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ABT-EC EYETS Activities 2nd reports

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2 ABT-EC EYETS Activities 2nd reports
Christophe Boucly – TE/ABT 31/01/17

3 PS Complex During Week 2  Week 4 PSB de-cabling campaign in progress
Issue … Three pick-up cables cut by accidentally during campaign, Repairing and reflector measure will be done by EN (on going), New cables in replacement can be installed during W11 by EN CPS de-cabling campaign (identification) : 1st phase done ~200 cables found and identified for the de-cabling, ~400 cables checked and 15% of new cables identified as obsolete. Hydraulic Maintenance Study new power and control carte for the cooling system of LEIR New design on going

4 PS Complex

5 PS Complex During Week 5  Week 8
2nd phase of CPS de-cabling campaign (identification) : MTE and FAK identification … KFA28 and KFA45 none cables listed LEIR Maintenance : New power and control unit of hydraulic system KFA71-79 Maintenance : Corrective maintenance of hydraulic system SEPTA – SEH26: Installation and commissioning of new control system

6 SPS Complex During Week 2  Week 4 SBDS
New cables installed and infrastructure done Installation of Fast interlock detection system MKP/MKQ/MKD Preventive maintenance filter/fan and capacitor change in heater supplies done SPS – MKP – Fire protection system (overpressure) Production and installation of new control cabinet done Safety AS-interface bus cabling and pressure switch detection connected.

7 SPS Complex

8 SPS Complex During Week 5  Week 8 MKP
Fire protection system commissioning New termination resistor rework control part and installation on site on the PFN7 Cabling and upgrade of control software. SDBS Electrical discharge switch maintenance Hardware and software upgrade MKP Installation of new fast interlock detection system

9 LHC Complex During Week 2  Week 4 LBDS - MKD/MKB Beam 1 only :
Hardware and software upgrade of slow control part, New safety AS-Interface solution dedicated for the powering distribution – Modification and test done. Beam 1 & 2 : Software and hardware upgrade for all power trigger controller cards (PTC) done and reinstalled. MKI – Supply Voltage Monitoring : EN/MME modification cards received All cards replaced and test in MKI point 2 Hardware and software upgrade of slow control part All cards removed in MKI point 8 to checked and hardware modification.

10 LHC Complex

11 LHC Complex During Week 5  Week 8 LDBS :
Slow control software update on PLCs Beam 2 Deployment of AS-interface on powering distributor of Beam 2 24V power supplies diagnostic Objective : determinate if the capacitors of power line IN/OUT are out of tolerance and schedule the replacement (30 power supplies by beam). MKI : Slow control software update on MKI point 8 Supply Voltage Monitoring cards upgrade with reinstallation and commission on site point 8.

12 RESUME Issue during the PSB de-cabling campaign with the cutting of PU cables  In waiting reflectometry by EN. KFA71-79 hydraulic unit – New corrective maintenance issue – Must be schedule … CPS De-cabling campaign – more cables no connected, no identified and take more time for the identification with EN. SPS – No supplied on fire protection system before the end of February. Temporally supply to commission will be installed … Schedule a time for the commission with the global system (2 or 3 days) begin March. New terminator resistor of MKP (Magnet issue) – Interlocks/Warning protection definition not defined. LDBS – Upgrade on Beam 1 must be finished this week. Wait the availability of the Beam 2 (approximatively needs two week for the upgrade). AD-HORN test bench – First new cubicle installed on site end of February

13 REFERENCE EDMS-1747796 v0.1 – ABT-EC EYETS Activities schedule
TE-ABT-EC Maintenance JIRA TE-ABT-EC Production JIRA ABT-Activities-Schedule by Francesco Castronuovo.


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