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Curriculum Frameworks

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1 Curriculum Frameworks
The MISSION of the California Cadet Corps (CACC) is to provide California schools and students with a quality educational and leadership development program that prepares students for success in college and the work force. CURRICULUM Educate PROMOTION BOOKS Advance EXPERIENCE Lead CACC Objectives Curriculum Frameworks DOE Content Standards CCSS (Common Core) Flexibility Grade-Appropriate For Commandants Standardize Rank-Appropriate For Cadets Positions Events

2 Curriculum Layout Military Citizenship Leadership Wellness
M1 CACC Regulations M2 Cadet Uniform M3 Drill and Ceremony M4 1st Aid / CPR M5 CACC Basics M6 Map Reading / Navigation M7 Marksmanship M8 Military Courtesy M9 Military History M10 Survival Citizenship C1 Ca Govt and History C2 Citizenship C3 College and Careers C4 Diversity C5 Emergency Preparedness C6 The Flag C7 Study Skills C8 Us Govt and History Leadership L1 Character Development L2 Communications L3 Leadership Roles L4 Leadership Skills and Theories L5 Planning L6 Profiles Wellness W1 Cadet Wellness W2 Finances W3 Physical Fitness W4 Nutrition W5 Sports Core Instruction Groups Strands (Distinct Subjects)

3 Strand Example Level 7-Survival Level 9-Survival Level 11-Survival
Surv 701: Task: BPT Survive Surv 702: Planning Case Study #1 Surv 703: Planning Case Study #2 Surv 704: Pattern for Survival Surv 705: Pattern Case Study #1 Surv 706: Pattern Case Study #2 Surv 707: Purpose: Survival Psych Surv 708: Purpose Case Study #1 Surv 709: Purpose Case Study #2 Surv 710: Basic Wilderness Medicine Surv 711: Wilderness Med. Practicum Surv 712: Hygiene Surv 713: Rest Surv 714: Plant Foods Surv 715: Shelters: Tent, Poncho Surv : Practicum: Field Training Level 9-Survival Surv 901: Task: BPT Survive Surv 902: Planning Case Study #3 Surv 903: Planning Case Study #4 Surv 904: Survival Equipment Surv 905: 1 Rule of Survival Surv 906: What Survivors Do Surv 907: Survival Psychology Surv 908: Field First Aid Surv 909: Hygiene and Sanitation Surv 910: Disease/Water Pathogens Surv 911: Food Deprivation Surv 912: Dangerous animals Surv 913: Beginning Fire craft Surv 914: Shelters: Lean-to, Tepee Surv 915: Hydration Requirements Surv 916: Locating and Collecting Surv 917: Purifying H20 Surv : Practicum: Survival Course Level 11-Survival Surv 1101: Task: BPT Survive Surv 1102: Planning Case Study #5 Surv 1103: Planning Case Study #6 Surv 1104: SURVIVAL Actions Surv 1105: Food Requirements Surv 1106: Edible Plants Surv 1107: Hunting Surv 1108: Preparing and cooking Surv 1109: Getting Rescued Surv 1110: Stay or Move Surv 1111: Signaling Surv 1112: Radioing Surv 1113: Direction Finding Surv 1114: Navigation Surv : Practicum Survival Bivouac Strand divided into 3 grade-appropriate levels Core Courses are in Red Units (Small Groups of Classes) Classes Levels can be taught beginning to end, or individually Here’s the “So What?”

4 Sample Semester Plan Grade 6 Semester 1 Grade 6 Semester 2
D&C Units 1-4 School Perf Units 1-2 Self Mastery Units 1-2 Physical Fitness Units 1-2 Hygiene Units 1-2 Community Serv Units 1-2 Followership Units 1-3 Grade 6 Semester 2 D&C Units 5-9 CACC History Unit 1 Patriotism Units 1-3 Self Mastery Units 1-2 Physical Fitness Units 3-4 Community Serv Units 3-4 Vocational Units 1-2 Grade 7 Semester 1 Survival Unit 1 Armed Forces Units 1-4 D&C Unit 10 Environmental Units 1, 2-3 Resilience Unit 1 Substance Abuse Unit 1 Applied Leadership Units 1-3 Semester Plan is made up of a minimum number of core units (red) plus some electives (black). These examples are not accurate nor do they represent the number of units needed per semester.

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