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Healthy Minds, Healthy Workers All Staff Training

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy Minds, Healthy Workers All Staff Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy Minds, Healthy Workers All Staff Training
This research project was funded by

2 Project Developed By The South Australian Council of Social Services is the independent peak body for non- government health and community services sector in South Australia “Justice, Opportunity and Shared Wealth for Every South Australian”

3 Project Funded by

4 The Objective To decrease the stigma that can be attached to mental health issues and improve help seeking behaviours among staff To ensure that all staff understand that this organisation is dedicated to improving staff’s wellbeing To increase staffs ability to have appropriate and empowering conversations with colleagues who may be struggling Staff to leave with some practical ideas to start looking after their own wellbeing straight away!!

5 Why is it important to this organisation?
The current issues…. …..any missing

6 Why is it important? One in five Australian employees report that they have taken time off work due to feeling mentally unwell in the last 12 months Beyond Blue

7 Stress Stress affects everybody differently Our tolerance to stress changes according to our circumstances Stress can be useful Stress have a negative impact if not managed

8 Mental Illness The Facts
About 45% of adult Australians will experience a mental illness at some stage in their lives Each year a further 20,000 Australians are found to have a mental illness 3 million Australians will experience a major depressive illness in their lifetime 1 in 4 people will experience an anxiety disorder in their lifetime 1 in 5 women and 1 in 8 men will experience depression in their lifetime Males experience higher levels of substance use disorders Job stress is linked to a 2-3 fold increase in depression and anxiety Effective treatments are available but more than 50% of people don’t seek help Sources: beyondblue ABS National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (2008)

9 Stigma What is stigma? How do we overcome it in this organisation?

10 What is a mentally healthy workplace?
A workplace that promotes a positive workplace culture, minimises workplace risks related to mental health, supports people with mental health conditions appropriately and prevents discrimination. Promoting good mental health and creating a positive, productive working environment go hand in hand Source: Heads Up

11 Its good for you, and its good for business too!
Workplaces that look after their staff’s health and wellbeing report Happier & more engaged staff Increased staff retention Reduced absenteeism Reduced injury (psychological and physical) Reduced WorkCover Claims

12 Heads Up Champaign The Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance

13 Should I disclose? Its up to you!

14 The Case For Workplace Health
Given the amount of time we spend at work, workplaces are an ideal place for employers to encourage employees to look after their health Workplaces can be a great support to someones overall wellbeing or they can contribute to someone mental health issues This organisation is determined to support its workers wellbeing and be proactive in reducing stress and mental health issues among its worker

15 You Can Make a Difference
Activity: what can you do to make a difference?

16 Culture of Wellbeing Supportive policies and practices that can be seen in action Management & leadership modelling healthy work/ life balance Respect Understanding appropriate and supportive workplace relationships Workplace structures that “make the healthy choice the easy choice” Open & honest communication No bullying or any disrespectful behaviour Understand what influences health and that people respond to the world differently

17 The Social Determinants of Health

18 Why is it important to understand the SDH?

19 What is mental wellbeing?

20 Cut out 3 pictures for the Workplace Wellbeing Vision Board
Mental wellbeing is? Cut out 3 pictures for the Workplace Wellbeing Vision Board

21 Beyond “R U Ok?” During our working years, we spend around 40 per cent of our lives at work. We develop close relationships with our colleagues and are often well placed to notice changes in their behaviour. It’s not your role to diagnose depression, anxiety or a related condition, or to provide counselling. However, you can play an important part in helping a colleague get the support they may need. Heads Up

22 Anxiety The signs you may notice in a colleague
Appearing restless, tense and on edge Avoiding certain workplace activities Becoming overwhelmed or upset easily Finding it hard to make decisions Referring to being constantly worried or stressed Source: Heads Up Taking care of your mental health in the workplace

23 Depression The signs you may notice include: Poor concentration
Turning up late to work Feeling tried and fatigued Tearful or emotional Getting angry easily Avoiding others Finding it difficult to complete reasonable work demands Drinking too much Losing confidence and saying negative things about themselves Taking lots of sick leave Source: Heads Up

24 Having a conversation

25 But am I Ok?

26 Resilience The ability to recover quickly from illness, change, or misfortune; buoyancy The property of a material that enables it to resume its original shape or position after being bent, stretched, or compressed; elasticity.

27 Building resilience & wellbeing
Make a list

28 Beyond Surviving to Thriving
Ten Keys to Happier Living GREAT DREAMS Source:

29 This organisation will be promoting these three strategies to reduce stress

30 How to be more organised & prioritise
AT HOME AT WORK You Nutrition Exercise Cleaning Socialising/ communication/ relationships Family Quality Time Values Friends - Quality Time - Quality People At your desk s Case notes Files Paper With Clients - What's your job description? What your purpose (now and in the future) of your time Keep to your time With your colleagues - Respect what they do whether you like them or not Don’t bully or intimidate Respect work/ home boundaries

31 Lifestyle Get the basics Exercise Nutrition – what’s missing? Sleep
Socialise Reduce alcohol Don’t smoke or take drugs

32 Wellbeing Plans How wellbeing plans will be used at this organisation…..

33 Where to get support

34 Thank you

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