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General Election May 2017 The presentation can only be copied or altered for non-commercial personal or educational use. © Citizenship Foundation Charity.

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Presentation on theme: "General Election May 2017 The presentation can only be copied or altered for non-commercial personal or educational use. © Citizenship Foundation Charity."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Election May 2017 The presentation can only be copied or altered for non-commercial personal or educational use. © Citizenship Foundation Charity Reg No Author: M. Heath Date: 28/04/2017

Come and stand on our soapbox! Share your views!

3 Do you like to choose? I like to choose which shades to wear.
Which ones suit me best?

4 I like to choose which games to play.
I am partially sighted so I play with a football that has a bell inside.

5 In our school we choose the children who sit on our school council.
We choose by voting.

6 Soon grown ups will be voting.
On June 8th they will vote for their Member of Parliament (MP).

7 How will they decide how to vote?
They will listen to what the candidates have to say.

8 They will have different ideas about how our laws should be changed and how our taxes should be spent. Laws are like rules. They help to make things fair and keep us safe.

9 Some of the money grown ups earn goes to the government as tax.
Taxes pay for schools, hospitals and lots of other things we need.

10 Voters choose the person whose ideas they like best…
Abuja Brown Oonial Sandhu Stewart Stravinski

11 …they also think about the policies of the party they belong to.
Abuja Brown Oonial Sandhu Stewart Stravinski Then they put a cross to mark their choice.

12 How they vote is secret. Abuja Brown Oonial Sandhu Stewart Stravinski This is so that no one can make them vote how they don’t want to.

13 The Go-Givers think that children should also have the chance to share their views.

14 There are lots of different things to think about. Here are some ideas…

15 Do you think the government spends enough tax on schools?
If there was more money for schools what should it be spent on? Equipment Staff Sport Buildings Clubs What else?

16 Do you think the government spends enough taxes on the environment?
If there was more money for the environment what should it be spent on? Cleaning up the air Planting more trees Keeping our rivers clean Insulating our homes to save energy Saving endangered species What else?

17 Do you think the government spends enough tax on keeping us safe?
If there was more money for keeping us safe what should it be spent on? More police on the streets Watching people who might become terrorists Stopping gun and knife crime A bigger army What else?

18 Do you think the government spends enough tax on our health?
If there was more money for keeping us well what should it be spent on? More GPs Finding cures for cancer and other diseases Better accident and emergency departments Better pay for nurses What else?

19 Do you think the government spends enough tax on people in need?
If there was more money for people in need what should it be spent on? Carers to look after the elderly More help for child carers More support for disabled people Mental health What else?

20 Do you think the government spends enough tax on building homes?
If there was more money for homes what should it be spent on? More council homes More starter flats for young people More homes for families More homes specially adapted for disabled people What else?

21 Out of all these issues which is the most important to you?
Why not have a vote?!

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