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Systems & Processes at New Key

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2 Systems & Processes at New Key
The people we support and Assistive Technology drive our business. We make sure that we are accurate and accountable to the people we support. We support new ways of support and move with the times. We are efficient for the people we support, staff and the business. New Key works with the Down’s Syndrome Association with Assistive Technology and developing people skills and opportunities.

3 Digital culture

4 Staff training Assistive Technology groups
Learning together Staff training Assistive Technology groups Train our staff and people we support together

5 Learning together Sharing and learning
People we support and our staff learning together We go out to other groups nationally Sharing and learning Developing skills in assistive technology.

6 My Choice Pad “Better communication for everyone”
Video of learning Makaton with the person your supporting Over 4000 Makaton symbols Empowering Learn together

7 Outcome Forms Part 1 Setting Assistive Technology goals
Completed at each Assistive Technology meeting group Clear actions to be worked on Can be put into people’s support plans Outcome based Achievable Timescales

8 Outcome Forms Part 2 Progress measures Joint comment section
Clear outcomes and goals for the individual with the support team What’s next? Gaining independence

9 Staff Questionnaires Identify staff’s talents
Identify training needs for the work force Improve the level of independence of the people we support

10 Examples from the people we support
Echo Bot Records your voice message for up to 10 seconds Motion Sensor activated Sensing distance 1 meter Cheap Accessible Warns of danger

11 Rogers story New smart phone GPS maps I can get to the pool
independently Making better use of my support hours Travel independently

12 Companion app

13 Talking rota’s Difficult to read Difficulty knowing the day
Hard to tell the time

14 Talking rotas Loves cars Identifies members of staff with the cars
they drive

15 Talking rota’s 5 O’Clock Jason

16 Luke’s story This is my electric wheelchair
It is vital for moving around Allows me to spend time on my own

17 Luke’s story This is my hoist Enables my support team
to move me around safely. Enables me to move from my bedroom to bathroom

18 Allows me to stay in control
Luke’s story I use my iPad for many things Facebook Controlling my TV Opening and closing the front door Allows me to stay in control

19 The intercom on my front door
Luke’s story The intercom on my front door Gives me control Keeps me safe

20 Luke’s story My bath Gives me control Privacy


22 Questions Thank you



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