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Meet the CIMS Team! Office of Special Education (OSE)

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Presentation on theme: "Meet the CIMS Team! Office of Special Education (OSE)"— Presentation transcript:

1 December Workbook Preview for Locals December 11, 2014 3:00 – 4:00 pm Office of Special Education

2 Meet the CIMS Team! Office of Special Education (OSE)
Jessica Brady, Supervisor Jeanne Anderson Tippett, Coordinator Kathleen Hoehne, Consultant Charles Thomas, Consultant Shawan Dortch, Consultant Sharon Fink, Departmental Analyst Public Sector Consultants Lynne Clark and Sarah Greer 2

3 Agenda December 2014 Workbook Focused monitoring review and preview
CIMS refresher Need help navigating CIMS? CIMS feedback Upcoming dates Questions? 3

4 Wondering About the Part C Workbook?
What’s inside? Strand Report Monitoring Activities Report (MAR) Letter of Findings/No Findings (C-1, C-7, & C-8) Closeout letters (C-7) Monitoring Notification Letters For questions, please contact the Part C (EOT&TA) Help Desk. (866) 4

5 Part B December Workbook

6 December Workbook Strand Report Monitoring Activities Report (MAR)
Letters of Findings Reports of Findings/No Findings Closeout Letters and Letters of Non-closeout from December 2013 Uncorrected noncompliance (UNC) 6

7 Strand Report Summarizes your local’s performance on State Performance Plan (SPP) indicators Reissued every Workbook with new data and updated statuses Updates include: New data for B-11 (Child Find), B-12 (Early Childhood Transition), B-TVR (Timely, Valid, and Reliable data), and focused monitoring priorities New student data for B-11 and B-12 Updated statuses for all tasks (shaded in blue) Can be accessed from your CIMS Reports Page 7

8 Sample Strand Report 8

9 Sample Strand Report 9

10 Sample Strand Report 10

11 Monitoring Activities Report (MAR)
The MAR is included in every Workbook and provides important information to locals Some messages are universal and go to all locals EEM Updates MSDS Reminders Winter Focused Monitoring Information Some messages are targeted and sent only to specific locals Reports of Findings/No Findings message Letters of Findings message 11

12 Sample MAR 12

13 Letters of Findings B-11 (Child Find) – 40 locals
B-12 (Early Childhood Transition) – 34 locals B-TVR (Timely, Valid, and Reliable) – 9 locals Note – Letters of Findings will also be sent electronically to local superintendents on 12/15/14 13

14 Timely, Valid, and Reliable Data CAPs
TVR (Timely, Valid, and Reliable) findings and CAPs are being issued Based on data from the MSDS data validation activity conducted in CIMS this fall 78 locals participated 9 are receiving findings in the December Workbook Why? Locals are required to submit timely, valid, and reliable data (IDEA § (b)(1)) High quality data are critical to accurate reporting on all indicators 14

15 How were findings of noncompliance determined?
B-11 (Child Find) One or more students in with an initial evaluation and IEP that was not completed within 30 school days or an agreed-upon extension Source: MSDS B-12 (Early Childhood Transition) One or more students in referred by Part C prior to age 3 who were found eligible but did not have an IEP developed and implemented by their 3rd birthday Source: MSDS and subsequent verification activity 15

16 How were findings of noncompliance determined? (cont.)
B-TVR Monitoring priority for the Office of Special Education (OSE) Locals are required to submit valid and reliable information to MSDS Finding issued to locals with one or more students whose IEP data did not match what was entered into MSDS Source: MSDS NOTE: All of these indicators require 100% compliance! 16

17 Fall 2014 Focused Monitoring Priorities
B-9 (Disproportionate Representation – Child with a disability) B-10 (Disproportionate Representation - Eligibility categories) Significant Disproportionality – Identification Significant Disproportionality – Discipline Significant Disproportionality – Education Environments General Supervision Monitoring (GSM) 17

18 Reports of Findings Fall Focused Monitoring 75 findings for 33 locals
Expedited corrections for 13 locals 18

19 CAP Reminders All findings of noncompliance require the local to develop and complete a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) For a focused monitoring finding, a state technical assistance (TA) provider is assigned to assist with CAP development, progress reporting, and verification. For a data finding of noncompliance, the ISD monitor assists with CAP development, progress reporting, and verification. All CAPs can be found under the Compliance tab in your CIMS Workbook 19

20 CAP Reminders: Timeline
Timeline for December Corrective Action Plans (CAPs): CAP due February 1, 2015 Progress Report due June 1, 2015 CAP Closeout Request due September 15, 2015 20

21 CAP Reminder: Local Student Data Reports
The noncompliant student records for B-11, B-12, and B-TVR CAPs are available under the “Resources” section on the CAP Menu Page to provide more information to RAP teams 21

22 CAP Reminder: CIMS Training Site
Visit for more information about indicators and how to complete CAPs 22

23 Closeout Reports Closeout Reports from findings issued in December 2013 B-11 (Child Find) – 43 of 46 locals B-12 (Early Childhood Transition) – 26 of 28 locals B-TVR (Timely, Valid, & Reliable) – 10 of 13 locals Focused monitoring – 28 of 29 locals 23

24 Uncorrected Noncompliance (UNCs)
Any local that does not closeout their finding of noncompliance within one year is issued a letter of uncorrected noncompliance (UNC) 9 locals will receive an UNC in the December 2014 Workbook All must correct ASAP 24

25 UNC Refresher for Locals
What do locals need to know? Locals receive a MAR message notifying them that their finding is an UNC The state assigned technical assistance (TA) provider will meet with local staff to review the original CAP, and develop a new CAP and progress reporting schedule The TA provider will contact the local ASAP 25

26 UNC Refresher for Locals
What do locals need to do in CIMS? Locals have TWO items related to the finding on their Task List: UNC – Found under the December 2014 Workbook. There is no new work here! The original CAP – Found under the December 2013 Workbook. Complete all work here! How does verification and closeout work? After the local and TA provider decide it is time for verification of activities and closeout of the UNC, the local needs to change the status of the original CAP to Verification & Closeout Request Submitted. 26

27 Focused Monitoring Review & Preview

28 FM Common Findings Discipline Determination of a change of placement
Lack of consideration of whether a series of removals constituted a pattern Reviews of existing evaluation data (REEDs): Lacking a required IEP team member Not all evaluations identified on the REED were conducted Not specific about what new data was needed 28

29 FM Common Findings (cont.)
IEP Development Required participants not in attendance at IEPs Documenting provision of notice (mode and date of delivery) Annual goals Not measurable Not aligned with the needs in the PLAAFP Programs and services not specifically identified 29

30 FM Common Findings (cont.)
IEP Implementation Documenting provision of supplementary aids and services as specified in IEPs Documenting provision of programs and services Lack of valid and reliable data submission 30

31 Winter 2015 FM Priority Areas B-4A (Suspension/Expulsion)
B-4B (Suspension/Expulsion by Race/Ethnicity) GSM (General Supervision Monitoring) Timeline Week of January 5 – Notification January 26 – FM activities begin February 27 – FM activities end 31

32 Winter FM Notification
Note – FM notification letters will not be included in the December Workbook If your local is participating, your superintendent will receive an the week of January 5 Letters will also be posted to the CIMS Web site 32

33 Indicator B-4A (Suspension/Expulsion)
The percent of students with an IEP suspended/expelled for greater than 10 days in Counts out-of-school suspensions only Locals that suspended/expelled more than 5% of their students with IEPs in will be considered for focused monitoring 33

34 Indicator B-4B (Suspension/Expulsion by Race/Ethnicity)
The percent of students with an IEP in specific racial/ethnic groups suspended/expelled greater than ten days out of school Counts out-of-school suspensions only Locals with a percent greater than or equal to 3.6 for any racial/ethnic group will be considered for focused monitoring 34

35 General Supervision Monitoring (GSM)
ISDs who will have at least one local selected for GSM based on the rotation schedule include Clare-Gladwin RESD C.O.O.R. ISD Iosco ISD Bay-Arenac ISD Barry ISD Branch ISD NOTE: These are not the only locals who will receive a GSM visit. There will also be locals who have been referred. 35

36 FM Helpful Hints If your local is selected for an on-site review:
Contact your ISD monitor Consider appropriate Review and Analysis Process (RAP) Team members Under the “Focused Monitoring” tab in the CIMS Workbook, review … Your student list Your “Pre-Visit Reports” Note: These items will be available in CIMS in mid-January Review guidance documents specific to the monitoring area on the CIMS website ( 36

37 CIMS Refresher 37

38 Open Workbook  Acknowledge Reports
Reports must be acknowledged by January 15, 2015 You cannot view reports or complete work in your Workbook until you have acknowledged your reports Where should you start after acknowledging your reports? Review Strand Report Review MAR Review Reports page – Does my local have a finding? Decide if you need to convene a RAP Team 38

39 1. Click “Click Here” 39

40 2. Click “Acknowledge Reports”
40 40

41 Assemble a RAP Team If you have a finding you need to convene a RAP Team Suggested RAP Team members include: A CIMS coordinator (special education director or district designee) Special education administrators/general education administrators/ISD monitor School improvement team representative(s) Parents Service providers Data experts or program specialists 41

42 Complete Tasks with the RAP Team
CAPs (Found under the Compliance tab) B-11 CAPs B-12 CAPs B-TVR CAPs B-10 FM CAPs SD-Id-B10 FM CAPs SD-Disc FM CAPs SD-EE FM CAPs B-GSM FM CAPs 42

43 Provide Feedback After completing tasks, provide feedback, and your Workbook will be complete Talking point – tasks may take up to a year to complete if you have a CAP 43

44 Need Help Navigating CIMS?
Visit the CIMS Web site Contact your ISD monitor Call the CIMS Help Desk 44

45 CIMS Web site –

46 ISD Monitors ISD monitors are available to help locals navigate CIMS, understand monitoring activities, complete CAPs, verify corrections, and more! Don’t know who your ISD monitor is? Visit the CIMS Web site Click “CIMS Overview” in the “Resource Library” Click “Who’s My ISD Monitor?” 46

47 CIMS Help Desk Need help completing a task in CIMS? Having trouble with your username and password? Contact the CIMS Help Desk (877) 47

48 Questions? 48

49 Contact Information CIMS Web site: CIMS Help Desk or (877) Office of Special Education Jessica Brady, Supervisor, Jeanne Anderson Tippett, Coordinator, Shawan Dortch, Consultant, Kathleen Hoehne, Consultant, Charles Thomas, Consultant, Sharon Fink, Analyst, 49

50 Have a Happy Holiday Season!

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