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Innovative soft separation of microalgae

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1 Innovative soft separation of microalgae
Authors Catalina Suarez, Giuseppe Olivieri, Michel Eppink and Rene H. Wijffels Wageningen UR, Bioprocess Engineering, Wageningen, The Netherlands Besides the potential in biodiesel production, microalgae biomass has other valuable components including; carbohydrates, long chain fatty acids, pigments and proteins. For biorefinery applications of microalgae biomass, components have to be released from the cells and separated from each other. Operation parameters Steam inlet pressure Feed flow rate Feed temperature Biomass concentration Evaluated on: Cell disintegration Protein release Pigment release Lipids Sugars Conductivity Lipids Proteins Sugars Extraction: Aqueous two phase extraction (ATPE) ATPE is going to be explored, taking into account the benefits and side-effects of using novel ionic liquids, to take the valuable biomolecules out of algae extracts. The main challenge is to maintain the functionality of the separated compounds. Objective Develop mild separation processes to obtain more valuable biomolecules. Furthermore, these processes should be applicable to a variety of feedstock, easily scalable, inexpensive and consume low energy. This research focusses on cell disruption and extraction technologies. Harvesting Supersonic Fluid Flow Cell disruption Aqueous two- phase Selective Extraction Fractionation First a screening of different aqueous two phase systems (ATPSs) for the separation of hydrophobic from hydrophilic components will be completed. These ATPSs will be separately evaluated for the separation of model compounds. The second step is to apply the best ATPS to disrupted cells. Cell Disruption: Supersonic Fluid Flow (SSFF) Polymer-Salt Proteins Lipids Pigments Ionic Liquid-Salt Polymer-Ionic Liquid Cell disruption is applied to release biological molecules from inside the cells. Traditional methods aggressively disrupt the cells or can recover only one product. In the SSFF steam pulses are used to disrupt the cells in a softer way, keeping the functionality of all the components. Acknowledgements The AlgaePARC Biorefinery program has been initiated by Wageningen University and Research Centre in cooperation with eleven industrial partners and University Twente. The program is performed with financial support from the Netherlands’ Ministry of Economic Affairs in the framework of the TKI BioBased Economy under contract nr. TKIBE01009. Wageningen UR (University and Research centre) P.O. Box 123, 6700 AB Wageningen Contact: T + 31 (0)

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