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Is This Really The Way God Wants It?

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Presentation on theme: "Is This Really The Way God Wants It?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Is This Really The Way God Wants It?
The Stepford Wives Is This Really The Way God Wants It?

2 The Film’s Messages Being A Homemaker Is Demeaning and Old Fashioned.
Submitting To Your Husband Makes You A Slave Of Your Husband. Husbands Are Basically Selfish, Considering Only Their Needs.

3 Why Would Someone Believe This?
Influenced By Feministic Teaching. Experienced A Stepford Husband.

4 The Answer What Does The Creator Say?

5 Trouble In The Garden Gen. 3:16
“Your Desire Shall Be For Your Husband” “He Shall Rule Over You” “Because He Listened To The Voice Of His Wife”

6 “Your Desire Shall Be For Your Husband”
Is This A Negative Thing? Didn’t You Vow Your Love and Devotion To Him? Does Not Mean That Your Husband Gets To Think Only Of Himself!

7 “He Shall Rule Over You”
mashal (maw-shal') KJV - (have, make to have) dominion, governor, The Husband Is The Head Of The Wife. Eph. 5:23 1 Cor. 11:3 1 Cor. 11:7-12

8 “He Shall Rule Over You”
The Man Is Given The Responsibility To Shepherd The Family. This Does Not Mean That He Makes All The Decisions. This Does Not Mean He Shouldn’t Consult His Wife. It Means “The Buck Stops Here!”

9 “Because He Listened To The Voice Of His Wife”
“In What Was Wrong.” Keil and Delitzsch— “The woman had also broken through her divinely appointed subordination to the man; she had not only emancipated herself from the man to listen to the serpent, but had led the man into sin.”

10 “Created for the man, the woman was made subordinate to him from the very first; but the supremacy of the man was not intended to become a despotic rule, crushing the woman into a slave, which has been the rule in ancient and modern Heathenism.”

11 Trouble In The Garden Gen. 3:16
“Your Desire Shall Be For Your Husband” “He Shall Rule Over You” “Because He Listened To The Voice Of His Wife”

12 Men And Women Are Different and You Can’t Change That.
Some In The World Are Bent On Proving That Women, Though Different, Are Better Than Men. You Can’t Prove That One Gender Is Better Than The Other. You Can Only Prove They Are Different.

13 Why Did God Make Them Different?
“There Was Not Found A Helper Suitable For Him. So The Lord God…” God Did Not Create Them Different For Competition, But To Complement One Another E E

14 Galatians 3:26-29

15 Men and Women Are Given Different Roles.
Eph. 5 – Man Is The Head 1 Tim. 5 – Women Are The Care-givers Women Have Certain Restrictions Not To Usurp Authority Not To Speak In Worship Service

16 Women Are A Glory To God Ruth Esther Mary

17 Why Is The Creators Way Hard For Some To Accept?
The Worldly Influence Bad Experience Men Need To Work Hard At Making It Easy For Women To Accept God’s Standard.

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