the world has been the crossroads of many world-wide shipping routes?
Middle East

40 Which continent includes calypso, steel drum bands, and reggae?
South America

41 What region of the world is home OPEC?
Middle East

42 Which continent has Tierra Caliente, Tierra Templada, and Tierra Fria?
South America

43 Which continent is the center of the world’s financial markets?
North America

44 Which continent includes Haciendas, Ejidos (communal land)?
South America

45 Which continent has The Chunnel?

46 What region of the world has water features such as Volga River, Ob River, Amur River, and Lake Baikal? Russia

47 What region of the world has diverse ethnic groups, and cultural heritages such as Ballet and Faberge eggs? Russia

48 Which continent has exported McDonald’s, Coca Cola and blue jeans?
North America

49 What region of the world has rich chernozem soil?

50 What region is home to the Caucasus Mountains?

51 Which continent has the biggest variety of ethnic groups, languages and customs?

52 Which continent includes cities such as Toronto, Quebec, Chicago and Los Angeles?
North America

53 Which continent has the Himalayas?

54 What region of the world divides Europe from Asia?

55 Which continent has few cities with population over 1 million?

56 What region of the world is called the sleeping land, and located east of the Urals?

57 Which continent includes the Columbia and St. Lawrence Rivers?
North America

58 What region of the world has Matrioshka dolls, Oriental Carpets, and Samovars?

59 What continent’s population lives near the coast?

60 Which continent includes the cities of Berlin, London, Paris, Madrid, Rome, Athens, and Warsaw?

61 What region of the world has cultural landscapes such as St. Basils?

62 What region of the world includes Red Square?

63 What region of the world has Kremlin, Mosques, minarets, Siberian villages, and Soviet-style apartment blocks? Russia

64 Which continent includes the Aleutian Islands, the Great Plains and the Hudson Bay?
North America

65 What region of the world has center of culture and trade such as St
What region of the world has center of culture and trade such as St. Petersburg, and Novosibirk? Russia

66 What continent includes the center of world financial markets, New York Stock Exchange?
North America

67 Which continent is the birthplace of Industrial Revolution?

68 What continent includes the widening gap between rich and poor?
North America

69 Which continent has a Caste system in India?

70 Which continent hosts the world’s longest unfortified border?
North America

71 On which continent is Japan the economic leader?

72 Which continent has crop yields, fertile soils, black earth (chernozem), and farming techniques?

73 Which continent has names related to historical empires?

74 What continent enjoys the highest standard of living?
North America

75 Which continent did the “Green Revolution” in food production begin?

76 What continent is home to the following cities
What continent is home to the following cities . . Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Vancouver, Chicago? North America

77 Which continent has masks, sculpture, dance, music, colorful dress, jewelry?

78 Which continent includes cities such as Tokyo, Beijing, and New Delhi?

79 What continent is mostly dessert?

80 Which continent includes the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal, the Ganges River, the Indes River, the Brahmaputra River, the Pacific Ocean,Yangtze River, the Mekong River, and the Yellow River? Asia

81 What continent has the Great Barrier Reef ?

82 Which continent is Kalahari and Namib Deserts placed on?

83 What continent has cattle and sheep stations?

84 Which continent includes the cities of Lagos, Darkar, Johannesburg?

85 What continent has European and indigenous cultures?

86 Which continent has the Andes Mountains and Sahara Madres?
South America

87 What two continents include parts of what are known as Latin America?
North America South America

88 What continent reflects the mix of European and indigenous cultures such as the Maori and the aborigines? Australia

89 Which continent is the birthplace of western democracy?

90 What continent has the Sydney Opera House?

91 Which continent has knowledge of history through oral tradition?

92 What region is home to the Suez Canal which connects the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea?
Middle East

93 Which continent’s population predominantly lives along the coast?

94 Which continent is home to the Atacama?
South America

95 What continent is the home of research station outposts but no permanent inhabitants?

96 Which continent is mostly desert?

97 On what continent will you pass the World Geography SOL test?
North America

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