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Why a biodiversity training framework in Namibia…

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1 Why a biodiversity training framework in Namibia…
Sem T Shikongo National Biodiversity Programme Ministry of Environment & Tourism Directorate of Environmental Affairs

2 Because Namibia is agriculturally marginal
and at high risk of land degradation

3 Because Namibia depends on biodiversity and biological resources for so many economic sectors
Tourism Trade Fisheries Forestry Agriculture Health Diverse types of rural development

4 Because biodiversity expertise is essential
to guide sustainable development

5 Because Namibia's undergraduate training rarely produces independent, able professionals
Because it's difficult to hire qualified, committed Namibian staff (NBRI, National Museum, MET/ NBP) Because there's an imbalance between practical and theoretical training

6 Because most Namibian biodiversity specialists are getting old!

7 Training and mentorship are needed to help impassion the next generation

8 Because biodiversity expertise in science, policy, economics and law is essential for sustainable development

9 Because there's no point in having noble strategies and policies on paper
…. if there's no-one to implement them!

10 And because it's long overdue…

Strengthen the biodiversity component in the existing/planned initiatives Integrate and further support ongoing initiatives Identify gaps Plan additional activities and solicit funding

12 Conclusions Need to identify national needs and existing gaps
Training to be offered should be institution base Gaining international experience is very important – through creating a competitive working environment Assessment on training needs to expanded There is a need for a more detailed study on the job market in relation to loss of trained staff “Out-stations” professionals need to be considered in this training framework Skills-base training is one of the outcome of the survey – this could be addresses thru curricular development (primary, secondary or tertiary level)

13 Conclusions There is a need for restructuring of the science education in Namibia to improve our research skills Namibia need to develop serious incentive systems to foster effective training Institutions need to create positions with strategies to address continuous staff training needs. Institutions such as Scientific Society does not efficiently address needs of Namibia Financing biodiversity training initiatives can be an obstacle

14 Recommendations A need to develop short professional courses on priority biodiversity needs (courses could also be extended to other SADC countries) NNBP to provide guidance on the development of in-house training. Provide regular environmental information service (workshops, webpage) Ensure the UNAM/Humboldt University M.Sc address Namibian biodiversity and training priorities Help review UNAM, Polytechnic/Gobabeb training centre training modules

15 Reccommendations Attach Namibian and international experts to relevant public presentations Develop in-house portfolio in MET and outsource as required Strengthen, and make use of DEA/MET Friday afternoon seminar series and DRFN “Food for thought” meetings and encourage other organisations to organise and advertise similar events. Intergrate and upscale DRFN/SDP training in regular tertiary education curricular

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