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HP Operations Orchestration

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Presentation on theme: "HP Operations Orchestration"— Presentation transcript:

1 HP Operations Orchestration
What’s new in HP OO Devon Kim Sanjay Puri Matt Sousley

2 Virtualization Overview
Agenda Virtualization Overview OO Content Drilldown Demo 2 HP Restricted. For HP and Partner Internal Use. 2

3 Overview of HP OO 7.20.01 Content-only release
Primary focus: Virtualization VMware Virtual Infrastructure Microsoft Hyper-V Citrix XenServer Generic Virtualization One additional Integration Project and Portfolio Management (PPM) 3 HP Restricted. For HP and Partner Internal Use.

4 Virtualization Overview
Agenda Virtualization Overview OO Content Drilldown Demo 4 HP Restricted. For HP and Partner Internal Use. 4

5 Virtualization Maturity Model Why are organizations investing in virtualization?
Cloud services Improved quality of service Fast responsiveness to business Faster deployment of service Utility based computing Standardization IT agility (scale up/down faster with defined building block) Increased performance Best-practice/regulatory compliance Centralized management Consolidation Improved server, storage, network usage Lower power, cooling, floor space usage Test/Dev Prod Value to enterprise Maturity Phase HP Restricted. For HP and Partner Internal Use.

6 Virtualization Market Why Should You Care?
CAGR: 24.1% Revenue in Billions WW Server Virtualization Machine Software YOY Revenue Source: IDC, Worldwide Virtual Machine Software 2008–2012 Forecast, Doc # , May 2008 15.8% 13.4% 8.5%

7 Operations Orchestration is key to Virtualization Management
Uncontrolled virtual machine sprawl and end-to-end IT service changes Managing cross-vendor virtualization technologies from VMware, Citrix, Microsoft Navigating the exploding management toolset to manage virtualization technologies CHALLENGE OO helps automate routine and repetitive tasks with virtual as well as physical infrastructure Simplifies orchestration across heterogeneous platforms, physical and virtual Integrates with diverse HP and third-party tools that manage virtualization platforms SOLUTION HP Restricted. For HP and Partner Internal Use.

8 Virtualization Overview
Agenda Virtualization Overview OO Content Drilldown Demo 8 HP Restricted. For HP and Partner Internal Use. 8

9 VMware Virtual Infrastructure - Overview
Versions supported VMware Infrastructure 2, 3 VMware ESX 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 VMware Virtual Center 2.0+ Interface / API Used SOAP webservice Deployment Requirements JRAS VMWare web service installed (default installation-included) 9 HP Restricted. For HP and Partner Internal Use.

10 VMware Virtual Infrastructure - Content
VM operations Clone, Create, Get, Migrate (Hot/Cold), Relocate Snapshot operations Create, Delete, Get, Revert To Snapshot Guest operations Mount Tools, Upgrade tools, Reboot, Shutdown, Standby Guest Network operations Port Groups, Virtual NICs and Virtual Switches Sample Workflows Get Freespace on Datastores, Get List of Powered On VMs, Quick Migrate 10 HP Restricted. For HP and Partner Internal Use.

11 Microsoft Hyper-V - Overview
Versions supported Windows 2008 Interface / API Used WMI Deployment Requirements NRAS 11 HP Restricted. For HP and Partner Internal Use.

12 Microsoft Hyper-V - Content
Basic VM operations Create, Delete, Export , Import, Pause, Rename, Reset, Save, Shutdown, Start, Stop VMs Server operations Enumerate VMs, List Long Running VMs, List Old VMs Snapshot related operations Apply, Create, Delete , Enumerate , Rename Snapshots VM Configuration operations Get or set VM parameters Virtual Network operations NICs, Legacy NICs and VPNs Virtual Harddisk Operations Attach, Compact, Convert, Create, Expand, Validate Virtual Harddisk 12 HP Restricted. For HP and Partner Internal Use.

13 Citrix XenServer - Overview
Versions supported 5.0 Interface / API Used Citrix Webservice Deployment Requirements JRAS 13 HP Restricted. For HP and Partner Internal Use.

14 Citrix XenServer Basic VM operations Advanced operations
Pause, Resume, Suspend, Unpause, Reboot, Shutdown, Start VMs Advanced operations Migrate, Clone, Copy, Destroy, Find, Install VMs Create VM Snapshot Networking Operations Create, Destroy, Find Virtual Networks Storage operations Storage Repositories, Virtual Block Devices and Virtual Disk Images Sample Workflows Check for Task Success, Create VM from Configured Template, Find List of VMs, Setup Network Devices for VM 14 HP Restricted. For HP and Partner Internal Use.

15 Generic Virtualization
Workflows that apply generically to all virtualization platforms Get All Snapshots Get All Virtual Machines Power Off Virtual Machine Power On Virtual Machine Revert to Snapshot Suspend Virtual Machine Take Virtual Machine Snapshot 15 HP Restricted. For HP and Partner Internal Use.

16 HP Operations Orchestration vs. HP Server Automation
HP OO and HP SA are complementary; single toolset to manage physical and virtual servers There are deep integrations between HP OO and HP SA Only overlap in virtualization functionality is in provisioning capabilities Server Automation is the enterprise repository for server change and configuration information 16 HP Restricted. For HP and Partner Internal Use.

17 PPM Integration - Overview
Version supported 7.5.0 Interface Used PPM’s SOAP Interface Deployment Requirements Web service enabled and reachable from a RAS 17 HP Restricted. For HP and Partner Internal Use.

18 PPM Integration - Content
Operations for Bug and Enhancement Tickets Create, Delete, Update Request Add Note to Request Update Request Fields Execute Workflow Transition 18 HP Restricted. For HP and Partner Internal Use.

19 Virtualization Overview
Agenda Virtualization Overview OO Content Drilldown Demo 19 HP Restricted. For HP and Partner Internal Use. 19

20 Q&A 20 HP Restricted. For HP and Partner Internal Use.

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