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Chapter 27 Color 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU.

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1 Chapter 27 Color 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

2 Spectrum of Visible Light
29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

3 Wavelengths & Photons Particles of light, called photons, each have a wavelength. Red Photon Yellow Photon Green Photon Blue Photon Prism Spectrum 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

4 Newton’s Color Wheel Prism spectrum is a straight line, so why did Isaac Newton describe color using a circular wheel? 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

5 Not in the spectrum. How do we see these?
Additive Color Wheel Not in the spectrum. How do we see these? Spectral Colors R M Y Red Yellow Green Cyan Blue Magenta B G C 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

6 Adding Colored Lights Stream of red & green photons looks same as
yellow photons (metamerism) YELLOW Eye to Brain or Notice overlap of red, green, & blue is seen as white light Theatrical lighting 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

7 Demo: Seeing Yellow Sodium lamps emit yellow photons
Color monitor can only emit red, green, and blue (RGB); creates other colors by selectively turning RGB pixels on or off. 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

8 Trichromatic Theorists
Thomas Young ( ) English physicist Hermann von Helmholtz ( ) German physicist James Clerk Maxwell ( ) Scottish physicist 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

9 Simple Trichromatic Theory
Yellow, Green & Cyan photons excite me Yellow & Red photons excite me Cyan & Blue photons excite me MOE LARRY CURLY Inside your eye there are three receptors 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

10 Trichromatic: Seeing Yellow
Yellow, Green & Cyan photons excite me. I’M EXCITED Yellow & Red photons excite me. I’M EXCITED Cyan & Blue photons excite me. Yawn. CURLY MOE LARRY Yellow seen when Curly and Larry excited, either by yellow photons or red & green photons. 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

11 Trichromatic: Seeing Magenta
Yellow & Red photons excite me. I’M EXCITED Cyan & Blue photons excite me. I’M EXCITED Yellow, Green & Cyan photons excite me. Yawn. CURLY MOE LARRY Magenta is seen by eye when Moe and Larry excited, which no single type of photon can achieve. 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

12 Demo: Maxwell Color Disk
Disk painted half red, half blue looks magenta when rapidly spinning. 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

13 Mixing Blue & Red Paint Mixing paint or ink is different from adding colors together by light. Mix of blue and red paint produces a blackish brown 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

14 Trichromatic: Seeing White
Yellow & Red photons excite me. I’M EXCITED Cyan & Blue photons excite me. I’M EXCITED Yellow, Green & Cyan photons excite me. I’M EXCITED CURLY MOE LARRY White seen when all three very excited Gray seen when all three less excited 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

15 Trichromatic: Color Blindness
Red , Yellow, Green & Cyan photons excite me. I’M EXCITED Cyan & Blue photons excite me. Yawn. Color blindness occurs if the eye is missing one of the three receptors. Other receptors try to compensate but cannot distinguish some colors. CURLY MOE LARRY Do I see red or green? 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

16 Color Blindness Weakness or absence of one of the three types of cones is the cause of color blindness, leading to a reduced ability to distinguish colors. Classification Incidence (%) Males Females Anomalous Trichromacy 6.3 0.37 Protanomaly (Red-cone weak) 1.3 0.02 Deuteranomaly (Green-cone weak) 5.0 0.35 Tritanomaly (Blue-cone weak) 0.0001 Dichromacy 2.4 0.03 Protanopia (Red-cone absent) Deuteranopia (Green-cone absent) 1.2 0.01 Tritanopia (Blue-cone absent) 0.001 Rod Monochromacy (no cones) 29 or 70? 21 or 74? 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

17 Trichromatic: After-Image
First stare at RED I’M EXCITED! Yawn. MOE CURLY LARRY Me too, but tired. ME TOO! I’M EXCITED! MOE CURLY LARRY Then stare at WHITE Moe and Curly are excited so what color is seen? CYAN (light blue-green) 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

18 Negative After-image Stare, unfocused, at the red cross for 10 seconds then look at white wall 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

19 Negative After-image Cyan 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

20 Negative After-image 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

21 Negative After-image Cyan Magenta Yellow 29-Apr-18
Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

22 Simple Additive Color Wheel
LARRY Newton’s color wheel is a simple formulation of trichromatic theory. White CURLY MOE 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

23 Color Vision in the Eye Three types of cones (color)
One type of rod (B/W only) 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

24 CIE Hue-Saturation Diagram
Eye is not a perfect optical instrument. Color “wheel” is actually distorted cone shape. Rim is full saturation, center is white CURLY % 50% Larry 50% Curly 0% Moe 33% Larry 33% Curly 33% Moe 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU LARRY %

25 Spectral Reflectance Curves
White Red                                                        When white light shines on an object, some photons absorbed, others reflected by the object’s surface. 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

26 Name That Color Dark Brown White Red (Burnt Sienna) 100% 0% 29-Apr-18
BLUE GREEN RED 0% 100% BLUE GREEN RED BLUE GREEN RED Dark Brown (Burnt Sienna) White Red 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

27 Name That Color Bluish Green Bright Yellow Blue (Cobalt) 100% 0%
BLUE GREEN RED 0% 100% BLUE GREEN RED BLUE GREEN RED Bluish Green Bright Yellow Blue (Cobalt) 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

28 Subtractive Color Absorbing filters or absorbing pigments remove colors from white light. Check Yourself: Yellow = Red + Green Cyan = Blue + Green Yellow & Cyan filters (or pigments) combine to give … Overlapping color filters 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

29 Check Yourself A soap film absorbs red, green, or blue light, depending on the film’s thickness. What colors do we see where red is removed? Where green is removed? Where blue is removed? 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

30 Four Color Printing Magenta Yellow Cyan Black Magenta + Yellow + Cyan
Green balloon printed with mix of yellow and cyan inks Magenta + Yellow + Cyan All Four 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

31 Check Yourself Which inks are mixed for the bright red balloon and dark red dress? Magenta Yellow Cyan Black 29-Apr-18 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

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