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GAC-GNSO Joint Meeting

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2 GAC-GNSO Joint Meeting
6 March 2016

3 Agenda 1 2 3 CCWG-Accountability Supplemental Final Report – Status Update Welcome Update from GAC-GNSO Consultation Group 4 5 This is a stylized agenda slide for your presentation. To delete a box, if there are too many boxes, click the edge of the box, ensure the entire box is highlighted, then DELETE. To update the numbers and text, click inside the circle for the numbers or in the box for the text, revise the text. Status update on GAC Activities GNSO Policy Development Processes - Status Update Here’s a place to introduce your sixth agenda item from your talk.

4 1. Welcome Breakup your presentation, divide it into sections. This is especially useful if most of your presentation is text.

5 2. Update from GAC-GNSO Consultation Group on GAC Early Engagement in GNSO PDP
Breakup your presentation, divide it into sections. This is especially useful if most of your presentation is text.

6 Current Status Joint GNSO – GAC initiative - Explore and enhance ways of early engagement of the GAC in relation to GNSO policy development activities. Work divided into two tracks: Day-to-day ongoing co-ordination GAC Early engagement in GNSO PDP Deliverables to date: GNSO Liaison to the GAC – A Pilot Project Implementation of PDP Issue Scoping recommendations as a pilot (‘Quick Look Mechanism’) Monthly PDP “one-pagers” highlighting next engagement opportunity Joint GAC-GNSO Leadership calls prior to ICANN meetings to prepare (this) joint session and discuss any items of common interest

7 Review of the GNSO Liaison to the GAC
Current Status Questions Implemented as a pilot project CG has reviewed role and functioning Found that it contributed to facilitating GAC early engagement in GNSO PDP Provided recommendation to the GAC/GNSO to continue this role as a permanent position in the next fiscal year Proposed the following modifications: Regular co-ordination calls between Liaison & GAC Secretariat No term limit, but role reviewed & reconfirmed by GNSO Council annually Role of Liaison formalized in GNSO Operating Procedures Liaison invited to attend GNSO Council as an observer Do you agree with the recommendations and findings of the CG?  If yes, move forward with implementation of GNSO Liaison as a permanent role ?

8 Review of Quick Look Mechanism
Current Status Questions Quick Look Mechanism is being implemented on a trial basis For a minimum of 3 consecutive GNSO PDP's CG reviewed use of Quick Look Mechanism to date – so far applied in the case of 3 PDPs A number of simplifications have been identified to further streamline the process What is the experience from others involved in this process to date (e.g. GAC Quick Look Committee, GAC Secretariat, GNSO liaison to the GAC) Are there any improvements that can already be identified that should be considered by the Consultation Group? Does the Quick Look Mechanism facilitate preparation and engagement of the GAC in the later stages of a PDP?  CG to review feedback and modify proposed simplifications if needed ?

9 Remaining Stages of the GNSO PDP
Current Status Questions CG reviewed additional engagement opportunities in subsequent phases of PDP (e.g. Initiation, Working Group) Documented recommendations and also ideas for further exploration put forward to the GAC and GNSO for input What is your feedback on the recommendations and ideas for early engagement?  CG to consider next steps, including which recommendations to put forward for GAC/GNSO approval, factoring in feedback received ?

10 3. CCWG-Accountability Supplemental Final Report – Status Update
Breakup your presentation, divide it into sections. This is especially useful if most of your presentation is text.

11 4. Status update on GAC Activities
Breakup your presentation, divide it into sections. This is especially useful if most of your presentation is text.

12 5. GNSO Policy Development Processes – Status Update
Breakup your presentation, divide it into sections. This is especially useful if most of your presentation is text.

13 Next-Generation RDS to replace WHOIS
PDP WG Status Update

14 Purpose of PDP - Phase 1 What are the fundamental requirements for gTLD registration data? When addressing this, the PDP WG should consider, at a minimum, five questions: users/purposes, associated access, accuracy, data element, & privacy requirements Is a new policy framework and next-generation RDS needed to address these requirements? If yes, what cross-cutting requirements must any next-generation RDS address, including questions 6-11: coexistence, compliance, system model, and cost, benefit, and risk analysis requirements If no, does the current WHOIS policy framework sufficiently address these requirements? If not, what revisions are recommended to the current WHOIS policy framework to do so?

15 PDP WG initiation activities completed
GNSO Council approved WG Charter on 19 November 2015 Call for Volunteers initiated on 4 January 2016 Initial WG Meeting on 26 January 2016 WG Composition: 134 WG Members & 110 Observers as of 1 March 2016 WG Leadership Team: Chuck Gomes (Chair), David Cake (Vice Chair), Susan Kawaguchi (Vice Chair), Michele Neylon (Vice Chair)

16 PDP WG activities now underway
Small team is reviewing existing WG Membership GNSO SG/C and SO/AC affiliations and expertise to identify gaps requiring outreach (if any) Draft Work Plan was prepared by leadership team for WG discussion Charter divides this WG’s effort into three phases Per charter, initial tasks focus on Phase One (requirements): Define requirements for registration data services, regardless of the system used to deliver them Decide whether a new RDS is needed and, if so, why or if not, how would existing WHOIS need to be modified Initial outreach message to SO/ACs and GNSO SG/Cs now being drafted WG leadership has reached out to Board WG on RDS to ensure coordination – informal meeting scheduled for Monday 7 March WG now reviewing available inputs to start identifying possible requirements

17 Further Information RDS PDP WG Wiki Workspace Generation+gTLD+Registration+Directory+Services+to+Replace+Whois WG Charter Final Issue Report report-next-generation-rds-07oct15-en.pdf WG F2F Meeting in Marrakech on Wednesday 9 March from – local time -

18 New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP
Status Update

19 Purpose of New gtTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP
Determine what, if any changes may need to be made to the existing Introduction of New Generic Top-Level Domains policy recommendations from 8 August 2007. Original policy recommendations as adopted by the GNSO Council and ICANN Board have “been designed to produce a systemized and ongoing mechanisms for applicants to propose new top-level domains” If changes needed: Clarifying, amending or overriding existing policy principles, recommendations, and implementation guidance; Developing new policy recommendations; Supplementing or developing new implementation guidance

20 Current Status Following the work of the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Discussion Group, the GNSO Council requested a Preliminary Issue Report on 24 June 2015 Staff published the Preliminary Issue Report for public comment on 31 August 2015 – 14 comments submitted Final Issue Report incorporated input received and submitted to GNSO Council on 4 December 2015 GNSO Council initiated PDP on 17 December 2015 GNSO Council adopted charter on 21 January 2016 Call for volunteers published on 27 January 2016 ~80 WG members and ~30 Mail List Observers First WG Meeting held on 22 February Charter adoption delayed as concerns raised about potential overlap between New gTLD Sub Proc and RPMs. Second-level RPMs related policy recommendations beyond remit of New gTLD group, although potential for group to consider RPMs related topics if RPMs PDP does not intend to discuss. Set of nearly 40 subjects identified by DG and detailed in Final Issue Report/captured in Charter (e.g., fundamentally whether new gTLDs are needed, how it should be configured – rounds, how global public interest is incorporated, exclusive use of generics, base registry agreement, etc.) Subjects serve as basis of work for PDP WG

21 Next Steps 1 4 2 5 3 Confirm WG Leadership Keep Eyes and Ears Open
Jeff Neuman, Avri Doria and Stephen Coates have been selected as co-chars. 1 4 Keep Eyes and Ears Open There are other review efforts underway or already completed that should be considered by WG 2 Develop Work Plan The WG needs to develop work plan to identify necessary steps, timeline, and milestones. 5 Seek Input As the WG makes progress, it should solicit statements from SG/Cs and as appropriate SO/ACs 3 Decide on Schedule The WG will need to agree to a schedule for its ongoing meetings.

22 More Information Final Issue Report - WG Wiki - WG face to face at ICANN55 – Thursday 10 March, 9:00-10:30 local time -

23 PDP to Review all RPMs in all gTLDs
Status Update

24 Where are we now and how did we get here?
Feb 2011: GNSO Council requests Issue Report on current state of UDRP Nov 2011: Staff recommends waiting till 18 months after New gTLD Prog launch Dec 2011: GNSO Council requests Issue Report on all RPMs for 18 months after New gTLD Program launch 9 October 2015: Preliminary Issue Report on review of all RPMs in all gTLDs published 15 January 2016: Final Issue Report submitted to GNSO Council 18 February 2016: GNSO Council meeting on initiating PDP; discussion of scope of WG Charter

25 What are the RPMs to be Reviewed in this PDP?
Post-Delegation Dispute Resolution Procedures (PDDRPs) Sunrise Period and Trademark Claims Service Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS) The URS was designed as a complement to the UDRP, to provide trademark owners with a quick and low-cost process to suspend domain names based on the same substantive grounds as the UDRP. It applies only to domain names registered in the New gTLDs. The PDDRPs provide alternative avenues for a trademark holder who is harmed by a new gTLD registry operator’s conduct to obtain redress. Sunrise services provide trademark holders with an advance opportunity to register domain names corresponding to their marks before names are generally available to the public. The Trademark Claims period follows the Sunrise period and runs for at least the first 90 days in which domain names are generally made available to all registrants that are qualified to register domain names within the TLD. Trademark Clearing House (TMCH) Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) The UDRP was created in 1999 and provides a uniform, standardized, alternative dispute resolution procedure to resolve disputes concerning who is the rightful holder of a registered domain name. It is applicable to all domains registered in all generic top-level domains (gTLDs). The Trademark Clearinghouse is a global database of verified trademark information to support rights protection processes. Benefits of inclusion include access to Sunrise Period and Trademark Claims Service. Icons or text are editable, change/add to your preference.

26 Features of the recommended Two-Phased PDP
PHASE ONE Initiation Appoint Community Liaison between RPM PDP and New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP First Phase Review New gTLD Program RPMs (UDRP is not included) Coordinate with Subsequent Procedures PDP to minimize overlap and duplication, monitor CCT Review work Conclude Phase One Prepare First Initial Report – may include preliminary recommendations and notes for Phase Two Open public comment forum Inform GNSO Council PHASE TWO Review UDRP; develop new recommendations to enable consistent framework Update preliminary recommendations Continue coordination efforts Initial Report Prepare Second Initial Report containing recommendations for both phases Publish for and review public comments COMPLETION Create Final Report taking into account public comments and findings/results of other parallel efforts Submit Report to GNSO for approval Look for different ways to display your data or text by using alternatives to simple bullets. To adjust the number in the arrow to text or another number, click on the text box around the number, revise. To add an arrow, click on the arrow, ensure the arrow is highlighted, COPY and PASTE and move to the desired placement, or DELETE if there are too many arrows.

27 Next Steps ICANN 55: Council expected to vote on Charter for PDP Working Group Immediately following ICANN55: Call for Volunteers to Join PDP WG End-March/early April: First meeting of PDP Working Group Info: Final Issue Report Public Comment and Preliminary Issue Report:

28 IGO-INGO Curative Rights Protections Policy Development Process
ICANN-55 l March 2016

29 Status Update & Current Issues
External legal advice on state of international law relating to IGO jurisdictional immunity Draft memo sent to co-chairs and staff in end- January; feedback provided to expert for final draft (expected end-March 2016) Synopsis circulated to Working Group members for review and discussion (including in Marrakech) Alignment with work of GAC-IGO “small group” Expecting final proposal after ICANN55 WG will consider expert advice and review final proposal in coming to conclusions regarding IGO immunity

30 Legal expert summary analysis
Preliminary notes indicate that immunity is a multi- faceted issue Different types of immunity – absolute, functional, limited May depend on various factors – nature of IGO, jurisdiction in question, type of waiver etc. Key issue for IGOs - whether requesting an IGO waiver as part of UDRP/URS initiation unduly violates an IGO’s right to immunity, particularly given the need to balance a domain registrant’s legal rights and legitimate interests

31 Next Steps Timeline Next Steps:
Aim to conclude internal WG discussions by ICANN56 WG will finalize recommendations on whether Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy and/or Uniform Rapid Suspension process should be amended; or whether a new specific and narrow mechanism should be developed Next Steps: Preliminary recommendations (Initial Report) to be published for public comment upon conclusion of initial WG discussions (2nd or 3rd quarter of 2016?)

32 Background on the IGO-INGO PDP
Working Group chartered in June 2014: jun14-en.pdf Main task - “evaluate: (i) whether the UDRP and/or URS should be amended (to enable their access and use by IGOs and INGOs whose identifiers had been recommended for protection by the IGO-INGO PDP WG) and if so, in what way; or (ii) whether a separate narrowly- tailored procedure modeled on these curative rights protection measures to apply only to protected IGO and INGO identifiers should be developed." Working Group wiki space:

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